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Everything posted by Munchkin255

  1. That is a funny idea. Is it just me, or does it seem to not steer very well? I went for Spike Prime instead of waiting for this set. I wonder how a Yellow-Black-Magenta robot would do in the competition.
  2. That is so funny. I have no idea about the practical application of your gizmo, but it shows a great way to fully use the Boost set - even having a tilt sensor.
  3. Those cables look very much like the cables of my old MINDSTORMS RCX sensors , which had become brittle with age.
  4. Thank you both for your replies and good ideas. What I am trying to achieve is to drive something like a gripper and arm with just one motor. This should allow for the gripper to move up and down - and to open and close. I think this is a great idea. I could build a selector with four outputs. My initial build has shown some disadvantages: - Many moving parts - Since the selector cannot reverse It will need to operate without any hard stops, so that it can turn indefinitely, this can make it difficult to know when to stop the selector. - Quite bulky design Also a great idea. I never figured out myself to use offset gears. I think I will explorer planetary design a little more. Cheers Carsten
  5. I am trying to build a mechanism where a single motor can switch between different outputs and drive them one at a time. In the video below I have built my own idea of a possible design, but I am thinking, that it might be possible to build a more elegant design. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yrPpN9M21Y4 Can anyone please share with me any great ideas to solve this task. Thanks / Carsten
  6. I wasn’t aware of this limit caused by the amount of available RAM. This makes me wonder: Is there a way to check how much memory is used during execution of a program? The specs for the Spike Prime hub lists 32mb of storage, 1mb of flash and 320kb of ram. Can someone explain how the different types of memory is used?
  7. Nice one. I can recommend to use RobotC for programming the RCX in a C-based environment. It is a free download from robotc.net : http://robotc.net/download/rcx/ And I think that this will run in modern Windows versions - no need for virtual box
  8. The "view port" feature is using, what is defined in the EV3 firmware. The EV3 firmware doesn't know the compass sensor. I think, that you can find what you need on this website: https://modernroboticsinc.com/product/hitechnic-nxt-compass-sensor/
  9. I have primarily used Mindstorms to build mobile robots and to take on the challenges of First Lego League. Based on my usage of Mindstorms I am thrilled about Spike Prime - so much that I am selling my old NXT and EV3 - only to use Spike Prime. My only reasons for using the SD-card reader on the EV3, was to run Python - and that is now the built in operating system of the Spike Prime. The USB-port was likewise only used for a WIFI-adaptor in order to make up for the unstable BT connection, that I experienced with EV3. The Spike Prime display might not be the same resolution of the EV3 display, but I honestly never found the EV3 display that great. Hard to read on stationary robots and impossible to read once the robots were driving around. Lately I have been programming the EV3 using Python and Microsoft Visual Studio Code. For all my debugging it has been fully sufficient to have the EV3 send values back to my PC for debugging. This I expect will also be possible with Spike Prime. I will without a doubt recommend Spike Prime (or set 51515) to all children and their parents.
  10. The pictures shows 6 wires connected to the hub. Based on the pictures and what LEGO usually includes in Mindstorms sets I guess that this set will include: 2 Large motors https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=45603-1 1 Medium motor https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=45602-1 1 Distance Sensor https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=45604-1 1 Color Sensor https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?S=45605-1 I am a little in doubt if the last electric part is a second medium motor or a Force Sensor (Part 45606-1). I hope for a Force Sensor, as this would give more possibilities with regard to programming.
  11. Documentation is available on the Pybricks Website: https://docs.pybricks.com/en/latest/index.html
  12. According to this Spanish website the price of set no 51515 will be 441€. https://www.libreriaoxford.com/es/objeto/lego-ventura-2020-51515-snowflake-v29_S110520000
  13. The EV3 iPad app has the following limitations compared to the desktop application: It does not not have any Sensor tab. There are no programming blocks for reading sensor values. Sensor values can be used in If-then and while-loop blocks, but cannot be stored for later use. It does not have any tab for advanced actions and dataoperations. You are unable to do any calculations etc. It does not support datawires. it only supports EV3 sensors. You will be unable to add programming blocks to NXT sensors, if you have those. I think a child would be able to build great programs with the iPad app. However if you are going to build programs which require any form of calculations, storing of values etc. The desktop app would be needed.
  14. Thank you for replying. If you would like to work on another maze solving algorithm, may I suggest that you look into an algorithm, where the robot returns to the starting cell/box of the maze using the shortest route available. Priceless - Sound very much like a classic dungeon crawler role playing game.
  15. Nicely done. I agree, the maze it self is awesome. I also like the look of the robot and especially the feedback to the second EV3 is great. To me it would look even more awesome, if the robot did not stop inside each cell of the maze. Maybe you could consider to modify your programming, so that the robot only stops when necessary in order to change direction.
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