REVIEW: Indiana Jones 7196 Chauchilla Cemetery Battle
I am getting this. If nothing else, it is definitely for that bike!
REVIEW: 10194 Emerald Night
Thanks for the review! This is another set that I am looking much forward to but it is it is never easy to get "5-numbered" sets in Singapore. The only other wish I have is that TLC can sell more of the train cars....., maybe some freight cars too and ....Caboose anyone? Will definitely make the train more complete.
Post Your Castle Army Here!
A combination of both. For the dwarves, I got a huge qty of the dwarf mine defender, 30+ sets, in order to get the dwarfs and the trolls. A lot of skeleton prison chariots sets for the skeleton horses and skellies. Of course, the knights and skeleton battlepacks, and the earlier Castle chess sets and tic-tac-toe sets helped a lot in my army building. The impulse was also a very good buy for both the knights and trolls. Then, it is off to bricklink for a lot of the shields, equipment and other troops (trolls, dwarves and knights) as and when I find good bargains.
Post Your Castle Army Here!
Got into serious army building in 2007 with my purchase of Castle Siege after coming out of my Dark Ages. Here you see the 4 factions I have built so far. The Crown Army Brickshelf folder; The Dwarf Army Brickshelf folder; (when public) The Skeleton Army Brickshelf folder; The Troll Army Brickshelf folder; (when public)
Space Police 2009!
In case it is not mentioned, the vehicles shown in the pics are from set 5973.
Space Police 2009!
Squidman will not be the only "criminal" in the series. From the other pics, we have an orange alien, a grey looking one (looks like a dragon head) and a pair of white skellie faced twins. There is another green alien in set 5971 that looks like squidman but the pic seems to show this one has a longer neck. So there is an interesting bunch of different aliens and not a specific group like the older Blacktron. The series name is Space Police. This is what is shown on the boxart.
City '09?
I mentioned earlier in my post that the camper is 6 studs wide, and roughly 20 studs long. Then, in answering natelites remark about the 'SPORTS CAR' I mentioned it is 4 stud wide. I hope I put everything in the right perspective.
City '09?
It is 4 stud wide. So, you don't need to worry it being "oversized".
Castle sets 2008/2009
Sorry to disappoint you... the reason why I say there is an Orc King... is becos' the pics showed him wearing a crown (the same replica as the crownie king). Since the pics are prelim, hopefully TLC will make it a different mold from the normal king's one.
City '09?
The camper is a single vehicle, I believe 6 studs wide. It is not a very huge vehicle (about 20 studs long, rough count) so don't hope for too much there. Oh, one other thing... the Pizza shop in city corner has an attic too.... so does this make it 3 storey tall? I am not sure how the proper count of floors should be...
2008 Picture thread
It does look black to me so it could be one of the DS troopers. But, that part of the pic is not clear becos of the "CONFIDENTIAL" stamp so I cannot really determine the type of figure there. One other thing, just to elaborate a bit more, since some members raised the questions, Taun-taun -- the only movable part seems to be the "hands" and hind legs. Think of it like the dragons from the castle series, only that the head seems to part of a single mold with the body and tail. As for the rider, I guess it to be Han becos' the figure is wearing the dark blue winter clothing. Venator Cruiser -- The box art showed only 5 figures (displayed in front like the other clone wars sets) so I believe this is all you can find in the set.
City '09?
Here's a brief description of the 2009 city sets I saw on the traders' catalog... 7639 Camper: A nice looking camper, mostly white with lime green trimings. 2 minifigs, 1 guy and 1 lady. The lady looks like it will have a new hairpiece. It also comes with a surf board and bicycle. One other thing, it looks like lego has gone back to use the small car doors again. 7641 City Corner: Consist of a main pizza shop (2 storey tall), a bicycle shop and a bus stop. The bus is a modern design with 1 door in front and another in the middle of the bus. The bus is yellow. There are 5 minifigs, 1 lady chef (from the pizza shop), 1 figure on skateboard, 1 bus driver, 1 bus passenger and 1 shopkeeper (for the bicycle shop). 7642 Garage: A workshop to repair cars and trucks. It comes with a tow truck (flat front) towing another truck. There is also a small blue pickup in the workshop. There are altogether 4 minifigs in there. The workshop comes with winch and a mechanical platform for raising the vehicle. 8402 Sports Car: Small impulse like set that have a red convertible and a minifig. The red convertible design looked very similar to the one in the set 7898. 7638 Tow Truck: A smaller tow truck compared to the one in Garage. Did I mentioned that both will be in orange......
2008 Picture thread
This is what I see in the catalog. I do not want to post the pics as they do have a "CONFIDENTIAL" stamped on it. As for the minifigs in the Venator class cruiser, the pic I have is not very clear... so the figs are my best guess... I could be wrong.
2008 Picture thread
I manage to see the pics from the traders catalog of the following sets and this is what I can describe about the figures in the set... 7748 Corporate Alliance Tank Droid ™: 2 droids and 2 clones with jump packs (the jump packs looks like the classic space oxygen tanks but then they are prelim pics). The tank is basically gray (different shades) in colour. 7749 Echo Base™: One laser turrent with a trench wall. 2 hoth rebel soldiers, 2 snow trooper with one of them holding the "big gun" (Sorry, cannot remember what that thing is called, similar to the one found in the earlier MF) and 1 Taun-taun with, I believe, Han Solo on it. 8036 Separatists Shuttle ™: 3 droids, 1 "green" guy and another person in orange. Unfortunately, I cannot make out the 2 key minifigs as the pics are not very clear. 8037 Anakin's Y-wing Starfighter ™: Basically the design from the clone war animation with Anakin, Ashoka and R2-D2. 8038 The Battle of Endor ™: There will be the "back door" to the base in the forest as seen in the movies. There will be Han Solo, Leia (looks like a new torso, green), R2-D2, 2 rebel soldiers (in green and helmets as seen in the movies), 2 scout troopers with speeders, 2 ewoks(1 on a glider and there is also a catapult) and 1 AT-ST with Chewbecca on it. I cannot see clearly but there might be an imperial officer within the base. 8039 Venator-class Republic Attack Cruiser ™: At first I could not really make out who is that with the wavy hair and the 2 blue figures.... then I realised it is probably Chancellor Palpatine!! Plus the 2 senate guards (is that what they call them...) There will also be a clone trooper officer (I cannot see clearly who is that) and 1 clone trooper. Unfortunately, there are no pics of the other sets mentioned above as the catalog only shows what will be released up to August.
Castle sets 2008/2009
Just saw pics of the new sets. Some description of what I saw, Trolls' Mountain Fortress -- There will be 2 crownies, 1 knight (on horseback) and a king (which is pictured as captured in the fortress cell). There will be 2 orc soldiers, 2 giant trolls (1 tan and 1 green, both holding clubs that are brown in colour and have black coloured helmets with a print), an ORC KING and an orc shaman. The fortress is huge, from the pic, I believe the size is comparable to the Crownie castle. Drawbridge Defense -- The jester, queen and the "golden" knight can be found here. The golden knight basically comprises a yellow torso and leg piece with the king armor. As this is a prelim pic, I am not sure whether this is how the golden knight will finally turn out. (I am saying this becos' prelim pics of the Space Police sets uses the City Theme Police torso... ) The enemies are basically skeletons, 3 in total (one of them on horseback). King's Battle Chariot -- Basically the King and a soldier on a single horse drawn chariot. I find the chariot a bit big for a single horse but then this is Lego.... Anyway, the enemies here are 2 orc soldiers.
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