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Everything posted by monetarist

  1. As a parent and someone who is frequently asked by other parents about what to buy I can only confirm that. However, even without me saying anything I noticed that sets from the competition start to appear in the playrooms. Here in Germany that is mostly Cobi. I was flabbergasted to find CaDa two weaks ago (yes that one) as i lend a hand in a renovation. Lego truly needs to worry, as recent models such as the Ferrari are perceived as overpriced rubbish. Granted, Germany may be an exception as a very prominent youtuber is promoting the competition. Also, something I did not find here. The need for a device to play with Technic/Hidden Side and other Lego is a real concern for 100% of the parents I know. My sample might not be representative but all the parents of children below 12 or so see that as a no. The reason is that they purchase Lego to get the kids away from the screen. Past 12 some see that as a positive if they like their kids to learn programming but not otherwise and this is a rare case. All the Lego that needs a tablet or phone to operate is pretty much off the table.
  2. @Brunojj1 This is great work, the best set I ever bought – one of the best MOCs I ever build. Good work. This was my first non-Lego set I bought. Honestly, if you need to buy the parts, don’t waste your money on Lego. The quality is excellent! I was very unhappy with the Technic sets released over the past few years and there were very few new sets I bought for myself. 42082 and 42083 ended my Lego career. I would have returned for 42113 and planned to buy it at least twice. But it never happened. As a matter of fact I bought and buy Lego to use the parts for MOCs. Thus, I never considered the Sian as I don’t like the color and shifted to used sets. But I never bought anything but Lego. This set and model demonstrated to me how good a set can be and how far ahead the competition is. Lego Technic really needs to improve if it wants to survive.
  3. Thank you, once again. The problem was indeed that not every IR receiver does handle the L-motors well. However, I have decided to restrict the usage of IR to testing models under construction. For finished models I will exclusively use the Buwizz in the future. That allows me to use a controller and is overall just providing more juice. I got most of my parts via ebay and have a lot of IR components. I guess I just sell them on bricklink. The bluetooth provided by the TLG just seems not worth looking into.
  4. Yes, I have a device to check these. It must by the combination of IF/Motors. I just built the Juggernaut SUV by MajklSpajkl to test the components. In my mind, there is no other explanation. If the models were inaccurately built the Buwizz would also fail. Once again, thanks to all of you.
  5. Thank you for the fast and helpful replies. I conclude that as everything works just fine with Buwizz/normal which is supposed to be equivalent to PF/IR the problem is most likely the IR. Those do not work well in any combination IR R1/IR R2 vs. M/L/XL-motors. And thinking of it, I build the Alfa Romeo 4C spider by Jeroen Ottens. This one worked just fine with IR. I guess I was lucky combining the fitting components. I will check that. I'm building these models to learn. I want to construct something on my own, so a simple model is not so helpful. I did some, such as the stuff published by Racing Brick and 42082, 42083, 42095, 42081. No offense, but with the instructions provided by LEGO these are very easy to build.
  6. Maybe I need to elaborate the problem a bit more. I really lack in expirience when it comes to actual building Technic. What I don't lack is parts. I have enough PF/IR to build a number of models. In general, I test the build several times in the process of construction. I also tested the Batteries. What bothers me is that, e.g. in case of the Class 1 Buggy, everything tests fine. Wheels, steering and lights work fine with IR in my hands. However, if I try to drive it everything freezes after 30-50 cm. The same was true with the Warthog or anything I built with IR parts. As soon as I use the Buwizz everything is fine. So I asked myself wheter I'm making mistakes. If I watch the videos about the Buggy on youtube the difference in performance is just jaw-dropping.
  7. Hi ;-) I'm new to LEGO and started with Technic. However, I face problems when using PF. I built several models such as the Aston Martin Vantage GT3 by Thorsten50 or the class 1 unlimited buggy by agrof. The problem is that whenever I try to use LEGO PF nothing happens. If I use Buwizz it works. I do understand that the Aston Martin is supposed to work with Buwizz. I'm just worried that I make fundamental mistakes, maybe the mechanic is too tightly constructed? It's just weird that whenever I use vanilla PF the model does show little to no response. How do I check whether my construction is working as smoothly as intended? If the topic was already discussed I did not find it, sorry. Best regards, Christoph
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