Granite Mech: Brickset Studio 2.0 Fusion of Power Miners and Rock Raiders.
I created this a few weeks ago after a idea in my head. Try fusing the most common sets from similar themes: Rock Raider + Power Miners....the Granite Grinder, and the Mine Mech. I even included the Rock Raiders Emblem on the top. But it has super sized versions of the Mine Mech Saw and Claw Arm for arms Note: The model is supposed to have a Pearl Very Light Gray roof and drill but the renderer turns it into a pearly white. Front Back includes rock raiders emblem
Question about brickshelf?
Was it always like that? I never thought a toa word would be still be too common to be dismissed. I found my own folder the one by just clicking the bionicle category and it was 3 pages in (brickshelf isn't always active) It's the one under the protector masks on the far right...then it's not the manual in search results just because the TOA parts are are considered too short or if it skips a - in a name? The folder name would be 9 letters long and it gets skipped on the first three?
Question about brickshelf?
Don't know if this is a correct category.... Whenever i try the search words Toa in the search galleries for ideas the search always fails finds nothing. Why does this fail for some reason? Did are they just blocking folders/galleries with that one word for a very odd reason? I even have a folder called Toa-Metru, but it's not showing on any results? (even when i use the word metru from my folder title which is still doesn't show up in the search function because it contains Toa in the name) Is brickshelf doing a weird blocker?
Trying to find out how these mocs work
I seen these on brickshelf are on brickshelf a lot but sadly i've never been able to crack the design for the chest to create my own versions in bricklink studio. Has any every completed it with a guide?
Need help installing Bionicle Heroes Modders edition
Found the problem. Windows 11 doesn't include Direct X and doesn't have Direct Play enabled by default. We can close this thread here.
Need help installing Bionicle Heroes Modders edition
Here's a bit more clarity i found I'm on a windows 11 so i don't have those options nor any older computers for tests. However the file giving me results was bionicle_nobloom.exe and bionicle_win2k.exe with two errors. Code Execution Error d3dx9_30.dlll was not found and a system error that XINPUT1_1.dll was not found. The errors even claim that re-installing will fix it but i'm attempting a fresh installation. I just checked the zip folder and not a single file was ever deleted after extracting.
Need help installing Bionicle Heroes Modders edition
SORRY I'm very new to modding. I downloaded a game called Bionicle Heroes: Modders edition. which is also on BZPower forums This game requires a manual installation but i can't i can't find the installer and there is no MS-Word file or Notepad file I've already tested bionicle.exe it did not work, what else can i do without messing it up? The files listed are bionicle.exe bionicle.ico bionicle_nobloom.exe bionicle_win2k.exe and a bunch of folders with resources.
Best & Worst Constraction Canister Designs?
Best ones? Toa Metru, i like the idea of taking Nuju's and Vakama's canister lid and use it as a pokemon ball. Worst My worst one would go to the Mahri if it wasn't for the turret function....but *** grief the mistika canisters they were a real pain to option and required a lot of force with a firm grip on the mask. It gave me cracked nails a few times. I'm a man but stumped/cracked nails aren't fun, it stings a LOT.
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 23. Rumors and discussion
Most bionicle ideas get shot down by those that control the outcomes. But if lego themselves decided to add bionicle into a minfigures series on their own. They did do both simpsons and Disney in the past. That could become great potential, with promotional images of the old versions
LEGO Collectable Minifigures Series 23. Rumors and discussion
Is it possible that Bionicle could be adapted into minifigures in one of these series even if it's just the toa mata?
Bzpower Forum showing problems?
I tried to access the bzpower forums yesterday ( But everything is shown as a jumbled mess and only my avatar is visible and account links in my firefox browser. The layout looks normal in the microsoft edge browser but i am unable to login in on it to test any difference. Does anyone know what may have happened to the forum?
- Custom moc: Onua Mistika reborn, Project Nuva style.
Custom moc: Onua Mistika reborn, Project Nuva style.
I wanted to redesign Onua Mistika life based on a concept drawing made by the owner of the brickshelf account MuffinToa and his Project Nuva. MuffinToa thanks for the inspiration if you see this. DISCLAIMER: I have no intention to claim all the glory for this design idea. and i'm not trying to commit plagiarism of any kind. I used Lego program called Studio 2.0. The options including masks are severely limited but i did my best. Onua Nuva/Mistika Inspiration Image: UPDATE: NEW RENDER IMAGES ADDED Front Back
Fate of ?
I've been wondering what is going on with why has the main website been under construction/maintainment for months. It also seems that very members can login onto the forums including me. Black Six never answered my email regarding account retrieval. (his email is either. Does anyone know in BZPower has financialial problems, has it been abandoned and most members have migrated to this website instead?
Lego Digital Designer wont fit properly version 4.3.11
I found it was a display scale which has the default set at 150......its fixed (however my pc says programs might not respond properly with changed size) but LDD is fine
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