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Eurobricks Grand Dukes
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Everything posted by TheLegoDr

  1. ^ Haven't you watched the films? Obviously there are only 1.5 houses at Hogwarts. Mostly just Gryffindor and maybe a little Slytherin. No one else matters...
  2. TheLegoDr replied to Dakar A's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    First off, well done. I do love some dark orange buildings. I like that you included your prep/planning. I tend to also draw out my buildings beforehand, so I can get approximate spacing and if something will work. I can do it in my head, but I find I like drawing it on paper, if not to visually see it of course, but also because I just miss drawing I think. Either way, that is always neat to see how someone thinks when putting together a building. I like the lower windows. The studs showing through the trans brick adds a lot of character. (Even though you said it was too blocky, I really liked the original build that was more symmetrical). Now question, this is a render right? I realize you made instructions so it needs to be able to be built in real life, but with a digital build, might as well just do the parts that don't exist because that sloped roof over those 1x2 modified slope pieces looked really sharp. But the final roof on the right side definitely looks better with the 1x1 round hinge plate compared to just empty. My favorite part is either the lower SNOT windows, or the roof area on the left side (the flat part). Adding in what I assume is 1x1 modified with clip plates always adds some character to a roofline.
  3. I'm pretty sure the Best Sellers are from Illinois? and the rest of the catalog is from overseas. So that is why they can't have the same turn around time. I'm guessing the Best Sellers are categorized differently and easier to pack also, plus being closer on top of it all.
  4. I used to buy from BnP more often than Bricklink thanks to quantities needed plus shipping charges. But it seems that is more difficult these days. I guess we will see how it goes once backlogged orders get caught up. I finally received my early March order, so still about 6 weeks it seems.
  5. "Must fit within 12x12" meaning no overhang? As in, obviously base is 12x12, but I'm talking about if it is more vertical (like plants or figure).
  6. Wow, this tea sucks. I had to spit it out when I saw how awesome this LEGO creation was. hehe I like the subtle changes. I think they work well. I am not a Superman nerd, but I am at least aware of a lot of the Easter Eggs involving him since he is so notable.
  7. ^Pepperidge Farms remembers too... I was just thinking as much as I want all of these I will have to wait for a hopeful sale. I bought all of the 2021 sets and now Target had all of them on the BOGO 40% sale, so I could have saved a little had I waited. So I guess I'll do that this time.
  8. The new sets definitely look really neat. At retail, I'll likely have to wait since it will be over $500 for the wave. BUT definitely some gems in there. I like the baby thestral. I like all the new torso prints. I don't love Grimmauld Place actually. I like the play feature, BUT I think it looked differently in my head if I were to build one myself. I mean, I'll still get it because LEGO HP and new figures, but I'll have to modify greatly. But Kreacher!
  9. Interesting. They do work well next to each other. And like a lot of townhomes I don't think it would have hurt if they were still the same depth side by side since they are built that way around me. No fault of your own, but I am not a fan of the entry stairway to the building so when I build mine I'll modify that. And unrelated, the Police Station is a lot taller than I gave it credit for. I should bust mine out sometime.
  10. Actually that flickr is my old account (I think it was under my wife's account actually). I have a separate account. I just haven't taken the time to figure out how to link to it instead of that one. Plus since she doesn't use that account, I'm afraid once I unlink it it will be lost forever. I should try to save those photos from flickr to put on my new account so I don't lose them. Anyway, what I am getting at. I have loads more Modular style buildings on the new account. I'll post a link if I ever am able to. Flickr is blocked on my work computer and I rarely get on the computer at the house. Once again, great work!
  11. I would say 2010-11 was a knock out for minifigures for sure, especially compared to what was released in the theme prior to that. I got back into LEGO in 2010 BECAUSE of the Harry Potter releases. But I'd always welcome updates sure. But they look good overall for the most part.
  12. This looks awesome. I've been toying with the idea for a long time to do a Daily Planet since LEGO keeps releasing Daily Bugles and DC needs some love sometimes too. I really like how you captured the stepped approach and the roof spires with the dark green. The globe on top looks really neat. That is how I would do it also. Nice work on the interior too. It's always fun to see the innards of these builds. I've found myself even though I like making detailed interiors, since I never look at them I just omit them altogether these days. Most of my newer builds you can't even take apart in sections to keep the flow on the front better. I will have to look back at this for inspiration if I ever get around to building my own (I have too many tan buildings as it is, currently working on a Wayne Manor in tan).
  13. It's more the constant concern of the website crashing on release day since so many people overload the site. It works fine most of the time, until there is a sudden rush from all over the world and then you have to queue or wait or get locked out...can be frustrating. But I don't usually need anything on release day, so it hasn't affected my life any. As for COVID related stock issues. Since they have to pull pick a brick and bricks and pieces by hand, I'm sure that takes a while to locate the pieces and hand pick them and then weigh/measure the proper amount and make sure it gets packaged properly. So definitely it will take time to get back up to typical speed, especially the 11-15 days they are quoting (once they get back to square one). But since there is no shortage of people ordering, it will take even longer to get caught up. They'd have to be willing to close it down for longer than they did and lose out on potential money just to get caught up. Which is more angering, waiting a month for parts while others can order and wait for their parts, or them closing down for a month (or longer) and then upon reopening having a sudden rush of people trying to order again...
  14. TheLegoDr replied to Gremer2's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    ^MILS is the way to go depending on your street layout. Our LUG does MILS for everything so I've converted all of mine over to it and all new builds automatically start with it. I like the rigidity and support compared to the flimsy baseplate alone.
  15. So far I like the new set up. Not a fan of the higher prices (even if small, like all the torsos are now 9 cents more expensive). It adds up over time. I like being able to sort/buy by category instead of only piece ID number or set number. That helps a lot! Too bad about the 2022 pieces not being around, but I'm sure they will show up eventually. Likely not releasing them so people will either be forced to buy the set or wait it out. Plus also likely helps with a sudden rush to the system while they are trying to get bugs worked out/backlogged orders out/shipping delays/etc.
  16. Did they have the players flying anywhere? Just close to the towers or is there a way to get them more out in the middle (with string possibly I guess). I think that's the largest problem with Quidditch, they are meant to fly around, not hover near structures, but since it isn't real magic we don't have that. The small 2018 version was effective enough. While I'd want to see it larger, I don't think it would be a hot seller unless they figured out a way to allow people to be more centered over the field instead of near a tower or goal.
  17. TheLegoDr replied to Gremer2's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    There is an OLD thread on here about bricklinking the modulars. I used it back when things were discussed, but that was like 2012 or so. As for now, pieces of course may be not available or rarer (thus causing higher prices). It really boils down to if you want EXACT vs substitutions being okay. Do you want the exterior to be identical or inspired by the official set? Maybe add it to a parted out want list on Bricklink for the set and then go through and sort out the pieces you already have. Then either consider doing Bricks and Pieces or bricklink and see which variety has the best prices. With the new changes to Bricks and Pieces, I don't know how that will change prices/shipping, but I know overall I've preferred buying direct from LEGO thanks to quantity available compared to some Bricklink stores (depending on the piece of course).
  18. TheLegoDr replied to gotoAndLego's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    I should learn to read intros better...I went straight to the pictures and thought it reminded me of the Kansas City library..hahah Looks like I should make a visit to my local library and find a self help book on following directions/reading in order. But looks great! Really shows how skills develop over time. All three had their merits and looked interesting, but I will say V3 is the best. Most likely because of the colors used and certain pieces used (that may not have been around when V1 came out).
  19. I don't think the $470 is Dobby related, but I wonder if they will ever do a $70-100 version of Dobby like Grogu or Yoda. It may look good, or terrible. And I agree on sometimes just buying the bits you want hits close enough to the official set price (or a mild sale if you can find it), so might as well just get the set. That's how I've ended up with a massive piece collection that I'll likely never use because of certain Marvel sets purchased for figures and now the pieces sit there. At least with multiple Hogwarts inspired sets can be MOCed to a bigger Hogwarts or other tan style buildings.
  20. Maybe they chose this time because of Double Points. Just another way to stick it to the customer. *shrug* I ordered days ago when it was the old way. I guess we will see how the new way goes. I'm expecting smooth sailing going forward since there are never any bugs to work out...
  21. I mean, this makes sense and is highly sought after. Concerns me on the price since too many large sets are coming out that will be awesome. And it is easy to say just wait because it will be around a while, but during that time more awesome expensive sets will be released. You really can't win. So you have to choose which means the most to you. For that, I say Castle wins out. Long time coming. As others, I'd expect/hope for some animals (and not just a frog or a chicken) and a variety of figures. You'd assume some new civilians. If there is anything like a joust, it will be too similar to Kingdoms joust since it had a lion faction vs a black falcon faction.
  22. I will agree I wouldn't have noticed if you didn't tell us it had some painted parts. Overall the shaping looks really well done. I love the chrome on the grill. That front area captures the '50s Mercury really well. My dad has a 1954 Mercury Monterey in seafoam green. So this is neat to see.
  23. I've made lists where I write down the ID number with a brief description with all of my wanted pieces. Then when I order it, I just place a check next to it. I have been known to write OOS (out of stock) if it is next to a piece I really want so I know to look for that one first the next time. I don't know how well it works because I think I still re-order stuff since it takes so long in-between orders and once I receive stuff I get rid of the list since I wouldn't need it anymore. But then I forget what I ordered and order a second copy. It really only becomes a problem with new minifigure torsos or some of the Chinese printed tiles.
  24. You're right, we should do away with the minifigure and make them all minidolls... I always forget what I order when I order it, so I'll have to see if I grabbed any of those Friends hairpieces, but they look great.
  25. Vernon was seen in two places. The zoo or Privet Drive. It is a strange coincidence that the torso would be so similar, but I wouldn't read into it.
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