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  1. Thanks efferman Received my shapeways order thank you the designs work well after cleaning parts and assemble looking forward to integrating with J.O’s moc thanks dean
  2. I have order some Xl actuators and gearrack actuator do you have a list of Lego parts that will complete the actuators many thanks dean
  3. Perfect thank you your work is excellent any chance you could design the housing that holds hook and the pulleys ? Kind regards dean
  4. Hi efferman I’ve seen on your shapeways page you’ve designed some crane hooks could you design one for j Ottens moc? Plastics would work for the build best regards dean
  5. Thank you I’ll placing a order tonight from shapeways best regards dean
  6. Hi efferman sorry I should have read the thread from the start as I did find your 17 turntable would you recommend to use 4 wheel holders for the weight 4+ kg of this structure and boom? have you had any experience in making a crane boom extend and the system that you would use as this MOC is using a string/winch purchase system to extend the boom as the normal Lego system would make the boom too heavy as now the 4 section boom is about 2.5 meters fully extended have you had any ideas about a system that would be different and better than perverse systems. many thanks dean
  7. Hi efferman 2kgs with one actuator is good news The turntable is 17 across in diameter and weight of superstructure and boom I think is about 4kgs I read somewhere best regards dean
  8. Hi Efferman your work is awesome. I am currently building J Ottens LTM11200 Have you had any experience with anybody asking about your turntable that might solve the problem of not it turning 360 with out help.Has any one used your large turntable for this MOC i would like to use 2 of your large actuators for the rise boom function what are the max load the actuator can take many thanks dean
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