Hi Permo, yes that's maybe a better idea! You know sometimes an idea comes to you and you just go with that without thinking about other options. That's what's great about this community - sharing new and other ideas. Thanks for your comment.
If anyone is interested in the power supply I used you can get it on aliexpress https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33008811576.html?spm=2114.12010612.8148356.6.c5fc1d9a2sBN85
There are many others to choose from. What I like about this supply is that it shows you the current as well as voltage and also the voltage is variable.
Thanks for your feedback much appreciated. The supply I used is https://www.aliexpress.com/item/33008811576.html?spm=2114.12010612.8148356.6.c5fc1d9a2sBN85
Hi Everyone,
This is probably not a new idea but I have modified my Lego Technic power box to connect directly to a 9V power supply to save on batteries and to generate more power by being able to increase the voltage. I have uploaded the video to my YouTube channel I started 4 weeks ago. I like building heavy lifting cranes and needed more consistent power and also with the power supply I have I can measure the current too. Let me know if you found this useful.
Hi there, excited to join this forum and to learn more about what others are building around the world. My favourite lego is Lego Technic and I enjoy making my own MOC creations, especially cranes. Hope to meet many people here soon.