Everything posted by Captain Charles F. Harlowe
Presenting my current WIP: HMS Victory
Does at least anybody know if Mr. Teddy still is among the living and the Project, on Principle, going on, or has he disappeared or dumped the Project?
WIP Batavia (VOC ship)
Can't see anything either. Harlowe
Decal Wish List
May I ask what Programm you are using to mke these Decals?? Harlowe
Cant open Files in Extended mode
Captain Charles F. Harlowe replied to Captain Charles F. Harlowe's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsThat is awesome, thank you very very much, Sirs!
Cant open Files in Extended mode
Captain Charles F. Harlowe posted a post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsHi! I tried to open a "normal" LDD File in the extended mode to add some cool other bricks, but when I try to load it, it always opens it in the "normal" mode. Anything I am doing wrong? Harlowe
I HATE you!
As I said, I hate you. Just when a Project is coming along fine, some other Bloke has to post his MOC, that is much better, which forces pitty me to completely rework my Project. Can't you just build crappy Ships? Ships that do not cause me to literally rework 90% of my Ship to include such things like curving Decks and such? I hate you all....for being so great :pir-sweet: Sincerely, Harlowe... *now removing all the Decks from the Ship*
The New Sword Sling Piece...
Cool, Thank you.
The New Sword Sling Piece...
Is this Pece available in white? Harlowe
Building Masts and Spars, Help needed
GREAT, thank you very much. If I may ask another Question, what name would I have to search for, if I were seeking the negative roof Tiles? Harlowe
12 gun Pirate Schooner
I'd redo the Shrouds a bit. The usually always go to the rear, as they are supposed to keep the Masts from being flippep forward by the Wind.
Building Masts and Spars, Help needed
You dont know if they are available in tan, do you? Harlowe
Building Masts and Spars, Help needed
Well, Sir, I think an intermediate Size would be very nice to have. Considering the diffrent Parts of the Masts and Spars to be of diffrent sizes, and usually the individual Masts also diffrent, I'd prefer to have 3 Options rather than two. I think minifig-Heads are about correct for the size, but may look quite ribbed when stacked. And I wonder if the are available in tan or brown. Harlowe
Building Masts and Spars, Help needed
Thank you. the First mentioned Bricks are the 2*2 round I was referring to. But the Idea with the Wire is brilliant. The second pieces look great, but I suspect them to be exactly 1*1. Still they look way better than a stack of 1*1s. Still looking for an intermidieat sized option. :( I will have to build the mast quite stable, as the should ha a miniscule tilt to the rear, fixex in their Positions by the Rigging. Harlowe
Building Masts and Spars, Help needed
Hello! If one wants to avoif using the Lego-Masts, there seem to be few Options left. Mainly the round 2*2 and 1*1 Bricks. To stabilize Masts and Spars from those Bricks, one can insert Technic-Rods or Lightsabers. However, as the Technikrods and Lightsabers are limited in Length, the Masts still can get very fragile. So I wonder if it would be considered cheating to aplly some glue, or if there are other Ways to build Spars and Masts more stable. Also, I wonder of there is any Brick available to make round Spars that are intermediate in Diameter, between the 1*1 and 2*2 round. Regards, Harlowe
Listing the Bricks from LDD file? there is a Way, that does not require a Decade of Brick-Counting? GREAT, Thank you
Is there a Way to communicate Suggestions with the Developers?
Captain Charles F. Harlowe replied to Captain Charles F. Harlowe's post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsThank you :)
Listing the Bricks from LDD file?
Making the List seems the most complicated part of it... :(
Is there a Way to communicate Suggestions with the Developers?
Captain Charles F. Harlowe posted a post in a topic in Digital LEGO: Tools, Techniques, and ProjectsHi! I'd be interested, if there is a Way to communicate Suggestions to the developers of LDD.....eversince my first LDD-MOC I longed for an Option to stroll along my Creation with a Minifig in First-Person.... Harlowe
Listing the Bricks from LDD file?
Hi Basically I am building a Ship in LDD and would love to build it for real when its completed. But Then I will have to buy the Bricks, and there is no Way im counting and sorting 8.000+ Bricks manually... As for the istructions, well, LDD comes with an Instruction Generator, but appearently it cant stand my Ship :P
Listing the Bricks from LDD file?
Hello! My Tavern/Manor Project is pausing and waiting for inspiration, whilst I tackled (almost a year since I last worked on it) my Ship again. I am overcoming Obstacles and making good progress...However, I wonder if there is a way to find out which bricks in what Colour and Amount I need. Many vital Bricks are no longer available via Lego, and Lego seems expensive anyway, via LDD. So I would need a Programm or ability to have a partslist assembled. Also, is there a way to get the instructions somewhat less laggy? The Ships Hull is nearing 8.000 Pieces, and I havent even Started with the Rigging. Harlowe.
1700s Tavern
Thanks! I am working a bit on it. e.G. struggling to have the 2nd Floor Windows slightly shorter. Regards, Harlowe
1700s Tavern
HUH? My Brickshelf account is gone!! Does anybody know what might be the Cause?
Need Advice
Hello! I'd apreciate any Advice, how I can get sections if Surfyce of a Sphere as smooth as possible with LEGO. And, is there a Way to have metallic Silver Surface at the same time? Harlowe [Edit] The Radius would be rather big, if not huge.
1700s Tavern
Do I have to change some Settings?
1700s Tavern
Okidoki... here is the Link to the Gallery so far Not yet visible is the Buildings Extention. I kind of build it roughly in the Order it was thought to be built and changed by the Minifigs back in the 1700s :) I am a bit unsure if the Cellar-Windows can stay where they are...and how to prevent any Rain from flooding the Cellar :) Harlowe [Edit] The Facade is made from single Bricks, although it doesnt show in LDD. I will ad Detailing, e.g. Bricks of diffrent Volour, later. I have the Feeling the LDD shows the Colours rather dark, I wonder if there is a Way to adjust that.
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