- [MOC] Home of the Baba Yaga
- [MOC] Home of the Baba Yaga
Realistic.... unrealistic....
That's an interesting post! Thank you for sharing, these are very fascinating facts, thank you! I didn't know anything about pirate history but you make me wanting to know more. I will still be interested by the "hollywood" vision about it, but knowing a bit of history surely will make me understand better the line between reality and fantasy. The blackbeard story cracked me up, is awesome! Question for you, knowing everything you know about pirates, how do you approach all the movies/stories and even LEGO sets? Do you still love them?
The APhOL started following [PHOTO-REVIEW] 41381 Friends Rescue mission boat
[PHOTO-REVIEW] 41381 Friends Rescue mission boat
Hello everyone! If you need that "extra push" in your decision to buy the LEGO Friends boat set, take a look at the photo review i've made, just for fun! A photo-review is a kind of review that focus only on the toy photography aspect of a set, unleashing some creativity even for future MOCs! Let me know your thoughts!
[MOC] Rotting Leviathan
This is great, so original!! The details in the crab are amazing
Saber Island using modern parts.
Great look for this revisited set, i've played so much with the old one (and still have it!). The only thing that does not convince me are the minifigs with flesh color. They look "out of place" to me. Why did you choose that color?
HMS Horshwaddle
Wow, this is a great improvement! And i really love that dog
Hello community!
Thank you guys for the warm welcome!
[Moc] The castle with the flowered path
I really like che colour choice for the foliage, i think it pose a very nice contrast with the build
[MOC] Gloomy house. Alternate build LEGO 75810 Stranger things
Honestly i can see myself buying the set just for this alternate build, which is very good!
White backrounds for photos.
Try to point a light at the background and a light on the subject. The one on the BG should be stronger than the one on the subject. Not too strong, otherwise you will have some kind of "glowing" effect around the subject. Then expose for the subject and watch out for darker shades on the corners, meaning that you have to position the BG light in a different way.
Hello community!
Thank you! A question for you all: if i want to publish one of mi pics, sometimes, where i can do it? In a specific themed subforum related to the pic?
[MOC] Snow-Rigged Merchant Brig "Boreas's Haul"
Headlight bricks! Thank you so much, i was trying to figure out how to build a semi-realistic hatch for a picture that i have in mind and i didn't thought about that!! Another question...most common color for a merchant ship, for a ship in general or for a MOC?
Hello community!
Thank you! I will
Hello community!
Thanks for the welcome guys! Well, honestly i'm trying to understand how to create a signature, but probably is a feature i can use after my 10th post. Anyway, to satisfy your curiosity i can provide you different social platform! How cool is that?! Any feedback is welcome because it can helps me grow!
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