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Brick Moon

Eurobricks Vassals
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About Brick Moon

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    Star Wars
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    Upsilon MOC

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    Creating building kits


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  1. Hi guys, happy to share a bit the idea and the aim for V2...and why it comes to 28.000+ parts :) Should you follow our work at The Brick Collective and Brick Moon, you will know that we have big aims and goals for the MOCs we do. With the help of Erick Poussart we all (Cavegod, Tobias Nieder, Erick Poussart and myself) decided to bring Cavegod`s masterpiece to another level..to V2. Means: design, details, functions and an interior, which will give you a feeling how the life could be on a Sandcrawler. We want to turn a new page in displaying MOCs. You all know these books...where spaceships, ground vehicles gives you a peak inside...kind of halfway open. But you also see, how it looks in general. This is our aim...when you display this MOC, you see also the life inside. This is really a competition...and as you see, it takes years of working...but we are really happy about the result. Now we are starting the instruction work...and later my aim is also to create very exclusive & all included building kits (yes...28.000+ LEGO parts sorted)...but step by step. At first we do the instructions.
  2. Hi...i sent you an e-mail. Best regards, Sebastian
  3. Hi guys, just a short explanation. I run Brick Moon and together with BrickBob we do The Brick Collective. We are working closely with many designers...including Cavegod. We did with him the AT-M6, the Imperial Landing Craft...and now we are working since many months with Pete on the Sandcrawler V2. We are also working with Brick Vault in coop for this huge project. Pls be patient for more details... There is also no competition or beef with others. We are just working on this and doing our best to make a great MOC.
  4. Instruction is on his way :)
  5. Hi Kris, You can pay via Rebrickable or directly to me. Its like a joint household as i do this in coop with Pete/Cavegod. All the best, Sebastian P.S and great that you are interested in his Upsilon. :)
  6. Hi Darth, we don't have a led setup, sorry ...its more free style...so you can work with any led's you like.
  7. amazing stand ...really cool
  8. understandable...i sold 5x the Intimidator and they all need to recover now :))) ...lucky they are not killed by their wife's
  9. Thanks ...and I sent the mail. All the best, Sebastian
  10. Costs are 45,- EUR (pdf instruction + csv/xml part list). In case you want it, here my PayPal: sebastian@midnightbeats.de ...after receipt will send the download links directly to your mail address. All the best, Sebastian
  11. Thrilled to announce that after many months of sleepless night the instruction PDF for Cavegod's masterpiece the incredible UCS Upsilon Shuttle is available from Friday 24 January 2020 on. UCS UPSILON SHUTTLE by Pete Brookdale "Cavegod" Instruction by Harry Han & Brick Moon 5.700+ bricks
  12. Thrilled to announce that after many months of sleepless night the instruction PDF for Cavegod's masterpiece the incredible UCS Upsilon Shuttle is available from Friday 24 January 2020 on. UCS UPSILON SHUTTLE by Pete Brookdale "Cavegod" Instruction by Harry Han & Brick Moon 5.700+ bricks
  13. Hi guys, instruction will be available very soon.
  14. Thanks Stefan...appreciate your words and that you happy. I am working right now on the kit for Cavegod's UCS Rebel Transport...an incredible ship. Lets support the rebels a bit ...before we are back to the other side :)))
  15. Great work...can’t wait to build this masterpiece.
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