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Everything posted by Wouwie

  1. Wouwie: ''Holy hell! What the hell was that?!'' Clone: ''I think it came from the RGS crash site! They're using the engines as some kind of missile!'' Wouwie: ''Smart clones! Wait..What's that? Are those droids moving?'' Clone: ''Now I get it! They're using the missiles as decoys!'' Wouwie: ''Let's snipe those clankers! Oky, do you copy?'' Oky: ''Yes! Tell me you've got something!'' Wouwie: ''Those missiles you just saw, that were RGS engines! They're using it to get the droid army out! Now they're coming towards us!'' Oky: ''Copy that! We'll be prepared for them!''
  2. Wouwie replied to snefroe's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Okay.. I guess you used a translator? Since the Dutch names sometimes doesn't makes sense
  3. Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm late....
  4. Wouwie replied to CopMike's post in a topic in Community
    Happy Birthday! I hope it's a good one!
  5. Nice! I like the 'nade trooper the most! And, as Skipper suggested, maybe use the smaller piece to make the exhaust. Good job!
  6. Welcome guys! I hope you enjoy it in the Shipyard!
  7. Caribbean Clipper. No discussion possible. Blue-coats; what else do you want?!
  8. Wouwie replied to snefroe's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    Nope, those are the names I found on Brickset, but if you want I can translate them
  9. Wouwie replied to snefroe's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    I've found some Number - Dutch name - Dutch translation - Brickset Name 6232 - Griezel Grot - Shuddering Cave -Skeleton Crew 6236 - Troon der Schateilanders - Throne of the Treasureislanders - King Kahuka 6237 - De schatbewaarders - The Treasure keepers - Pirates Plunder 6246 - Schateilanders gevangensis - Treasureislanders' Jail - Crocodile Cage 6252 - Piraten en Soldaten - Pirates and Soldiers - Sea Mates 6254 - Goudzoekers-eiland - Gold diggers' Island - Rocky Reef 6256 - Schateilanders zee-catamaran - Treasureislanders Sea-Catamaran - Islander Catamaran 6258 - Schuilhut - Lodge - Smuggler's Shanty 6262 - Magische Grot der Schateilanders - Magical Cave of the Treasureislanders - King Kahuka's Throne 6263 - Soldaten Bastion - Soldiers' Bastion - Imperial Outpost 6264 - Grote geheime rotsplaats der Schateilanders - Big secret rock of the Treasureislanders - Forbidden Cove 6268 - Piratenschip De Zeester - Pirateship the ''Zeester'' - Renegade Runner 6278 - Schateilanders' Baai - Treasureislanders' Bay - Enchanted Island 6279 - Zeeroversbolwerk - Corsairs Manage - Skull Island 6280 - Galjoen Santa Cruz - Galleon ''Santa Cruz'' - Armada Flagship 6286 - Piratenschip Zwarte Haai - Pirateship Black Shark - Skull's Eye Schooner 6289 - Piraten gevechtschip - Pirates' Battleship - Red Beard Runner
  10. Wouwie: ''Guys..Here they come!'' As soon as the droids spotted the group, they opened fire. Wouwie: ''Does anyone has some grenades?!'' Clone: ''Sir, I've got some left!'' Wouwie: ''Give the clankers some presents and send them our best regards!'' Clone: ''Copy that, sir!'' Oky: ''Clone! WAIT!'' Clone: ''Why?!'' Oky: ''Do you want to make an forest fire here too?!'' Clone: ''Nope.'' Oky: ''Use EMP 'nades only! Does anyone has EMP 'nades?'' Then it went silent..No-one had EMP 'nades. Wouwie: ''Danm! Wait! I've got an sniper rifle! I'll go a bit higher and snipe those clankers! You three! You come with me! Good luck Oky! You may take over the command over the clones''
  11. Wouwie replied to Mister Phes's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    No. Just kidding Congratulations to all the members who help keeping CP online!
  12. Wouwie replied to Mister Phes's post in a topic in LEGO Pirates
    You are. And bad Zorro! You shouldn't bump 2 year old topics! No chickens for you tonight!
  13. There are worse things in live..Like being burned alive
  14. Wouwie got his binocular out of his pocket and looked at the gun. Wouwie: ''They know we're here. They're sending out troops to this mountain.'' Oky: ''Well, then why won't we give them a warm welcome?!'' Clone Pilot: ''Commander Wouwie! Do you copy?!'' Wouwie: ''I hear you! What's up?'' Clone Pilot: ''I'm the pilot of Gold 2, we're shot down but the troops are still alive! Do you need some backup to take out that gun?'' Wouwie: ''Any help is welcome!''
  15. Great contest! I think I'll enter this one!
  16. Wouwie: ''Wait! Do you really think they will see the difference between a flare and a forest fire?!'' Oky: ''Now you mention it...No...'' Clone Pilot: ''This is Gold Leader, Commander Wouwie, do you hear me?'' Wouwie: ''I hear you loud and clear!'' Clone Pilot: ''We're entering the planet's atmosphere now! Holy crap! Are you guys in that large fire?!'' Wouwie: ''Yes, that's the reason you need to save our behinds!'' Clone Pilot: ''Do you see us?'' Wouwie: ''Not yet. Just make sure you get here ASAP!'' Clone Pilot: ''You make sure that we see you! Wait...Dou you see that hill?'' Wouwie: ''Yes! We meet you on the top, or else we launch a flare if the fire isn't close to us!'' Clone Pilot: ''Copy that. Gold Leader out.'' Not my MOC, found on Google, just like the pic of the fire. I only edited it.
  17. Wouwie: ''We need to get out of here!'' Jim: ''Wouwie! Can you call for an immediate evac?!'' Wouwie: ''I'll call the 1st Gunship Div., they should be close to us! Wouwie to 1st ShipDiv, Wouwie to 1st ShipDiv, do you copy?!'' Clone: ''Commander Wouwie, we hear you. What's your request?'' Wouwie: ''We need an immediate evac at Trexxon! And with immediate, I really mean immediate! Get your ships here ASAP! And don't be afraid for the barbecue we're holding here, we had some spare droids we're cooking!'' Clone: ''We're coming to save your behind! Over and out.'' Wouwie: ''Jim! Gunships are coming!''
  18. Well, those groups are for the people that help run Classic-Pirates by making frontpage posts, editing graphics and things like that. To my knowledge, Star Wars doesn't have a website like C-P, so I think it's not really usefull.
  19. Thanks all! It's a drity job but someone got to do it!
  20. Wouwie replied to DJ Force's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Yay for old style cars! I love it! Man...You're on a roll! eep it up! You can extend it with tiles and cheese slopes
  21. Wouwie: Sparky! You said something about darkness?! Sparky: Yeah, that dragon likes darkness! Wouwie: CLONES! Put on your lights and shine on the thing! I'll fire an 'nade in it's mounth! Clone: Yes sir! Wouwie: Jim! Should I call for backup?!?! Jim: Yeah! Call some fighters to kill that dragon and maybe some gunships! Wouwie: I'll call them! But first'I'll give that thingy his meal!
  22. Wouwie replied to DJ Force's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    You're truly a LDD Master! I love the new versions! Would you mind making instructions?
  23. My vote goes to the 18th century Statenjacht! I love that ship! I want it
  24. Wouwie and Rex came running into the cockpit. Wouwie: ''Everybody ok- What the hell happened here?!'' Jim: ''JD crashed into the door!'' Rex: ''I'll get a medic here!'' And Rex running to the med bay. Wouwie: ''And who the hell was flying this thing?! I'll make sure he gets an fast course ''Flying an damaged ship''!'' Oky: ''Erm...It was Jim and me at controls, JD commanding us!'' Wouwie: ''Hmmm...I'll make contact with the Jedi Council. I'll send some clones and droids to scout the area for enemy activity.'' Jim: ''Do that Wouwie, we'll keep an eye on JD.'' Computer voice: *Beep beep beep* ''Incoming message form the med bay'' Rex: ''No-one is here! All the droids are in pieces! Oky, do you think you can repair one?'' Oky: ''Erm...What class droids are that?'' Rex: ''The body said ''XD-569A''.'' Oky: ''Hmm..That will be a tough one...I'll do my best!'' Wouwie: ''Jim, Oky? Should I get some back-up?''
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