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Eurobricks Dukes
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  1. If you wanted to build a blue Lego car in the 80s, you could use all your blue bricks. Now, you can't, because there are 6+ shades of blue that don't match. I guess you can just use whatever shades you have but it's going to look pretty bad, unless you're going for a ramshackle look. Sure, having more colors to choose from has its advantages, but having more colors in your collection that don't match is an obvious downside should be pretty easy to understand.
  2. Yep. Although I'll have a bunch of yellow parts left over. 😁 I might not make a Renegade though. I've already done that once.
  3. Based. I always suspected you were a good dude, but now I'm sure of it. Same. I kicked myself for missing out on the Mushroom House, but eventually bought it on Bricklink for close to retail. Unfortunately I had to pay for shipping from Europe -- ouch.
  4. Another thing that bugs me about the walker is the use of the arches in the support structure. The curves of the arches totally clash with the industrial look of the grilled wedge plates. When I get my copy, I'm going to be very tempted to not even build the set, and just build something else with the parts. That's how unexcited I am about the official builds.
  5. As someone who absolutely loves Space and Blacktron, I find the set so disappointing that I haven't even bought it yet. If it was halfway decent, it'd be a day one purchase. I think I'll get it eventually. It's a parts pack, at least. The helicopter canopy in trans yellow & the prints are great. I am also not super into the walker. Honestly, it's laughable. It doesn't look anything like the Alienator, and it has big dumb yellow clown feet. It looks like a bad MOC, not an official alt build.
  6. Ah right, I vaguely remember that now. Thank you. So a possible Blacktron 2 set, but not totally confirmed. I think the time is right for an Ice Planet set but they went and got rid of trans neon orange. Honestly, they should just bring it back, even if it's for one set. Take the cost out of the paycheck of whoever approved its removal.
  7. That's news to me. Do you have a source?
  8. Here's a good pic revealing the egregious amount of yellow in the new Renegade. It's everywhere! Someone somewhere said the yellow around the cockpit was intended to achieve a similar shape as the original canopy. I can see that being the intent, but...they screwed up the shape of literally every other part of the ship so why take such extreme lengths for the back bit of the canopy?
  9. Nice! I like the single stud wide tailfin centered with jumper plates. Using inverted slopes to match the slope of the hull is pretty smart.
  10. I like this color mod: https://brickset.com/article/117215/improving-the-new-renegade
  11. Sure. That's basically what I meant. I take it as a given that a trans colored windscreen put on a contrastingly colored ship will cause the windscreen color to "pop" or stand out in a noticeable way. This is what has been done all along in Classic Space. Trans yellow on blue, trans blue on white, trans green on gray, etc. However there are rare counterexamples: The blue bricks certainly "pops" on the white, but the windscreen itself doesn't stand out. Does it matter? Does it look just as good this way? Maybe. But I wouldn't say it makes a glowing effect. Can't blue glow? Or maybe only certain colors make a glowing effect? I have no idea.
  12. Sounds like it happens a lot? I wasn't replying to you though. Also not sure why you would think I meant that. Usually PR teams disseminate ideas in puff pieces or interviews and then useful fans repeat them. I don't know what you guys are seeing. Do you need to turn down the brightness on your monitors? 🤣 Also if we're mostly seeing renders, who knows what is causing this glowing effect that I'm not seeing?
  13. That's the second time I've heard that, and there's no such glowing effect, and there's no way two people independently came up with that. Is that just some talking point that Lego PR disseminates to explain away why this set f&cked up the traditional Space color blocking in which a colored transparent windscreen is set against a contrasting color?
  14. They need to triple that guy's salary and make him head designer for all of Lego, or at least for all System sets.
  15. I just realized. I think tiles on the edges with studs in the middle, like on the wings of 10497, look nice and polished. But studs on the edges with tiles in the middle, like on the new Renegade, look messy and ugly.
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