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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. haha well to be honest, i'll buy Anything DC just as long as its not another bat vehicle! and its slim pickings for DC sets this year, I had to justify ordering lego in quarantine somehow :p
  2. i've been totally checked out of the loop for weeks here... but that wonder woman set looks... ok I guess? I'll be picking it up for Maxwell Lord mostly. Stupid addiction to having Every DC character in minifig form Its a shame that wonder woman helmet isn't a little more hawk shaped. Hawkgirl still needs a comic accurate head piece. Could anyone maybe recap me on what else we're expecting from DC this year? I saw the words Bronze Tiger a couple of pages ago but I can't find anything in 'the usual place' - did we get an idea of how many sets are coming? and what they might be yet?
  3. I tried my local shops again with no luck either! I actually got so impatient... that I up and went to my nearest Lego Store at the Metrocentre, which happily had them in! After a staff member spent a good half an hour helping me feel at the bags, I walked away happy! I've picked up Metamorpho, Batmite, Flash, Huntress, Green Lantern, Stargirl, Mr Miracle and Bumblebee (my 8 must haves as the new characters and they are all excellent). Good Luck Hunting!!!
  4. I really like this too, it feels much more natural as a bike than the actual set was. You've got some nice colour in there! great work!
  5. has anyone sighted the DC collectible minifig series up for grabs in the UK yet? (I've not made it further than my local asda since the new year and dont want the trek to the toystore to be in vain lol)
  6. Would it be too much of a pipe dream for it to be Toyman maybe? He'd be such a cool fit Yes a million times yes please and thank you, take my money
  7. There's a look at that new "action" pose piece that looked like joysticks for Wonder Woman in the usual place. Looks like a cool little invention to get people at a nice non 90degree angle! me likely! - although.. I wonder if this means the baseplates have hollow studs so it attaches?
  8. Well, now that we know what everything is, I've had a little think. And I still think someone must have just thrown darts at a board to make these picks and they aren't what I would have asked for but... its actually awesome. We get ourselves 8 brand new characters (Mr Miracle, Huntress, Simon Baz, Stargirl, Metamorpho, Bumblebee, Batmite and the flash variant sneaks in here by being Jay Garrick). I will never complain about new minifigs. Especially since each of them look spot on to me. That leaves 8 variants which are more of a mixed bag. Aquaman is solid metal win (hook hand is strong JLU vibes). Cheetah and Sinestro are wins for me purely because I only use duplicate characters to moc and this gives me two more bad guy dupes to work with. This brings us to what are for me the weakest of the bunch. Batman. Wonderwoman. Cyborg. Superman and Joker. Having first appearance variants IS pretty cool but I prefer when the figs go for the "iconic" version and its not a full set of first appearances which is maddening. The logic behind how we got this Superman and Joker I'll never grasp. All in all 11 are dead certs for me to pick up. And I'll probably cave and get my five weak links because I have no self control. Can they make S2 yet?
  9. you're right, i spaced out completely and thought it was lex because of all the "and that would be terrible jokes" over the last few pages. My bad
  10. I actually thought he was a dead ringer for Jay Garrick from Earth 3 in that show (he last suited up in Season 4's Flashtime but the suit showed up in the latest episode on display). I'm curious to see Batmite, Superman and Lex's designs now. Batmite is an awesome result. Lex and Superman aren't surprising but I'm gutted we didn't get Bizzaro or someone else. EDIT: i'm an idiot and obviously meant "yet another joker" wherever the word Lex is in this post
  11. I just realised how accurate the Keaton batsuit is.... the minifig won't be able to turn its head to look at anything, and will barely be able to move its arms! Just like the real thing! Meanwhile, this CMF line up is just... so so random. I'm good with a lot of the choices but i'd love to know the process by how they decided on these specific figures! I've been waiting for a 90s style Aquaman with the hook hand since the long haired minifig landed with Ocean master easlier this year! And that is a variant thats actually worth picking up. Not just another batsuit etc
  12. If we need a non legged character, i'd hope they maybe use the genie "legs/swirl" for the Specter.
  13. Damn, you blink for two seconds and half the minifigs leak! Well, these leaks are more a mixed bag for me... Huntress I did not predict in my wildest dreams but awesome! Now just give me the Question too! I am pretty non-plussed by Cyborg in general. Seriously DC stop tryna make Cyborg happen. The Batman with the original costume is a nice suprise but I'm not considering him essential. I'm not super huge on the keaton mini fig either. Neither of those will be vital for me. Problem is we're running out of slots and there's lots more i was hoping would make the cut!!
  14. I think part of it is they are leaked pics, but its his more classic outfit (a greeny blue teal colour) that shows up in stuff like the Justice League Unlimited cartoon
  15. @NathanR Thank you so much! absolutely exactly the pointer I needed mate!
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