Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Looks great. I know it's not huge or anything, but its a nice addition to fill out the North Pole. Someone mentioned having the fireplace on the outside. A: I used my Winter Village sets as displays, like a traditional department store collection, so having elements on the outside facing the POV I set up is great. B: But that said, I was curious about outside fireplaces, so I googled it. It is 100 percent a thing. I like the height of the balloon, which is also nice to have for a layout. I think it will look very nice with the other Santa Centric sets.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
How does Mr. Roeper know! Did Jack tell him?
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I love it! It looks whimsical and fun, like Santa's Elves, and it has an Elf, always wanting to build my elf army.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I grew up in Arizona, our church would be lined with them the week of Christmas, and then at the Christmas Eve service you could take one home with you to have Christmas morning.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Well, it has been 4 years since the Elf Clubhouse, so a new Santa-centric set is not not out of the question. And, that would pair well with the Santa's Delivery Truck.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I don't find the buildings being more facade-ish an issue.. There are two options, each building has a full back and it opens up, or the back is open. If the back is open, then I am going to set up my Winter Village to be set up so that the front of the building is facing an audience. Most Winter Villages are all about the outside of the building and what is going on outside anyhow, the fact that the Lego Winter Village buildings can double as playsets is a fun bonus, but in terms of a comprehensive winter village scene that one takes in as a whole scene, having the buildings being facades does not take away from that as much, at least in terms of how I set up my village.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I just hope this particular lodge looks VERY different then the previous homes. Something with an A Frame would feel very village like.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I see lots of great ideas, all of them are feasible. I would love a redo of the post office, since that is the only set I am missing I think :). A Winter Market remake would be good, but I'd like to see some other carnival ride then a merry go round, maybe a Christmas themed mini ferris wheel. that is purely selfish, since I already have the carousel. But I think most of the list are leaving off on big idea. Lego has done 4 "fantasy" sets, so I think the will be going back to that well either this year or next. I think the reindeer paddock, as Silverhurst said, makes alot of sense. A few reindeer, a few elf stable hands and nice stable and perhaps a grazing area of games area all sound good. The only other "fantasy" set I think they might do is proper santa's home, since the workshop is more just his office and toy building area. All that said, I think the most likely set is a proper town hall with a mayor and such. Merry Christmas in July all! Robert
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Here is my 2022 lego village. I have all the WV sets except the post office and the OG toy store. I have most of the GWP's and other WV compatible sets, the barn was acquired to late to add. I could not get the trolley running in time for this year, but something to look forward to for next year. I have so much more I want to do with it, starting with adding another table (from 3 to 4) so I can do more MOC stuff. Also, I am making my claim on next year's prediction: Either a Santa/Elf ran Reindeer stable or Candy Shoppe, or Tavern. HAPPY NEW YEAR
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Hey guys, Hope everyone had a great Christmas, Hanukah or anything else you celebrate. Few things: First if you wanted to get the Santa's barn and missed it or don't want to spend the 150, you can get it for about 45 plus or minus on Ebay right now. Second, are we allowed to post links to a youtube video of our village layouts? I would love to see what other people have done and get feedback on mine. Anyhow, hope you all have a great New Year. Cheers
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I like them both, the problem is coming up with 340.00 dollars Plus tax. Considering last years set is going for as little as 30 including shipping.on Ebay, I might just pick up the Elf one during double points, and wait to get workshop off Ebay. Unless of course I just buy everyone Lego's for Christmas
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I have been thinking about the idea that the small town main street sets don't fit into the previous aesthetic of the Winter Village. When I put up my Main Street shops with the Hogsmeade shops next to them, even though they clearly had a different design, they were unified in other ways. First off, looking wintery, and 2nd, the size is similar. And then I started thinking about the other WV pieces, and realized they are different sizes and such. But, that said, I started thinking about the real small towns and villages I have visited, such as Payson AZ. There are shops, there are trailers, there are single home houses, there is a main street with everything from family owned diners to franchises. And Payson has been built up over 100 years. Nothing seems out of place, because that is what Payson is. I think so some degree, that is true with our Winter Villages. Actual villages and towns were not build with a stylebook (usually) that remained unchanged over the centuries, so buildings are going to look different, have different styles. Obviously each of us gets to decide what we want in our village, but I think when you put all the sets together, buildings won't feel out of place, because they have the two key elements, they are the same scale and in a winter/Christmas environment. And therefore, when we look at it as a whole, we take in the overall impression, and its works, at least for me. Anyhow, kind of a long thesis, but my point is that the buildings being different styles is actually realistic, and I don't think will diminish the effect of the overall village.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
The family and I put the Main Street and Hogsmeade sets together tonight. Just those two sets together create a full scene of a main street, with a trolley running in front of them. I am super pleased to add them to my winter village this year. The stores look really good in person, and the trolley is more solid then I realized, can't wait to motorize it.
Winter Village Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Anyone starting to get the set in hand? I am supposed to get it today. Just curious about people's thoughts once in hand.
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