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Brickable LEGO

Eurobricks New Members
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  1. Hey all This playlist includes some Mechanical Engineering Principles Demonstrated Using LEGO Technic Bricks (Educational Videos).. hope you find it helpful. Mechanical Principles: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBSaoOQ0M3_cl2LOqthQQNLlVT7cBLQRZ
  2. New videos are available now: 1. LEGO Technic Custom Planetary Hub with Building Instructions https://youtu.be/GqrS6Wzqbfs 2. Belts And Pulleys Installation Types: LEGO Technic Tutorial https://youtu.be/mwtHLaSWTzE Thank you so much, i will consider posting on your thread very soon ??
  3. This is a masterpiece :D .. Great work and design. shame that I didn't discover your channel earlier, amazing content which deserve a lot more attention and views :D I subscribed
  4. Thank you so much :D Thank you, hope you liked the content of the channel :) Great Creation, Thank you for sharing . i will try to build it and make a video footage of it in action :)
  5. Brickable LEGO changed their profile photo
  6. Hey all LEGO Technic Builders, First of all I'm an old guest member on this forum but today i decided to join this amazing Forum <3 I decided to male this topic which will be an index for all my LEGO Technic Tutorials i made on YouTube and it will be updated regularly when I publish any new content: Hope this topic will be useful to you and positive feedback are very welcomed. I know there are super professional builders here which i actually learn from them the art of LEGO Technic , their opinions will be so much appreciated :D Thank you :) 1- Adjustable Stiffness LEGO Technic Suspension (Shock Absorber/ Spring): 2- LEGO Technic Custom Pullback Motor Without Rubber Bands: 3- LEGO Technic Return to Center Mechanism using M-Motor and Shock Absorbers (No Rubber Bands!) 4- LEGO Technic M-Motor Steering Mechanism - Without Servo Motor: 5- LEGO Technic Working Exhaust System (First Prototype Test): 6- Improved Version: How to make a Custom LEGO Technic Shock Absorber (Spring): 7- High Precision Air Flow Control LEGO Technic Manual Pneumatic Valve: 8- The Simplest LEGO Technic RC Chassis Ever (Build under 15 minutes) 9- LEGO Technic Safari/Off-Roader Winch (Modular & Motorized): 10- The Magic of Hobson's Joint (Coupling) Done in LEGO Technic (SLOW MOTION): 11- LEGO Technic Steering Mechanism With Drive (Using Universal Joints!): 12- LEGO Technic Steering Mechanism Without Steering Rack: 13- LEGO Technic Pneumatic Braking System: 14- LEGO Technic Dog Gear Coupling Mechanism: 15- LEGO Technic High Precision Pneumatic Switch: 16- LEGO Technic One Direction Axle Rotation Mechanism: 17- LEGO Technic Simple Axle Lock: 18- LEGO Technic Custom Pullback Motor Version 2.0: 19- LEGO Technic Compact Arduino UNO Case Idea: 20- The Most Compact LEGO Technic Steering Mechanism (Tight Wheel Wells): 21- How to Build a LEGO Technic Custom Turntable with 3 Driving Options: 22- How to Build a LEGO Technic Mini Steering System (For Narrow Vehicles with Drive): 23- How to Build a LEGO Technic Realistic Car Clutch: 24- How to Build SCHMIDT Coupling in LEGO Technic: 25- Testing Schmidt Coupling in LEGO Technic : More Tutorials will be added soon, THANK YOU ALL :)
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