Everything posted by Crazydance
Lego Technic 9396 Helicopter Set
Crazydance replied to DLuders's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingI motorized the 8086 heli just as easy, however i'm thinking you won't actually be enabling the rotation of the most imporant parts anyhow. Just as you don't have the motorized driving in the 8070 set. In that case such a model quickly decreases in playability.
2013 Speculation?
Crazydance replied to andythenorth's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingWell the problem with supercars is that they HAVE to drive fast when you are talking about PF functions. Maybe the servo's of L / XL motors can do that with some smart gearing. My speculation would be another iteration in the PF functions. Where they released the new motor and the new train pieces. It's very well possible they would do a PF control center set in the near future. Which would be nice because you can do basic programming, AND do a wireless model at the same time. The previous models were something that would look really nice (like the helicopter from CC2 and the 'printer' from CC1). They have all the new tech, why not showcase it in a new control center set. Another guess would be a new crane like the one that was on sale just before the 8275 Bulldozer. Which would be nice because the pneumatics that were part of the construction weren't strong enough. If you want a Wild guess they should try to create one of those i-Robot cars with balls as wheels.
Technic sets from 2009
Crazydance replied to legomilk's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale ModelingLowlug has a picture of the front loader. As far is i could tell there is one LA visisble, but i bet there should be another one in there! No PF box though! so maybe it isn't motorized, which means they missed an opportunity. No word on the other set though (Crane truck) Maybe the rumoured 1800 Pieces set.
9v and RC combination
uhm... you want to make the metroliner go across a small piece of RC track? Your best bet is to use two 9V motors on the metroliner... 1 in the front, 1 in the back... Both will be running. once on the RC track the front one won't have power, but the back one still does, thus pushing the train further (but slower) onto the RC track... if you use this technique you should be OK with approx 3 RC track pieces when not using the club car... Nice layout.
RC small racers?
correction, i meant these sets against the previous RC sets that we've seen. it's the same as comparing Minifig-cars to tiny-turbo's. So in a way these are tiny turbo versions of the older/bigger cars. I might pick up one of these just for the PF elements, trying to get something bigger moving (if possible)
RC small racers?
Seems to have enough force to seriously speed up the model. But what about steering? I'd rather have the base installed in a bigger model. I'm just missing the whole RC idea when you can only apply this motor to small models. I would really like to see a 8880 or GTB with that kind of speed. My idea was to make the front 'steer' by a single axle. Then you could connect that axle to a custom steering installation so that you can drive supercars with it. But then again, Tiny turbo's RC sound cool too... I hope that they will release some PF gear for larger RC models.
Watcha get for Christmas?
No lego for me. however i may get another technic set real soon. Something like the cherry picker.. Now back to santa's generous gesture! Ik got a USB stick from Sandisk, a Stiletto type drive so that you don't get to loose the Connector cap, or just bend the connector. Ideal for the destuctive situations i tend to get in. And as flagship present i got a Ipod nano! Those things are so damn sexy!
Mystery FREE Raffle!
As i said in a earlier post, you can raffle me any day :P so sign me in :P
2009 Racers Line
Actually since it's rumored to be a technic set, Plus the fact that the fiorano is a model soon to be dumped by TLC, It'll not surprise me when this is actually the new supercar. Furthermore i'm happy with the fact that they switched to laborghini, as the cars are way more streamlined and sexy. Please god let this one be silver, orange or yellow!!!
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
JopieK, how much? one of the missing parts of my windmill is actually the stickering... could you fabricate one or two for me too? (PM's can be in dutch by the way :))
The free Mini V-19 Torrent raffle
I GOT to have a SW set. Not only that, it should be good reviewers academy material. So raffle me please SW ON!
Needed: Fabuland Figures/accessories...
I'm actually cleaning out my LEGO collection (City/Creator/Technic should be what I'm keeping) Should be interesting though shipping something to italy. Once i'll get the model to a complete state i'll inform you so we can discuss our transaction. Or else it's just shipping over the fabulant parts i have :) What are you building anyway.. fabuland-town?
Needed: Fabuland Figures/accessories...
I should have one set of that series. Not that i'm a great fan of it... maybe i'll try to piece it together. There should be a fabuland minifig with tha thing too.. Found it! Not sure about the figs though...
The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
actually you HAVE to do three reviews for the experts to shoot at, once completed those they go directly to the public forums. So in a way you already make reviews for EB. Then again my idea would be to go buy a smaller set especially for reviewing purposes. This set would be one that doesn't fit into your regular buying pattern For example, do you buy city sets? Try a castle one! Building bionicle? Try creator! this way you can widen your perspective on the various lego sets. But i actually did buy the Fast flyers set for this purpose.... and it served me well!
Review: 4953 Fast Flyers
Seriously, i got this baby for only 12 euro's... really a must-buy for that price. To answer about the 3D images: 1. google for anaglyphic 3D maker or click the following link: Anaglyphic 3D page 2. Make one image of each of the views. You will have to move your camera to the right, approx the space between your eyes (I used 4Cm (that's around 1 3/4 inch)) But for good measure you can use between 3.5 or 5 Centimeters... of 1 1/4 / 2 inch, tutorial on making the pictures Open the program, load the images, tweak the project with your 3D goggles... and your done! With the program you can choose between Black & white or the color version... I recommend black & white because of the nature of the 3D technique which screws with your color perception.
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
Disturbing story, they should definately do something about their security then. But still i'm hoping that TLC bumps his head get their brain straight en checks the buzz around this set... it's a frick'n goldmine!
Review: 4953 Fast Flyers
Wasn't the level 3 review i graduated on, but because this model is so photogenetic, i a 3D shot. Get your 3G goggles out everyone:
The Eurobricks Reviewers Academy
As the number of teachers grow so is the nubmer of allowable students... Yes, it's a vicious circle.. But as a graduate I must say it's well worth your time, and the teachers are very constructive on their comments. Currently the challenge is leveling up to a maximum number of reviews so that I can become a teach... I would love to do that.
Review: 6389 Fire Control Center
Information Name: Fire Control Center Set No.: 4953 @ Theme: LEGO, Legoland Year: 1991 Pieces: 516 Minifigs: 4 Price: USD $85.00 / GBP unknown / EUR unknown Bricklink search results Brickset Lugnet Introduction This week I got the flu. so since I have to stay home and get better, I might as well make a review. It's one of the most amazing older city sets, thus making it a really valuable review. This is the story about four handsome firemen living in one of the most amazing city structures out there. The 6389 Fire control center. The box I actually didn't remember the box to be that small. (Borrowed from Peeron) The four hunky firemen Oh jeah what women doesn't like a man in a uniform The manual Even the manual is aging... but then again it's 17 years old! Review As you all know a city must have some standard civil services, like a hospital and a police station. A fire house also is a must for any lego city. This particular fire house is one of the most amazing sets ever to be released. In this cool set you get 4 minifigs, all fire fighters, two verhicles, and a helicopter Firefighters have to move around The futuristic fire truck is definately my favourite! Chief's car The smallest verhicle of the set, it's a small all-terrain jeep for the fire chief. pretty much a standard car in those days. a real simple layout, and a trunk which holds a small fire hose. It's lucky to be in this set, because it complements the whole thing The car Luckily it's red and it has de cool signs on the side. Helicopter Another great addition to the whole set is the helicopter. Again in a basic setup for that kind of verhicle at the time. This one has the nice addition of two hoses to put out the fires raging in lego city. The chopper No, it doesn't really fly Really cool fire truck thingy This fire truck is definately the best of the verhicles in this set. It's actually a futuristic model of fire trucks. I haven't seen any other fire truck like this. I saw a police truck like it though. but we're talking fire fighters right? Actually the whole thing han open up to reveal a number of fire fighting appliances such as a hose, a computer, and a oxygen tank. The fire truck click for bigger version! The main building actually looks kinda empty when the trucks and chopper are gone. However, this still is realistic compared to a real fire house. Also the front has those amazing sliding doors, which make this thing really look cool and clean. Off to fight a fire Main structure, with the slinding doors pulled down Actually those sliding doors are also the hard part of the model. Since all the bricks must be perfectly aligned, or else the doors will stutter. But if you're a little familiar with lego then you don't need to worry. From the back Enough room to play with I'm going to give my perspectives on each of the sides On the left we have the garage for the bigger fire truck. The only real flaw about this set is that this garage isn't long enough for the fire truck. This could have been solved by making it two or three studs longer. Notice the cool sunroof! In the middle we have the chief's office. complete with coffee machine, a diversity of computers, and a tape recorder, most likely to tape any incoming calls. A lot of details are crammed up in there. just like in the rest of the set. To the right is the helicopter platform. I really like the grey-blue-yellow of the platform because it doesn't look so red anymore. Don't get me wrong, red is a cool color, but not too much red! And the helicopter actually fits, and stays in place during playtime. The baseplate filled up This picture says it all. Again the four lego hunks are greeting all the ladies The minifigs are from a classic series, this happens with more of my lego sets. Bottom line is that this set is one of the best fire houses lego created. Verdict The build is pretty easy but takes a while to really see where you are with your building. It's nice to have a hospital from the same era, this create a more uniform look to your city. once you completed the model your baseplate is pretty filled up but still has a lot of opportunities. Playability: 10/10 (cool trucks, a chopper, and sliding doors, nuff said!) Design: 9/10 (insanely good design) Price: 10/10 (couldn't get better than this) Overall: 9.6/10 with a score like that one can only say... get one... NOW! Time to go home The trucks and chopper back on their rightful spots
Review: 4953 Fast Flyers
Information Name: Fast Flyers Set No.: 4953 @ Theme: LEGO Creator Year: 2007 Pieces: 312 Minifigs: 0 Price: USD $20.00 / GBP unknown / EUR €14,95 Bricklink search results Brickset Lugnet Introduction Command to Tango Alpha Niner do you have a visual? Tango Alpha Niner to Command that's a negative, there's a lot of lego and two godlike hands! Ever since my smaller sets from the dark ages i was loving the big ones. There hasn't been a moment that lego didn't have a interesting small set. LEGO City isn't going to do it for me, so i had a choice between a City verhicle, or a Creator set. The box I chose the fast flyers because the box looked very good. I ripped open the box and put all the parts in a large box. This enables me to dig around for pieces, Which i like with smaller sets. Interesting parts Some interesting parts like the engines, and parts needed for the wing technique The set comes in four or five (forgot) bags, no stickers (thank god!) and the manuals. As more of the creator sets it's just placing bricks on eachother with your occasional small techniques. It's really fun to build, and you don't really get what it does until it's completed. The building instructions The two manuals... one for the jet, one for the alternatives. Completed jet The jet itself, a beauty Alternative models: Hovercraft Also you get the two alternative models. How attractive as they are the really don't measure up to the jet. But they are fun to pull up in about 15 Mins per model. The hovercraft The hovercraft. the smalles model of the three. however the round base of the model is a real eye catcher. Beneath the hovercraft hood It drives around with three wheels. The bad thing about this hovercraft is that it looks good, but is very unstable thus hard to play with. Maybe a larger model with power functions adds to the excitement, but this small version doesn't Fun shot Kiss my engines! Alternative model #1 score: 2/5 Alternative models: Helicopter You can also build a helicopter. This one is better to play with, but hasn't got as much potential as the jet. If you like helecopters, build this alternative model. Helicopter! artistic chopper-shot. Alternative model #2 score: 3/5 I've done my fair amount of lego set building, but no creator set was as interesting as this smaller set. Maybe that's because i've only had the LEGO Creator experience with the ferris wheel. Oh jeah, can somebody tell me which part is missing? It's like you see here. It has tail wing that flap, and the main wings can fold back against the jet. Take in the retractable wheels and this baby can do about anything that a real one can :) Atristic shot Amazing what you can do with manual focus. Verdict The main model is a absolute charm to build. People were looking at me like i was MOCcing something. Once they saw it's actually for sale like this some of them bought it too for their 'kids'. I haven't put up the alternative models but i have looked into them. It looks like the hovercraft uses the wheels in a effective way to get around. As for the helicopter it's the exact opposite. it didn't seem like a very nice model. Quite big, like the fighter jet, but nearly not as interesting. Playability: 9/10 (zoom zoom! you know what i mean) Design: 9/10 (insanely good design) Price: 8/10 (Good price, for a good set) Overall: 8.3/10 More fun with cranes and planes And my Cargo crane tries to drag the jet back into his hangar!
Review: 6352 Cargomaster crane
Name: Cargomaster crane Set No.: 6352 @ Theme: LEGO System / Town Year: 1991 Pieces: 133 Minifigs: 1 Price: USD $26.00 / GBP unknown / EUR €19,95 Aargh stupid tree! for more than fourty years this 'megabrick' has tormented our town! we need some help! Long before my dark ages LEGO released this relatively small set. since they didn't have a construction site like nowadays, they released these small road-works. I was only six years old and really into small sets since my ADHD didn't allow me to sit and build for long periods of time. So these smaller sets were ideal for me. The instruction booklet. The complete set. The set itself is not really a surprise to set up and play with. First you'll build the smaller parts of the set like the container and the small verhicle. No real surprises there, except for the smaller car that fits perfectly in the cargo container. Just pull off the seat and steering wheel, and the car just fits. The crane itself is just as easy to build as the smaller parts. just place bricks on top of eachother. Although you'll still have the wire to connect and pull through a diversity of bricks and plates. The carco container and small car. Being out of my dark ages really tunnelled my vision toward bigger sets and completing my town. This set really comes in handy if i need construction or traffic workers in my town, I can just MOC a few containers for tearing down trees, fixing traffic lights, and so on. Behold the mighty cargomaster crane! It's pretty easy to say that a set as simplistic as this one is not much fun to play with. However if you see the bigger potential in your town this one could be of great value to any city. Playability: 7/10 (with only one container it gets a bit boring) Design: 9/10 (it's small, and fits perfectly) Price: 7/10 (Average, but not really cheap.) Overall: 7.7/10 (a nice overall set if you're building on minifig scale) Gimme my pizza! Every town should have a pizzaria! more information: Bricklink search results Brickset Lugnet
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
i know, but few of the items were not in the images, AND if it was the full 2008 list, it would have stated the new train sets. so if it's for Q1 and Q2 the vestas mill will not appear. the first chance you will get to get your windmill is Q3 2009.. if it comes out.
4999 Vestas Promo - Wind Power Plant
list was confirmed as rumoured but a crazy 100% accuracy in the sets that ARE going to be released. i bet it will be a Q3 or Q4 2009 city set, when they are switching more to the country side with the farms. the reason for waiting with the wind mill is because they don't have more sets to group it with. you got city, city construction, city farm sets... and a windmill... doesn't make sense to me... hopefully they'll think about a power splitting station, and those really ugly power lines.
Technic 2009
Crazydance replied to legomilk's post in a topic in LEGO Technic, Mindstorms, Model Team and Scale Modelingeven if it hanes't got a gearbox. if they can make PF's optional, AND they can make it go faster than a modded GTB (seen on youtube) than it's also a must-buy. seeing the red and yellow casings they have a lot of space in the back for some wild electronics! but the design is crazy as well, it hasen't got much holes and such.. for looks it's already a must-buy. maybe there is even room for PF lights ni the front and back of the casing. i really hope they look into the idea of making the whole thing burst with PF's
Classic lego city
it's actually going once i've seen the new PF trains, so who knows. although the track isn't 100% complete you can make a extended circle with the switch tracks. (and between the switches 4 straight pieces per track.) and it works great, just a few laps and the train runs smoothly... incredible how a 198x set can keep its cool.. but unfortunately it cant be used with the 9V, RC or PF sets, so i'm afraid it has to go... let's just say i have bigger plans for my city than just 12V i'll post a update on the trains in a few days..
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