Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hey, Just to let you know that v2.24 is online. Link to ABS v2.24 Lots of changes and tidying up of rules and cards. Good gaming! Mitsman
Shield Collection by Year
Hahah, you are crazy! I did not know that many shields existed! On another note, you may want to think about printing transparent stickers with a basic inkjet printer and sticking them on black tiles. If you want to use pure Lego on the cheap I have no idea. I have been trying to use similar tiles and they are expensive to get a lot...
[MOC] Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (ABS)
@GroverHey, thanks for the vote of confidence! No, I do not plan to submit at LEGO ideas. I have been doing this for fun for the last 5 years!
[MOC] Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (ABS)
Hi guys, I decided to make a single thread for all of my projects regarding ABS to avoid multiples and clattering up of the forum. So all of my posts regarding projects for Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery will be posted here. Not rules updates though, these will remain in the media and gaming section as they are not MOCs but a gaming system... (link). Now that everything is clear I hope people like my gaming approach to MOCs. So I had comments from people telling me that the basic dungeons would look better with walls around the rooms instead of gaps. I tried it out and here are the results! So that's it for now... Mitsman
(MOC) Evil Rising
"So you are brave my young ones, aren't you? Have you heard of the times that the Lord of Evil himself rose from the seven Hells upon his black monolith, blacker than darkness, and spread terror to the lands? So many brave souls were lost at those times... So many friends and soulmates! Heroes are not made like they used to, stern and strong, full of courage and honour! Where it for Mephistopheles to rise again, would you pick up the arms and magic to face him? Would you sacrifice your soul even to fight on the side good! Would you my little ones?" So this is a dungeon for the mini campaign "Evil Rising", in Heroica scale for my f2p dungeon crawler game (more info in here). Not much like the other mocs around here but it is all mine... Hope you like the theme! Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hello everyone. After quite a long break and on/off work on ABS on my admittedly little free time, I present you with ABS version 2.23. There is a lot of changes that have happened since last time which I will list below for anyone interested. V2.23 changes: A lot of cards were consolidated into the rulebook for people that do not like to have as many cards and prefer to print quickly and play. Now only the most needed cards like Treasure, Monster abilities, Traps and Encounters are used. I estimate a 50% reduction in need-to-print cards. For people that like cards though, I have kept them in the cards file. Encounter placement has been codified for easy reference and text reduction There is now a Campaign mode and a Single quest mode as well as a start with advanced heroes mode. There have been various changes/corrections/rebalancing everywhere There are some new items, monsters and encounter deck cards Probable more things that I have forgotten about but needed a change... I hope people like ABS and give it a try. Good gaming...! Link to ABS v2.23 Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hi guys, Version 2.21 is done! Rules Cards Changes: A new theme "Dark Forest" for RDG or premade maps is included. A lot of changes, clean ups and rebalancing all around. Some equipment costs have changed. Some XP costs of hero skills and abilities have changed. Added a summary sheet with most important rules and tables for easy reference. Some new hero skills have been added. The starting adventure has been redesigned and now is correct. If any one is interested and has played around with the game, I would like to add an FAQ section in the next version. I would love to answer any questions you might have. Mitsman EDIT: Corrected the links
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Ladies and gentlemen version 2.20 is here! Changes: Minor changes to rules, some balancing changes and a few more items added. Some artwork changes as well. Overall a move to make ABS better... Any comments would be really appreciated. Thanks! Mitsman PS. I am also preparing a map named "Wizard's Tower". A modular tower where you have to explore each floor while climbing to the top where the magical portal is situated. Due to my limited Lego collection I will try to build it both IRL and electronically and post over here. EDIT: New link for download. They should not expire now, I hope...
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Yeah as randommess said they are a standard piece that you can find easily. I thought that skeleton archers are more like light infantry and the warriors would carry hand axes and shields and be a bit more heavily armoured than the archers. Wait to see what the Grave Guard look like...! Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (ABS)
Hey guys, Past few weeks I have been working on small pieces of encounters to show off Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.), a boardgame I have made in the last few years. If you wish to know more please visit ABS link. "WELCOME" "ENCOUNTER" "BEYOND THE PORTAL" Hope you like them! Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hey guys, Past few weeks I have been working on small pieces of encounters to show off ABS. Unfortunately only in electronic form as I need the bricks for more maps of Bricklandia. So here's some: "WELCOME" "ENCOUNTER" "BEYOND THE PORTAL" Hope you like them! Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hey ladies and gents, Another update. For anyone that did not have the time to download, here is a new link. Of course this is not all. I just completed a new map . Any comments? Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hey guys, Now that a lot of you have had the chance to go through the rules and maybe also had a go at playing the game, I would like to ask you this. Do you feel ABS is good enough? Would you change any of the mechanics? Do you enjoy some mechanics more than others? Please disregard the balancing for now as there is a long way yet before it is fully balanced and ready for final release. I would really appreciate answers as then I would really know where the game stands with you all. Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hey randomess, Here is a new link Mitsman
Adventures of Bricks & Sorcery (A.B.S.) - A co-op dungeon crawler
Hey mvLego, Thanks for the comments! Did you get a chance to download the rules and cards? The file host I use has only a limit amount of time if people stop downloading. In any case I will try to upload everything again in a week as I am away from home currently with very limited access to the net. Mitsman
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