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About MinusAndy

  • Birthday 10/01/1974

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    porsche 911 gt3

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    snowboarding, skateboarding, bouldering, making things.


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    United Kingdom

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  1. Do you mean the headrest? That looks very useful.
  2. Have you thought about using a worm drive and a static gear mounted to the door? That could be more compact.
  3. Immediately recognisable! I think this is one of the more successful system/technic mixes. Nice work.
  4. Could you put a planetary hub on the motor before the existing drive? That would slow it down a fair bit.
  5. Outer wings built using the new technique for more subtle angles. I need to do a bit of work to fill some more gaps but I’m happy so far. inboard is a lowering flap, outboard is an aileron that splits into an air brake using the tiny pneumatic ram. The elastic band closes the air rake and means I don’t have to have a return hose on the ram.
  6. Depends what you want from it. If you’re buying it to build once then strip for a parts pack, 42100 all day long. Unless you want to build stuff that’s more colourful. Then get the other one. or get both! That’s more Lego which is a good thing!
  7. I’m sure it lurks in a lot of moc builds with subtle angles. It’s given me a huge boost in terms of building the wings and the nose cone.
  8. I had a eureka moment at work today regarding creating subtle angles on the wings and body. Using rigid hose inside pins allows the creation of smaller angles and is reasonably strong, especially when stacked. Parts shown are the rear wing spar with the mountings for the split ailerons and flaps.
  9. Thanks man, that means a lot coming from someone like yourself.
  10. Thanks man. I’m really enthused by building at the minute, taking stuff to bits and rebuilding is a bit soul destroying but it has to be done or the rest of the build is a waste of time if I only half finish it and rush the last bits.
  11. that’s the control surfaces all sketched into place. However, because I have changed how these work I am now able to build a cleaner and stronger wing root and main spar as it doesn’t have a differential in each wing any more. Not quite back to the drawing board with this but certainly back to a big pile of dark blueish grey prices on my desk while I rebuild the wing root.
  12. I think you’ve really captured “Range Rover” in this model. It couldn’t be anything else. I really like it
  13. So I’ve been turning my attention to the ailerons and the wing. My original plan was to use flaperons on this model (ailerons whose resting position can be changed so they act as flaps for low speed flight but still work as ailerons. I did this by routing the aileron motion through a differential in each wing. The cage of the diff is attached to the inboard flaps and as they lower it rotates the diff cage and that is multiplied onto the axle which controls the ailerons. It works pretty well but there’s an issue: the Hog doesn’t use flaperons, it uses ailerons that split into an upper and lower half. I’ve now built ailerons that are 2 studs thick and split using a tiny pneumatic cylinder. The return to close is done via an elastic band so the cylinder only requires one input and that can be hidden behind one of the many and varied instruments of death that this plane carries (probably not gonna submit this to Lego ideas) It seems to work well so I’m sticking with this solution. This also means I can ditch the differentials and build more strength into the wing root. I can see a final strip down and rebuild of the whole plane when I’ve worked all this out. No biggie though, I only began building it a bees-dick over 4 years ago! https://flic.kr/p/2qfnyaF https://flic.kr/p/2qfnydm Apologies for the mix of links and pics, I did exactly the same thing with each but half have embedded the image and half have not.
  14. Thanks man. I thought I’d have to do something much more complex but for once the planets aligned and it worked with one ram straight away.
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