Everything posted by storskogen
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Wow! Now we need only double VIP points and/or good GWPs for pre-order later in August.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Really good use of antistuds! Something I noticed about the old Ghost was the bigger distance between the two large back engines, which made more space for the Phantom I and II. The new Ghost is actually much more proportioned, and the downscales version of the Phantom II makes sense. The piece for the cockpit is perfect.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think a larger ghost with no phantom is more likely, they can make money by doing they separately and just having them be compatible. Everyone who bought the ghost would be likely to get a phantom 2 set if there was a compatible one next year, and many who don't have the budget to get the ghost would get it so they are getting more sales this way and it could also include some more spoilery characters, allow for a more impressive finished build (the combo) and would allow them to include more figures across 2 sets than they would in 1. Plus maybe they'll include a Zeb in a phantom set. I really hope the set will only include the Ghost. That piece count will be just enough to make a slightly bigger and more detailed version than the previous one, and maybe with a minimum of interior.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Or republic gunships! A hungar with a few microscale ships will definitely be a good and feasible feature without adding far too many pieces. But I don’t think we’ll see any interiors for minifigs, they do fit better a $150 playscale model.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Very happy to see a new version of the Ghost!!! With exactely 50% more pieces than the 2014 version, we can only expect this to be bigger and more detailed, probabily similar to thee 75257 Millenium Falcon. Owning the old one (and intending to buy the new one), can it be wise to sell it before the official release?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Agree, it was rather lame and it doesn’t seem printed. In my opinion, a black katana still does the trick better than what is offered in this set.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think the N1 microfighter is quite nice and comes with 2 figures. You get what you expect (if not more), better than the heavily oversized playscale set.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Any chance the Swamp Speeder will include plain white clones rather than clones from a specific legion?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think there are far too many exposed studs to be the final model. The latest UCS sets have quite few exposed studs and are mostly covered by tiles.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Given the Boushh helmet, can we expect that Boushh Leia in the diorama will have her helmet? That is in my opinion one of the finest SW minigures.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Thank you, it looks quite good!
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I have seen a few videos comparing the TIE Bomber to the most recent TIE Fighter. Anyone who received the Bomber owning also the last TIE Advanced (75150)? How do they fit together? Do you have a picture?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I just hope it will be bigger than the 2014 one. Happy to pay 200$ for it. Is is by the way a good timing to sell the old Ghost, or best to keep if popularity increases?
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The TIE bomber looks nice! Yes, it is scaled down, as they were the last X wing and TIE Fighter, but the compromise size-price is overall good. The main difference from previous models and mocs is the windscreen. Here we have a 4x4 dish, while previous ones had a 6x6 dish with bar handle. So, the body of cockpit and left secion is actually 6 studs wide. There you can picture the different proportions. Now I wonder, will a pilot actually fit in the cockpit? Hopefully there is enough space if the whole front section is attached by studs on the side.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
There is now a video of the UCS Razor Crest from Boyond the Brick, and some shorts on Youtube.
LEGO Star Wars 2023 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Very happy to finally see a TIE Bomber, I think the size will still be respectable (compared to the most recent TIE fighters and previous TIEs) and the price very attractive. Personally, I would be happy with a Bomber without a pilot, so a pilot, Vader and a Gonk are all welcome.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Can I ask which one, with or without pins? I would be very curious to see a picture as I was condidering doing the same.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
If the UCS Razor Crest is indeed minifig scale, it is not unlikely it will include more than two minifigures as previuos UCS minifig scale sets. This UCS Razor Crest could have for instance 4-6 minifigures (of which 1-2 could be exclusive). This might also better justify the price tag.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I’ve just seen Thiago’s review of the AT-TE, which comes with 3 extra visors and 4 extra antennas. I guess it can be possible to make a custom Cody out of a new Clone Trooper and those extra pieces (without buying the whole set).
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Accurate description, I don’t think that set deserves more words
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
AT-AT is a very good set with excellent minifigures at a reasonable price! The only thing missing is posable legs, which seems to be a general issue on SW walkers. The Justifier, on the contrary, isn’t that great. This ship should have been downscaled, while the BB shuttle should have been upscaled. I just hope the Ghost will make its appearance in live action as I hope we can get a nice remake in a $200 range (size and shape similar to the Justifier).
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Lego really deserves compliments this time for a number of reasons: 1. We got a Cody minifigure! 2. It’s phase 2 Cody 3. It looks excellent 4. Its design can be used with previous clones and works well with both ROTS and TCW 5. It comes in a set which is not too expensive and offers other interesting minifigures which are massable (as well as the set itself) 6. Lego actually listen to the fans, even the AFOL minority, and sometimes does please their wishes
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I think the Razor Crest remains an iconic ship, despite its unfortunate destiny and, as such, a Lego UCS version can be successful. Still, I wonder whether a UCS version was planned based on Season 3 and a possible come back of the ship in universe. That would clearly explain the choice.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I normally like gunships/transport ships, but this new set from Andor looks like a chibi version of a LAAT. I just hope that the set will be decent representation of the ship in universe.
LEGO Star Wars 2022 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It’s not excluded that both Owen and Beru will both appear in a future set (making Beru not any longer exclusive to this GWP).
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