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Everything posted by StudWorks

  1. Contradicting the predictions of Aston Martin Valkyrie, I think the newer and upcoming Valhalla has a better chance and is so far probably is my number one prediction. Honestly seeing the car's pictures it kinda looks like an AMG One with an Aston face.
  2. That's okay, I understand not everything is going to be perfect in this scale, I wanted it to be in the same scale as most posable anime/game figures (1:12 scale) and be affordable enough to make as many Fire Emblem characters is I'd like, so that's why I build at this scale. Thanks for the response!
  3. Introducing my 1:12 scale figures of Micaiah and Sothe from Fire Emblem Radiant Dawn! These figures have authentic articulation with many joints, Micaiah has details like her hair and scarf, which can be posed to suggest movement or wind, and accessories like her trusty bird Yune, a posing stand for Micaiah and one for Yune, two different sets of hands (open and fists) for Micaiah and sets of wings for Yune, three interchangeable face plates (normal, happy, and determined), as well as a magic effect and open and closed tomes of her light magic, Thani. Sothe has details like his scarf (same as Micaiah's), and accessories like a posing stand, two different sets of hands (open and fists), three interchangeable face plates (normal, determined, and shouting), as well as a kard dagger, Peshkatz dagger, and a green glowing effect for Peshkatz as seen in Fire Emblem Heroes. I made a display plaque for the each of them too! Instructions are available on Rebrickable!
  4. Yes, it shuts down the BuWizz unit and I have to awaken it by inserting a plugged-in charging cable.
  5. Yeah, it’s 2A. Pic below shows my current limits, currently (LOL). The BuWizz likes to overload easily when I’m steering AND accelerating.
  6. My BuWizz 3.0 with BuWizz motors is still overloading constantly when I play with my buggy, even after the current limiter update with the current limit levels set to stock. The pic below shows my motor currents on the app, wish this issue could be fixed. :(
  7. I'm really leaning on getting the E-Tron set for the parts. Seeing it new in box for $130 US with free shipping on eBay already, and I was already planning on buying more motors, plus the new hub and ball joint pieces really interest me as they'd surely be way better than the old ones for powerful motorized builds like the cars I plan on building.
  8. What recently released pieces did you use? And the off-road upgrading on-the-fly you added is totally killer and looks great! Down the line I wanted to make a BuWizz 1:8 scale Porsche 959 with adjustable suspension and features just like the real car so I'm really inspired by this too.
  9. Thanks for the advice! Fortunately I came up with this reliable and most realistically-articulated design for a short arm and a long arm and this is what I'm going to use for now on. If anyone else in the Lego Action Figure community is interested in making figures on a small scale like this, you're free to use my arm design:
  10. Hello LEGO Action Figures community! I build 1/12 scale fully posable figures (like GoodSmile Figma or Kotobukiya figures) of anime characters and I was reevaluating my arm design. Here's how the arm design I've been using currently looks like, the one on the left I use for short-heighted characters and the one on the right I use for characters who are average-heighted: This design has been reliable for my first few figure creations, but I am facing two problems. One is that the short arm (left) is very crude and looks ugly. I think I made the arm too short, but there are of course, many characters that call for short arm length. I try my best to make my figures' arms as articulated as possible, but I would like to find a way to make arms, short and long, with the exact amount of articulation, but that are more realistic to actual human arms, which is really difficult to achieve in 1/12 scale. The second problem is that both arms do not have the articulation needed to spread their arms out like this: So I tried putting a clip on the end of the larger arm's elbow, connecting the rest of the arm but able to achieve the articulation I wanted, but now the upper arm above the elbow is fragile with the removal of a 1x2 plate to make room for the 1x1 bracket, and the elbow clip is only hanging on by a stud. Not exactly the solution I was hoping to achieve. Below is what the leg design looks like on my figures too. Only showing this because I was curious if the hip design (just a brick with the legs connected to it attached to the bottom of the body) could be improved to look less weird, unless you think it's not weird and fine the way it is. Is it possible for anyone to help me find the best design for 1/12 scale action figure arms (a 6-stud long design for short figures and a 7-stud long design for average-heighted figures) that look realistic and less blocky than my designs, but are also fully articulated like on a traditional 1/12 scale fully posable action figure? Like these arms, (figure by Moc_Lobster on Rebrickable) but without the use of ugly gray ball joint pieces and preferably more realistic.
  11. I’m going to recharge it to 100% right now. I haven’t used it in at least a month.
  12. It shouldn't need to do any of this, the buggy is already light, don't care for gearing down (would be slower), and plenty of BuWizz motor-powered builds only need one BuWizz and I don't need any more. I built this buggy (https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-151843/Lixander A./frog-buggy-comet-buggy-v2/) someone had built and it only started shutting down after I started playing with it for the first time in a long while.
  13. Still having the current shut the BuWizz off a lot even after the update. 😣 I’m using the default current limit settings on my buggy with two BuWizz motors and a C+ motor for steering. Any help? Here’s the screen on my phone right when the BuWizz shut off.
  14. Is there a forum where it’s okay to discuss problems with Chinese brands stealing MOCs? I’m so sick of seeing ReBrickable designs stolen by Nifeliz and Mouldking on Amazon every time I browse Lego on there. It’s so cringeworthy. Thanks.
  15. The Audi S1 E-Tron set could have a (RIP) Ken Block minifigure, that would be freaking sweet! I've been hoping for so long Lego could get into the Block/Hoonigan action.
  16. Wow! The amount of detail is incredible! Absolutely in awe with the axles and suspension detail. I wouldn't call a rock climber "slammed" XD. Could you make a stanced Volksrod too? I freaking love those things.
  17. The bonnet piece is actually six studs wide. Any solution ideas using Technic pieces? I feel like they could be my best bet. Edit: Moved the bonnet higher when opened so it is NOT flush with the bumper panel. Any advice for how to hinge?
  18. I'm making a 10 studs wide Peterbilt Dump Truck for my Uncle and wanted the bonnet to open. However, I haven't been able to come up with a solution for how to make the hood open. This is where I want the bonnet when it is open... ...and here is where I want it to be when closed. Any building advice? Note that I want to be able to fit a detailed Cummins X15 engine under the hood so I don't want the bits and hinges that make the hood open to take up that much space. I can upload a Studio file of the entire truck's front end if you'd like. Thank you.
  19. I love it so much! After watching the Top Gear video a while back I had the idea too of "BuWizz Reliant Robin Mayhem." Can't wait for instructions so I could build my own!
  20. Are there enough new panels in dark bluish gray to build a big 1:8 scale MOC or no? There’s a car that I wanted to build that would look perfect in this color.
  21. When I bought my BuWizz motors they appeared to be lubricated (which I found cool), so I think it's just lubricant. @Zerobricks When will the new update be available for iOS?
  22. My BuWizz 3.0 brick keeps on shutting down after 10 seconds of BuWizz motor fueled fun and will only turn back on if a charging cable in inserted in and then out. This happens repeatedly and the battery is fully charged. Does anybody else experience the same issue and what is the solution? I really don't want to have to return or exchange my 3.0 brick.
  23. I have just added smaller balloon tires to the buggy and it no longer shuts down! So I fixed that issue, the problem is that the center steering function for the Control+ motor is still frustrating me. I’ve been tuning everything and yet every time I stop steering it either resets the steering off-center or doesn’t reset the steering at all. Any help?
  24. I’m going to try using smaller tires and wheels. The original instructions for the buggy I’m building called for the Zetros tires. Thanks for the suggestion.
  25. I don't think it's any of the problems you mentioned. I have huge 42099 tires connected straight to BuWizz motors, could these tires be too big for the BuWizz 3.0 to handle?
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