The City Copper
This isn't exactly a comic, but it's a series of pictures with a continuing story anyway! 'The City Copper' is set in the 1960's and follows the life of the protagonist, PC Dennis Taylor, with an ongoing part-serious and part-humourous narrative. You can find it on my Flickr photostream, here: I'm currently up to #5. I'd really appreciate some feedback from it, as I haven't really had any from Flickr so far. Any tips for editing the LDD pictures would also be helpful, bearing in mind that unfortunately I don't have Photoshop. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it!
Worst Lego Theme
MOC: Truck - ZiM - 1
- Fire rescue
Modular Bank Roof Solution
Option 1 looks more realistic and I agree with what lightningtiger said, option 2 doesn't have a 'city feel'.
MOC: Personal Aeronautic Conveyance
Great build!
MOC Post Office & MOD Postal Truck
I really like this, nice build.
MOC: Steam Train
Just a 9V steam train MOC I made. Notice the use of hair pieces as buffers, which look quite good on the 6-wide train. Comments and criticism are very welcome! My Flickr photostream: here!
MOC: Medieval Lighthouse
This is fantastic! There's so many details you've managed to cram into it!
MOC | MOD |Layout - The harbor section of my City
Wow, this is fantastic!
Welcome to Eurobricks, Bjorn.
Horace Slughorn (Armchair Disguise)
Horace Slughorn disguised as an armchair from a scene in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - this is my entry for the Burakki's Bricks contest. Link to my Flickr photostream:
MOCs: Several Rail Cars
They're brilliant!
Morris Commercial LC5
I like to leave people wanting more!
Morris Commercial LC5
A 1960s Morris Commercial LC5. Link to my Flickr photostream:
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