Everything posted by ARC2149Nova
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
This has massive John Halo energy.
Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
More recognizable is debatable, but I agree it makes more sense and is more versatile. Or worse, just one.
Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
I know it's a forgone conclusion, but do you all think we'll get the color-blocked uniforms of the early seasons, or the sweater-style/DS9/Voyager uniforms? And will Beverly have her lab coat? I'm also kinda hoping we get a more affordable "crewman" pack, as those torsos will be hell to get on the secondary market. For TOS, I'm content with using plain Red/Blue/Yellow torsos, but the TNG and later uniforms are much harder to replicate. At least it's not the Mirror Universe.
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
@Mandalorianknight You're both wrong. Tanalorr belongs to the Syndicate. It belongs to Blacktron. This pic is needlessly hard.
Star Trek 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
Slightly disappointed by the Enterprise-D, the Galaxy-class isn't my cup of tea, but the TNG crew is pretty iconic so it's all good. Hopefully this leads to more stuff, as was mentioned getting the other important crew members, maybe some alien species too.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Enough 501st already. They are overrated. Though I concur, getting the named clones (both Phases) would be nice. *coughDenalhackMixercoughRedeyecoughcough*
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
I can get behind this. After all... He is Black and Yellow.
Dream Lego Licensed Themes
Facts, nothing beats the 1701-dash-nothing. I hope we get the OG crew, and a Klingon or Gorn for good measure.
Dream Lego Licensed Themes
LEGO...the Final Frontier. Can't wait!
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
To be fair, I was being cheeky to your "convoluted" statement. It's not "convoluted" for Blacktron to be a pre-existing society, it's arguably more convoluted to make them an offshoot of the Federation, with rogue admirals, secret fleets, and the like. Both are equally valid ideas. Humans as in "humans from Earth, but the bad guys". Of course all "alien" races and the like will still be invariably human, that's a non-argument. The star bases being provided by a separate faction is quite the reach, and doesn't make sense within the scope of the themes, where each faction has considerable differences in their technology. Yes, Blacktron II may have stolen technology from M-Tron, but the original Blacktron tech is far different than anything the Federation offers or has offered since (including all 3 Space Police, Ice Planet, Futuron, and Unitron). Including things like the CMF Evil Mech, which is leagues more advanced than the robots of the Federation, and even those created by the Zotaxians. Blacktron is a mysterious faction that closely resembles our Earth-born heroes. It's true origins should always remain a mystery. "Humans but not" are a staple in sci-fi, from Vulcans to Kryptonians, this is an easy explanation for their classic appearance, it doesn't mean they have to be from Earth. I don't think LEGO ever intended that to be the case. As for conquest=exploration, think Prime Continuity Starfleet vs Terran Empire. That's the difference between The Federation and Blacktron, two separate societal paths. Also, exploring space is considerably easier than exploring the deep ocean, at least with our current technology. At the end of the day, you can enjoy Blacktron however you'd like, (Imagination) but it's not "convoluted" to assume that the mysterious space faction is indeed, mysterious.
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Spy. Which fits as a Blacktron predecessor tbh. Because Blacktron has better technology, hidden star bases, multispecies agents (Rench, CMF Bounty Hunter), and it has a certain mystique that simply being "humans but evil" tarnishes. Human-like as in, idk Romulan or whatever. Space is massive, parallel evolution and whatnot. I think it's an interesting what if to the idea of if humanity still valued conquest and colonization over coexistence and noble exploration. Blacktron is a dark mirror to the Federation, the perfect enemy in a way. Some of us prefer complex storytelling is all. Yes. I'm going off the movies, but I do know there are differences between the miniseries and the actual show. Jessica is just a national treasure, period. My headcanon on the Space colors, I guess (screw the canon ) Color is equal parts personal choice and official mission specialty, meaning that some color roles may change from ship to ship. In the story I'm working on, it's as follows: Yellow - Command Staff, Blue - Science Officers, White - Pilots, Red - Operations, Black - Tactical, Pink - Communications, Purple - Medical, Orange - Long-Range Recon Patrol, Green - Engineering. I know Brown should be Nursery/Medical, but there are no babies on this voyage, so they're my Hazard-Ops Officer. For Futuron: Yellow - Command/Pilots/Navigation, Blue - Science/Medical/Communications, Red - Operations/Engineering, Black - Tactical/LRRP
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
The robins don't exist afaik, Hal and Jessica both attend school together, and Supes, Bats, and John Stewart are the JLA/Adults. The canon is there is no canon, not like we know it, anyway. It's just for fun. TBH, they feel like generic space marines/air force/security forces to me. Good for a personal theory, but I prefer the idea that Blacktron is just another human-like civilization that's been on the galactic scale far longer than Earth has.
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Well yes, but these direct enemies also exist alongside the exploratory entity of the era. Blacktron exists alongside Classic Space/Futuron, which led to the formation of the Space Police, LoM and MM are basically the same theme (human-wise), just with more security personnel (again, something like the MACOs from Star Trek: Enterprise) In the canon I'm working on, the two branches of Lego's space fleet, while separate, continuously evolve into their respective counterparts as threats arise. Also, a lot of the antagonist factions operate in the same general time period, terrorizing different regions of space. Except for Blacktron. Blacktron is forever. I didn't know Spyrius was a villain faction. I made them a CIA/MI6 analog in my universe. And this is probably unintentional, but I like that the shuttle silhouette of the mission patch just so happens to look like the Galaxy Explorer. And every other space shuttle for that matter, but I thought that's a neat little bonus. Because he was barely in the show. That's why. And he could barely talk. We can't have silent minidolls now, can we?
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
Yes, that's the current idea. The Buggoids (Arthropod Ascendency) are one of many hostile alien factions active during the Galaxy Explorer's maiden voyage. Eventually, Galaxy Squad is dismantled and slowly replaced by more of a paramilitary faction (Space Police). Mars Mission is hard to place, considering the uniforms, but I've figured that it's after Alien Conquest and Life on Mars, and is active alongside the modern space program. The parallel evolution of LEGO's Military and Space Programs is complicated, but basically I would say it goes Alien Defense Unit, Mars Mission (hence it's plethora of combat vehicles), Galaxy Squad, Space Police I, II, and III. Then space would be Project Artemis, Life on Mars, Modern, Classic, Futuron. That is wrong on so many levels. Glad everyone liked my Space Theory. We'll finally get that comic book Daily Planet! And the Watchtower. And the Hall of Justice. Sadly, they'll probably all cost $1000+
ASLUME (formerly Batman (DC Superheroes) 2024 - Rumors & Discussion)
So that means that the Black Falcons are the French? Interesting theory. I'd argue the Wolf Pack/Dragon Knights don't really evolve into anything, the criminal element just kind of exists. The major castle factions changing into "modern" empires makes a lot of sense though. Time for my theory: Modern Space (2024) is the prequel to Classic Space/Futuron. City: Space is the early days of LEGO's space exploration program, before the creation of the Galaxy Explorer, which allowed them to journey beyond the Sol System. The aliens we see inhabit the asteroid belt, or some distant moon. Basically how Star Trek goes TOS -> TNG -> ENT, we have Classic -> Futuron -> Modern. Alien Conquest is prior to all these, and is the inspiration behind Earth's rapid advancement in space travel technology (though humans have grown considerably more diplomatic since then)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
And now, somehow, LEGO hates the "normal" fans because we're getting so many clone sets? Ironic. Clone Wars is incredibly popular and most of these figures/sets are simply long overdue. We'll be back to your regularly scheduled AT-ATs and TIE Fighters soon enough. I'm even looking forward to a new Snowspeeder! The Mandalorian set being somehow roped into being "just another clone set" is hilarious to me. Kelleran Beq is the star/reason for the set's being and we all know it. No one looks at that set and goes "501st Battle Pack V4". Imagine the outrage if this was 2008/2009, when legitimately half of the line was Clone Wars sets. It's been a while since clone fans ate this good, let them have this. I second the Gelagrub Patrol request. That might at least be somewhat worth the price tag. (that and a few decent sized vehicles)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The Turbo Tank is obviously a midi-scale set. $150 for the UT-AT is... And on the one hand, finally the 327th! For $40... LEGO Star Wars must not want my money, because there's no way in hell I'm supporting that extortion. It had better be a damn good set for $40. Lastly, to all ye who are complaining about the clones, you're just as bad as the clone bros, just in reverse. Skeletor Away! I'm not buying the fact that the Turbo Tank is a system scale set for $50. Miss me with that. I think it's more likely that it's midi-scale. If there are figures, likely a 4+ set.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
At long last, we get the UT-AT. Commander Bacara would require a new molded helmet if we get him, and I hope we get backpacks for the Marines if we get them. That covers the "new clone commander" rumor and additional Jedi rumor. Nothing too exciting with Ki-Adi-Mundi, but makes sense. For no ROTS Anniversary, we're still getting a decent amount of ROTS sets.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Wasn't the old rumored V-19 also supposed to be $50? If true, maybe a new Phase I Cody and finless Pilot?
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Back in 2008/09 Hasbro made a V-Wing and included Phase I Odd Ball, so there is precedence, but I doubt it.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Eh, the only actual Clone sets are the ARC-170 and whatever set the mythical Phase I pilot occupies. Oh, and the (new?) commander I guess. I'd argue that Lego hates all of us right now. Except for City, that theme is eating right now. Speed Champions being a close second. Fair enough. Still, somehow a grand seems extra-excessive. Like, $850 feels like it should be the max. What's next? A $1200 model? $1500? $2000? Where does it stop?
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Night Trooper Battle Pack The DSII price has to be an error, right? Like, there's no way in hell Lego is actual making a set that costs a whole grand. It'll be massive, probably a pain to build, and God help whoever drops it.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Lol Kriff that.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It's such obvious bait. I like the hyper-fantasy aspects of Star Wars, it is a Science Fantasy Epic, after all. The Vong, Krayt, Abeloth, etc. They feel sufficiently larger-than-life, befitting an epic space opera. I do understand the whole "immune to the Force" thing being strange, but eh, they had to do something different I guess. I do like the organic "technology" and anti-tech ideology they had.
Classic Space Color meanings
Sorry for bumping this thread, but I've been on a Star Trek binge recently, and it reminded me of this thread. I actually think that the original colors could work as they do in Star Trek, but as there are so many colors, more ship functions can be assigned. Yellow - Command. Not necessarily command of the crew, but also command functions, such as piloting and navigation. Blue - Science. Collecting rock samples, radiation readings, etc. Red - Operations. Computer Ops in particular. White - Medical. Black - Tactical. Ship security. Orange - Recon. In charge of initial landings as well as first contact. Green - Engineering. Internal Systems. Grey - Engineering. External Systems. Pink - Home-Economics. This is crew care and maintenance duties. Purple - Communications. Occasionally accompanies Orange in First Contact. Handles both homebound and intraship communiques, as well as translation and xeno-linguistics. Brown - Nursery. For any newborn crewmates, or the occasional alien animal. Some of these are typically reserved for larger vessels/colony ships (like Brown), but I think each of these represent a critical ship function.
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