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  1. ToHate59 changed their profile photo
  2. Hi. Yeah had issue uploading images. Not sur why it wont let me upload bigger images (or in fact any now) anyway I've got them on my facebook maker page @FoiledAgain
  3. Hi guys, this is my firsty post to the forum, having been inspired by the great work done. hope some of you dont mind me converting some of your ideas into my project. Anyway I was really impressed with exterior of the USC Falcon, but hated the interior. so this is my take on doing right(ish). closer to the actual plans I started off just wantiong to put four seats in the cockpit and two in the quad laser turret, but got carried away. I've completly redone the interior and the floor structure top make it strong enough. Its on a stand but very stable. I've now managed to have full corridors throughout the ship with access to all areas. the main area has been enlarged and moved acordingly. there is a ramp to teh cockpit, which now has four seats. I've redesigned the engineering section and the sleeping quarters, which now includes three beds. not as angualr as needed but aceptable. the kiss room is in the right place. I've also altered most of the exterior panels to make them removeable as is the top of the beds. I know the corridors should be rounder, but lacked skills and peices to fully replicate this, but still think i did a better job than the stickers provided with the original model. I might alter the actual engines, as many of you have, but not sure on the best approach and lack parts to experiment. Would appreciate feedback, advice and constructive crisism
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