Everything posted by Wouwie
The Baritones 2 Introduction & Discussion Thread
PM recieved! Thanks Hinck! But I want you to play to so I can get revenge on you for the Western Maffia Nah, just kidding
The battle of the images
So nothing happens so I can shoot the plane down with my Patriot Anti-Air Missile System
What did you buy today?
Today my dad came home with 2 little Exo Force sets which you can get with Duracell battery's And: Now my day is complete
The battle of the images
Then I come and crushes you and your tank with the Javelin Anti Tank System!
The battle of the images
Ding dong! Texas Chainsaw Masacre is here to p00n your old skool axe
The battle of the images
The Russian Tsar Bomb owns the ordinary nuke
A physics question...
The awnser: It can take off. They've made a long piece of fabric, which is pulled by an SUV. The plane is on the fabric with the same speed as the car pulls the fabric under the plane. It takes off. Question awnserd, case solved;
A physics question...
I have no idea...But in 30 minutes I know the awnser! Mythbusters - Airplane on an conveyerbeld is on the TV now
Enough: Part 14/Finale...?
More parts! Just for the chopper Nah, just kidding. I just love these series! Hey! Don't abuse chickens! They're powerless animals!
2009 requests
Make that three!
Sniper scope template
Looks great! Maybe you could use the colour replacer to get rid of the white dots, but you don't see them in your avatar
Sniper scope template
Mirror 1 Mirror 2 Mirror 3 Hope these links work..
Sniper scope template
You could use to remove the gray background of those crosshairs and enlarge the image and paste them into an new layer. I've just tried it and it worked How many pictures need that template btw? Maybe if you don't succeed with it, maybe I can give it a try
Enough: Part 14/Finale...?
Great, as always Any chance of more shots of the chopper? I really like to see it
SWCG: End of season one
We could use the Homeland as base..
What did you buy today?
I was out on the search for the Volkswagen Beetle..But it was sold out..So I bought the 8275 Motorized Bulldozer.. For €112
SWCG: End of season one
Well, I got a mini ship lying somewhere... That would work for me
Flak 88 WIP
Nice! I don't want to be an allied soldier getting an barrage from that gun..
Time to Kill
Wow! I didn't know it was that big! I thought it was just one floor orso...Now I like it even more! Keep it up!
SWCG: End of season one
It's okay to me.
The Many Adventures of the Whacker and the Walrus #7
Haha! I like it! Good job Hinckley! Or the monkey killed the troll!
Time to Kill
Nice rendition of one of the most irritating missions in CoD4! One thing, I would remove the trans-red cheese slopes on the claymore. Real claymores don't have those red laser beams like CoD4 But it's still your decisison.
Baritones 2 Sign up
Could you please sign me up to?
SWCG: End of season one
Wouwie was an clone from the 1st batch after the war begun. His mate from Kamino was Rex. After they were sent to different systems, they didn't see eachother a lot. But when Wouwie was assigned to be the commander of the 501st's Easy Company he heard that Rex was assigned to Delta Company, also from the 501st. They became better friends and saved eachother many times. Now, their biggest challenge begins... Good?
Happy Birthday to...
Happy birthday! I hope you guys have fun! And, SlyOwl, congrats on your promotion as well!
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