The Daed Men's Chest
Yes, that's my second point why I dind't use the Barbossa minifig! My first point is that I create this minifigur of Jack befor the sets were released! And with the yellow skin he is a CLASSIC PIRATE, Savvy?! See you later Captain Jack Sparrow!
The Daed Men's Chest
The Daed Men's Chest
That's right! But What do you think about the chest? See you later Captain Jack Sparrow!
The Daed Men's Chest
Hallo boy's and girl's! I search the chest of Davy Jones, the 'Dead Men's Chest'! I know what you think! I want to build his chest with all functions! Full of technic's and some one else! But I want know what you think about it! Please answer me and give me a review, Savvy! See you later your Captain Jack Sparrow!
POTC - Black Pearl!
Thank you! I will bulid my lovely Pearl after my Holidays! You can find the bows in the 'Master Builder Academy' set!
POTC - Black Pearl!
Thank you kevblee! I load my .lfx data up to Brickshelf! My Name is Captain, Because :"There should be a CAPTAIN in there somewere!"
POTC - Black Pearl!
Hallo boys and girls, or what ever! My name is Captain Jack Sparrow! Ah, I think some of you heard of me! As you know I build my lovely Pearl! This one out of the Video Game! I'm ready with my LDD building, but my real Black Pearl isn't ready! Savvy?! Here some pic's of it: More Pic's on: You'll always remember that as the day, that you almost cought Captain Jack Sparrow! Savvy!
Isla de la Muerta
Hey! You did a very good job! It is fantastic! I'm a PotC Fan too! I want to build The Black Pearl! It's wonderful to see the Cursed Battel ! See you later!
This is fantastic! I like that from the movie Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Men's Chest! The church looks beautiful and the wheel is much better than the wheel out of the set The Mill See you later Niklas!
Port Royal LEGO-Styled instructions
Hallo boys and girls! I found this Instruction very good! You did a great job! It's better than the Instruction of the LDD! I hope my Instruction of my Black Paerl will be good too! See you later Niklas
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