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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Dave42

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    Technic & modell Team / Scale Modeling
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    no set, just mocing

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    LEGO, Lego and ... LEGO


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  1. Hi there, well at last the OVB is done... I´d allways like Jaap´s Buildings so i bought the BI asop and after a short look i rebuild it with stud.io, cause i´d like to use different colours. What´s to say about it ? well, no surprise, the steering system is almost the same as the MCO 121 - why useing ohter, it´s perfect ;) I can´t wait to build it in real, but befor i have to collect "a few" parts :D A question to Jaap, does it work with 2 servo´s ? maybe you have tested it
  2. HI @oracid, and others ;) I´d just got one Seervo & 2 Motors from Greek, but i´m complete new to "normal" RC-stuff. Do you kown about a HP from Greek ? I´ve search the net, but i only find Sellers. I´ve seen a Truck driving with the Greek stuff, and it runs about a 100 times better than sbrick or buwizz.
  3. So, at last i see a few Trucks in my size, so i'd like to Show one of mine - but it may belong more to the "Scale" section of EB. It has doors & hood to open, and you can remove the roof of the sleeper to change the accu. It's fun to drive it, only bad thing is that a full circle needs Place like a battleship ;) It's a full RC Kenworth W900, with some technic-parts in it. BI is at rebrickable and custombricks.
  4. @Tomik that is the simple way to a BI, you can do so also with LDD ( making Screenshots ) By now i've made 4 BI's with stud.io but i do it a little "better" first i make some submodells, then i create step's and at last editing the pages. Only thing to miss is the kable from Motors.
  5. If you still want to have a BI write me, i can make you one with stud.io
  6. @Wolf_Zipp nice to see that i'm not the only one who prefers doing, not talking
  7. ... so the minimum GOOD is that Jeron know's that he has "friends" ( or how you like to call it ) on his side - thats not bad, but not enough. I write twice to vonado & twice on FB and 3 times the webside was down for a while .... Does anyone else do so ? When we all stand together and spend a few minutes, we can show vonado our force/power , or not ?
  8. Hi guys, I'd read this topic but in cause of the language i have some probs to understand .... Is there a german guy who can help me to put the custom parts in my stud.io, or can someone of you give me tipps how to do it, in easy works ? And, if someone knows ; how to bend flexible parts in the way I want - if try to do, they acting like a snake. Thanks for help, Dave42
  9. The Website is down again ... That tell us ; bomb this page with Comments in their post-office as soon as they come back again ( i've done this )
  10. ...well if i write what i feel now, i'll be kicked out in lightspeed ..... @Jeron Ottens maybe it could help to ask Liebherr what they think about abuse their name- they have A LOT more money &lawer power than anyone of us. Or go to TLC, cause they write ...." bricks like LEGO" ... thats also makeing money with another companys name but this can also hit you, and that i DON'T want
  11. Hi all together, after a few years of only reading i take this post to sign in. I'm the buddy from efferman that has pissed on the leg of vonado.com ( we say so in german ? ) I don't know how long this brand is stopped, but by now i hope they know that they can't do anything they wanted. It was just a little letter to facebook and their commercial was offline about an hour later, so it seems that everyboby of us AFOL's is able to do something against the thieves, if we only have our eyes open and spend a few minutes. I'd like to get BI's from other MOCcers, but if i had to spend money for it, i will make sure that i goes to the right one,not to thives. At last, sorry for my bad english, the lessons are MANY years away.
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