Everything posted by Options
10278 Police Station
Really like it. Best modular in years. Please, enough of this garbage about police......keep your opinion to yourself, especially if you haven’t reviewed the FBI uniform crime statistics. Example..... “I won't deny I was a little uncomfortable learning that this would be the 2021 installment in the Modular Buildings Collection, given the rising awareness of past and present police corruption and misconduct which fueled this past summer's protests. I realize the designers couldn't really have anticipated that being one of the hot-button issues of 2020, but it ends up casting a bit of a shadow over the reveal, which is unfortunate because it truly is a lovely set which makes a great addition to the series.” Seriously? For the vast majority of people, it’s not a ‘hot button issue’. Not even close.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
The vast majority of Americans appreciate the police and what they do. There shouldn’t be any problem whatsoever with this set in the USA. One or 2 rogue policemen out of tens of thousands isn’t a reason for Lego to not make a police station. We abhor the denial of due process as guaranteed in our constitution. This Lego set in no way should be associated with any political situation in the USA. I’m grateful for the police. Even the one who pulled me over doing 90 in a 65 zone in my Audi S5. Peace and happy holidays to all.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
To those who buy custom instructions: I want to ask you something
The instructions need to be for something that, for lack of a better word, appears outstanding to a collector/builder. And, unique. Another 3 story restaurant isn’t going to cut it. A great example for an alternative build is the AS alternate build. While it is still an ‘eatery’ at heart, the design is outstanding and NO additional pieces outside of what you get with Assembly Square are required. I don’t think the extra parts needed to complete the design should cost more than 10% of the base set. I’ve lost a lot of interest in custom builds since the manufacturers in Asia are cranking out large modulars with quality parts, no missing pieces and coherent instructions. Things have changed a lot in the last few years.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Interiors are sooooo easy. Just to start, google ‘build lego furniture’ and you’ll get many, many ideas. Plus, the furniture builds for a modular are so small that it’s relatively easy to figure out the piece inventory needed. As for story lines, well, we all have an imagination to one degree or another...........and, that’s free.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
I’m in complete agreement with you. I collect modular buildings with some MOCs thrown in. The manufacturer is irrelevant to me as long as it’s a good design that adds to my collection. I look at the building, not the mini-figs or the story line. As time goes by, a higher percentage of my city is non-Lego.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Me too. The quality of the non-Lego sets has improved to a level where they are on an equal basis with Lego. I started building modulars about 8 years ago. When the non-Lego sets first appeared, they had ‘issues’. Now, things are pretty much on an equal basis. Design, quality of brick and instruct books are great. I generally buy from Amazon and avoid those offerings with long transit times. Some of the non-Lego modulars are actually next day delivery through Amazon. If you collect Lego exclusively, fine. If you simply enjoy modulars, well, there are options. No disrespect to Lego or Lego collectors intended. Some of us need/want more than one modular a year. Especially when the Lego release isn’t up to our individual standards.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Icons Landmark Buildings - Rumours and Discussion
Change of heart. I would buy it even though I don’t like it. Cost isn’t an issue because I’m old and won’t outlive my money. This is going to be soooooooo repetitive. That’s not unusual for architecture/building sets. Can’t be helped in most cases. But, if it is over 9,000 pieces that would take repetitiveness to an entire new level. I can just see it now. I’ll be at about the 5,000 piece mark, will become totally bored and fall face first dead into the bricks. Death by boredom. Either that, or my dogs will mistake it for their feeding dish. I have more to say, but my Apple Watch is telling me it’s time to stand.
- Icons Landmark Buildings - Rumours and Discussion
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Let’s look back at the last three modulars. The diner. Folks, ‘art deco’ it ain’t. Please reference the Chrysler building in NYC or some of the small South Beach boutique hotels for art deco. At best, it’s 50’s kitsch and fits in comfortably with nothing else in the series. The corner garage’s small building foot print with an out of proportion gas pump and incompatible ‘tenants’. The bookstore. Small, looks like a 3 in 1 set. For a good bookstore, look to the Barnes/Noble-Starbucks MOC that was eventually ripped off by a Chinese manufacturer. Might be too large for a Lego set in this series, but it really is outstanding. European, American or other design. No preference. Just make it a building of, for lack of a better term, ‘substance’.
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Really, really thought about turning it into a modular. But, the $399 price combined with the number of bricks that I’d have to use from my inventory to make it look right made it impractical. Some of the garish colors are something that I’d never use. Plus, I’m not real big on mini-figs and the amount of pieces used for interior detail. Instead, I bought a modular of Chinese origin and will pour at lot of Lego bricks into it and do some design modifications. I need more than one modular a year. I’m reasonably sure that Lego has determined that’s all the market will support. And, that’s fine. So, I do alternative builds or buy from other sources. One way I filled the void between modulars was to double the size of the Brick Bank while pulling out the laundromat and making it a separate building.
Lego Architecture 2020
I like the idea, but not the execution of it in Lego. I think it needs to be at least twice as large with more detail. The Ideas submission seems uninspiring and, at best, an average representation of the actual building.
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
- Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
Modular Building Sets - Rumours and Discussion
The bus station/coffee shop is very nice. However, like the Barnes Noble/Starbucks, you probably won’t see it until it’s knocked off by one of the Chinese manufacturers. Just too many pieces for Lego. While I don’t like vehicles included with modular sets, the buses are are great designs and I’d like to have both of them. I don’t think we’ll see anymore modular building sets like Market Street where the origin of the set comes from outside the Lego design team. Many of the ones I’ve seen in Ideas are beautiful. If you need more than one modular a year (like I do), then some of the alternative build plans available out there are great. One of the alternate builds of Assembly Square doesn’t require any additional pieces and is a great building.
How common are missing pieces?
I got my first lego set about 9 years ago and since then have built over 100 sets. As the years and sets wore on, the number of missing pieces got fewer and fewer. Now, over the course of the past few years and dozens of sets, I can only remember one missing piece. So, they either got better or I got better. I tend to think it was the latter.
- [REVIEW] 21323 Grand Piano
Icons Landmark Buildings - Rumours and Discussion
This is a welcome development. I doubt that this set will have mini-figs (good). Other large landmark sets didn’t. A 9,000+ piece adult oriented set would be great. As far as price goes, at least licensing fees won’t have to be built into the cost. It will be interesting to see how the 9,000 pieces are selected by the designers. Will 2 or 3 pieces be used when a larger piece could be used with no loss of detail? I’m also interested in the price point study that Lego would do concerning the retail cost (but, I’ll never know). Note, once it’s released, the ‘price’ is a ‘price’, it’s not a ‘price point’. They’re different. You’re welcome.
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