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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thanks a lot, really helpful!
  2. I just bought this set. I have the (of course) printed manuals, but I can see them better on a large lit screed, I see here that the instructions can be found on CaDA website, even mentioned on the box (doubleeagle-group.com), but I can't find them. I found the download page, but C61505W model simply isn't there. Anyone who has the instructions, can please forward a working link to me, or send me somehow (email, etc.)? Thanks
  3. No. from a Chinese marketplace, It's a MOC.
  4. Thanks, Thierry for explanation. I will measure the voltages on the led strips, it's easier, especially I already mounted the power distributor on the car. But it's accessible on the LED strips. Anyway, what I should read on the multimeter is the value obtained from the respective port the strip is plugged in. But, if I understand it correctly, all resistors on the distributor are the same, so it doesn't matter where you plug the strips. This kit is generic I believe, I'm sure it wasn't tailored for this car in particular, manufacturer just bundled the kit to add value to the product and it's owner's job to fit the lights as good as he (she) can. So, basically, I'm OK with either port, LEDs should be fine long term and it was a good thing I didn't cut them. Thank-you all for the support.
  5. Good to know. They work fine now. But I remember I blew out one LED lamp on my TV keeping backlighting at 100%. Now I keep it at 80%. LG didn't bother to tell consumers not to set backlighting too high. Other people had similar problems like me with the same model and contacted LG and they said keeping the LEDs at full power will not cause them to burn. Liars...
  6. Light set came with the kit (5 strips - 2 white, 2 red and one yellow - and one power distributor). It's not LEGO (not a LEGO clone either), I stated earlier. I didn't got instructions for the lights, just for the car. I assume that as well, power is the same on all ports, despite different colors requiring different voltages. It doesn't bother me if the voltage is too low for some strips, if it's too high on others bothers me, lamps may burn in time.
  7. Thanks, Thierry. Meanwhile, I managed to find a workaround for the front LEDs, I wrapped them around the whole beacon set and the length was just fine, the auto-adhesive is very strong, it holds. The light is spread on the sides and on the back, but all-in-all it gives a nice effect. https://ibb.co/3pFgPNW With the tail lights shouldn't be a problem, since it seems they wrap fine around the whole lights block. The yellow lights are just for the sake of it, don't find any use for it, it just looks kitschy, I believe this strip is for the light coming from underneath the car. I saw some cars in real life, look awful, like a Christmas tree, but hey, if it's there, I don't find any place for it. Maybe I should look more closely, as I said, no manual for those lights. Do you say that, given the forward voltage on different colored LEDs, ports on the distributor supply different voltages ? I should try and measure those somehow, I do have a multimeter, but the board is so small, don't know if I can do it. So far, strips work in any port and those are not labeled.
  8. Bellow are some pics. The first two are with the control box (contains commands, battery and receiver), next is with the LED strips distributor (clearly 9 ports in parallel) and the last one is with LED strips connected and lit. https://ibb.co/7n3RVds https://ibb.co/QMrT1w7 https://ibb.co/tXpSFJd https://ibb.co/NyP5x47
  9. It's not a LEGO clone, I think it's a MOC clone, after MOC-6687. I will put some pictures later with the central unit and LED strips lit. No brand is visible.
  10. Thanks Thierry and MAB. I am not an expert (like many of you here), I just bought the whole set and it came with the lights included. I can post a pic with the strips lit, don't know if it helps. Thierry, you are right about the strips, I don't know where the resistors are, maybe they are inside the caps, I don't know if it's a good idea to connect a LED directly to the power source, but I'm not an expert. Some sort of resistor should be inserted to limit the current flow. Now you gave me something to think. If I cut the strip, there should be less bulbs. But maybe there is some current limiter somewhere, after all I have 5 strips (2 white, 2 red and one yellow) and they light the same, no matter how many strips are connected to the distributor. Besides, the controller's battery can hold different voltage at any given point (may be partially discharged), so I don't think that cutting one bulb should make a difference, after all ALL bulbs are connected in parallel (4 X 5 in total). I have an extension distributor that can hold 9 strips and is connected directly to the central command control (don't know how to call it, since it holds the battery, the bluetooth receiver and the control over 4 ports in one sealed unit). I can make pictures with it if anyone is interested. The kit is not an official LEGO product, I can post the name, but I don't know if I'm allowed, since it could be considered advertising.
  11. Thought so, thanks. I didn't find any resistors or any voltage divisors, could it be that those LEDs are individually fed directly from the power box (which I presume delivers 9V)? Also, in your opinion, is it worth cutting the strip (if I do it, there's no turning back) or should I mask somehow (not easy) the extra lamps? If I cut the extra lamps, the light from the area will be reduced, but if I don't, there will be leaking light where I don't want to from the extra lamps.
  12. Thanks everybody for the answers. Here are the strips. Sorry for the dust. https://ibb.co/dm0ST4N https://ibb.co/3MsvsNf
  13. Thanks MAB. My strip looks very similar to your picture posted. I don't know if I am allowed to post pictures because of being new here. I also wanted to know if it's a common practice by people who mod their kits with LEDs to cut excess lamps or usually those are hidden somewhere.
  14. Hi to Eurobricks community, I am a new user and this is my first post, I hope I don't infringe any rules, if so, please tell me. I have a question about the LED strips that can be applied to various LEGO models. I bought some strips that have 4 LEDs in parallel and where I want to apply them there is really only room for 2 or maximum 3. I want to ask you guys if some of you applied LED strips and how shall I deal with it. Information is scarce from where I bought it and I don't know what to do. Is it ok to cut (with scissors) the strip so that I can stick only 2 or 3 LEDs? Or should I try to mask the extra ones? Also, the strips have some pre-applied glue, it's auto-adhesive. Is it ok to use this or shall I use extra glue? Don't want the strips to fall off. Any tips in general about this is highly appreciated. Thanks.
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