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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Seasonal Greetings, This month we delve into the Guard archives once more. The Guard comic wasn't just stories, it also featured educational and informative articles. And this issue provides an example. Along with a short, short story and a poster pinup. Please follow the below link to read this month's story. Apologies for the delay, IT problems. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  2. I'm back! Apologies for the downtime. I recently retired and I've found loads of other things that required my attention and other interests to devote my time to. Things have quieted down a bit now, so time (fingers crossed) to create some more Guard adventures. I may miss the odd month here and there, but new stories on the way. This month issue 127 sees two Corporal McGill short stories. you are reading (and hopefully) enjoying my comic, thank you. Please click on the link below to be taken to this month's Guard tale. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  3. Guard comic - March 2024 update. This month issue 126 continues Runner Guard's adventures in the cold, snowy northern city of Yorkton. Luckily, hot, reviving, refreshing tea is available...or is it? If you are reading (and hopefully) enjoying my comic, thank you. Please click on the link below to be taken to this month's Guard tale. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  4. Hi, always great to see other comic creators work. My advice is to do what you are happy with. Also have a look at what other creators do. Visit Foolish Bricks Lego Brick Comics on the Internet - the ultimate list | Foolish Bricks for a listing of Brick comics. The creator also has some very good photographic ideas if that is the way you wish to go. For my own comic The Guard I build the sets out of Lego, create characters and take photographs (long, short, close up shots similar to a film). Then marshal all the photographs onto whichever software 'page' you're using and add dialogue, sound effects and so on. Best advice is jump in and have a go. Decide on a schedule that suits you. If you stick to your schedule, after a while your confidence builds and work will improve. My own comic victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html (Scroll down the Guard page to view all of the issues), started just over eleven years ago now. My first issues were very crude and bloody awful to put it bluntly. I would like to believe that I have improved somewhat over the years. The important thing is to enjoy the process. It's a hobby after all. Good luck. Adrian. PS - the following link may be of some use to you - victorhornetcomics.co.uk/article.html
  5. The February 2024 Guard issue 125 Yorkton Bound is now ready to read, via the link below. This is the start of a new story arc as we follow the adventures of the early nineteenth century Bow Street Runners, Guard and Edmund Scrooge in a wintery Yorkton. It's grim up north! If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  6. Thank you for your comment. A light-hearted episode for Christmas. Happy New Year. This month we have a British Intelligence Utility Man story set in Cairo, titled appropriately - Cairo Station! Issue 124. If you are reading my comic thank you. Please follow the below link to be taken to The Guard's home page and this month's tale. Previous adventure's (All 123 of them!), can be read by scrolling down the page. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  7. Seasonal greetings. A light hearted story this month, as we join Corporal Copperwaite (before he became The Guard), as he catches a ride on a plane to get back to his unit. Another story in the Great War Desert Railway series. Issue 123 - Cola Cola. If you are reading my comic strip, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  8. Hello, Issue (122) of The Guard Lego comic has now been posted. The Lighthouse Keeper. Please click and follow the link below to his month's story. If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  9. Well done, all that hard work has paid off handsomely. Good use of the original cast's voices, matching up with your visuals.
  10. October 2023 update - Issue 121 of The Guard comic has now been posted - Napier Pier. Please click and follow the link below to his month's story. If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  11. Issue 120 published this month celebrates a milestone for the Guard comic. Read the issue to find out what this is! Also this month you can read issue 119, which was posted mid-August and is another Robin Guard stand alone adventure. The extra issue is to make up for the missing comic a few months back, due to me missing my own monthly deadline due to pressure of other work. But we are now back on track again. Please click and follow the link below to his month's story. If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  12. This month's Guard comic, issue 118 has now been posted and is available to read. This tells the tale of how Robin Guard and the Autumn Fox first met. Please click and follow the link below to his month's story. If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  13. Hello, The Guard Issue 117, concludes the current story arc featuring Robin Guard. Castle Folly, part three. Please follow the link below to be taken to this month's issue. If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  14. June 2023's update of the latest issue of The Guard has now been posted. The situation is getting tense at Castle Folly for Robin Guard and his fellow travellers in Part Two of Castle Folly. Please click on the link below to be taken to this month's update. If you are reading my comic, thank you. http://www.victorhornetcomics.co.uk/guard.html
  15. Hello aadvik, Thank you.
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