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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by AussieBrett

  1. With the new 81x35 tractor tyres. https://i.imgur.com/1K5iXuS.jpeg
  2. The blue looks great. Also, the H pattern is genius
  3. If the Cat is disappointing, I'll just buy a 2nd Liebherr and build the B-model My 8275 is studless. It's still rubbish. Steering is pathetic. Transmission is laughable.
  4. I'm getting "package appears to be corrupt". Galaxy S6, Android 7.0
  5. Will have a poke round later, IR blaster and Brickcontroller2 is pretty much why I picked up a used Galaxy S6.
  6. Bucket curl is disappointing, B model without the backhoe still looks like the pick of the models. The recoloured buckets from this and the black curved gear racks would look good on a recoloured BWE. Am I the only one that'd rather see a 61408 1x3 crank liftarm with a 2L pin connector attached as manual controls, rather than 12 tooth gears?
  7. Nah, the stuffup was the PoweredUp controller wasn't 4 channel, and didn't natively support the C+ hub.
  8. First mock-up done, only has the 2 speed gearbox and 2x L motors at the moment. Embarrassingly, I didn't realise till most of the body was done that it was the same colour scheme as the 42070 6x6 tow truck. Have also built it as a quick remove body for now, may not be feasible longer term.
  9. Finished my take on it yesterday, after a 3 month freight delay. Working great with BrickController2 and a PS4 controller but also used Controlz for earlier testing. May yet change the main body rotation ring to black, had bought it in yellow before I decided to change the body to orange. Again, thanks for the design and instructions.
  10. I don't recall any of those breaking gears? 42055 was just compromised by value engineering and mine worked fine, 42056 was shitty design decisions, the others I can't comment on as I built them individually motorised. I'd count 42070 as a bigger "faulty drivetrain" than any of those.
  11. Unlike their other collaborations? Or do you not realise the Unimog and Defender both see military service, and almost every other brand they're licencing has or does have vehicles deployed with various militaries worldwide.
  12. Finally had an international delivery I was waiting on arrive, so had the last parts required to build the external body. The last of my electronics has been on a plane between Kuala Lumpur and Melbourne for almost 7 weeks and with Victoria the way it is I don't think they'll be here for months... Took a quick pic on the way out the door this morning.
  13. I honestly haven't looked at the setup, but my first instinct is the old flex cable system.
  14. Still waiting on international and interstate deliveries to make more headway. On principle, I wasn't going to pay the going rates for 5x11 yellow panels and to keep some diversity on my shelving, went with orange but kept the black.
  15. I've jumped on this bandwagon too, but don't have the budget for the buggy motors so a different system will be going in, along with a colour change.
  16. Great model. Congratulations. I'm currently building it with a colour change and some simplifications to the bodywork, still waiting on some international orders for parts but I've completed the main body and a modified cab.
  17. Build is good. Noticed some oddness in the manual, step 200? QR code after step 102 is a 404? Unless I counted wrong, chain needs 1 less than indicated links?
  18. That'd be why they stopped printing B model manuals, then they've judged from there how many are downloaded or complaints recieved and adjusted their product to suit.
  19. Like the 8043 Excavator? Pass. Like some of the modded 42070s? Pass. The only way PF is "superior" is the stacking of connectors. Aside from angle sensors, how is C+ superior to sbrick/buwizz? What you should be upset about is the PU controller being so neutered with only 2 control channels. Agree on not needing another motor but I'd rather have return to center steering, with the bonus that the average person won't need to figure out why "it won't drive straight". And if anyone still has such a love for PF then....buy set, convert?
  20. So the drum is 6 pieces? Rear view shows a join in the top. Perhaps they'll end up reused as round versions of BURP/LURP?
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