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Eurobricks Knights
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About JaBaCaDaBra

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    42083 Chiron


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    Milkyway west

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  1. Lego doesn't need Acryl to detoriate
  2. I know all about it, also that TLG didn't do any effort to clean our beaches. There is nu plural in a brand name.
  3. On the beaches of isles Terschelling and Ameland in the Netherlands you find hundreds of Lego pieces.
  4. Great and many thanks I have a Bonus grandson that is addicted to clocks, this will be a dream for him.
  5. This is really great work. is there a way to download this as one file? fa as pdf
  6. Louis better keeps his $^%$^&**& mouth shut with his overpriced environment %$%^*&^* junk Talking about copyright infringement... https://www.hbvl.be/cnt/dmf20170420_02842434
  7. Great, I have my VIC-20 still around, with umpteen original game and extension cartridges. A VIC with 64K dynamic RAM (not possible) ohhh yes offcourse that is possible... And how about the refesh? the VIC can't handle dynamic ram. True BUT......it DOES have a line and colorburst generator coming from the videochip.. 15625 Hz... works great Sorry kids, grandpa's here Magnus Dominum Technico
  8. Yes Problem is that TLG forgot about that. Oh well kids nowadays call themselves technical when they manage to connect their playstation to the tv while we were making a radio from almost nothing.
  9. You first have to know the basics of electricity... Maybe we should all step over to Fischer Technik where they DO learn kids these basics.
  10. Where they pull out their hairs after the umpteenth unavoidable software update that makes their projects useless. Not mentioning older education sets that render totally useless after only a few years.
  11. just order new ones at their website https://www.lego.com/nl-nl/service/replacement-parts/broken
  12. Excellent action mr lego indulge in your sets with worthless wheels and do not make sets that people want instead sew them, good action, you will get rich now.
  13. nonononono Cat spam is PURRfectly fine
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