Bringing back Monorail.
Bringing back the Monorail would be great. I think the problem with it though is that it's always been a part of a small range which has lasted a short amount of time. If it ever is brought back, then the expansion sets (or individual bits, etc) should always be available, like road plates and base plates are, not confined to any theme. Ah, reading up on it I see it was also in the Town theme, that's cool. Anyway, just adding my support. Bringing back the monorail would be great.
I should post here!
Heh. I got my BURPS from two ocean diver sets, a Lego racers one, and the old Spybot range I think it was called. I love them! Well, love is a strong word. I don't hate them. They're presumably cheap for TLG to create, and when you're a kid seeing a set have epic mountains (such as the Xtreme Team mountain camp) is amazing. I always wanted that set but realise now it's almost entirely just a prefab base and BURPs.
Hobbyists making Lego Clones
Aye, but selling them on would be bootlegging. Edit: oh, sorry, I see those are custom - cool! I'll check them out.
I should post here!
Hi there. My name is Ellie and I am a big kid-fan-of-lego. 20 years old and from England. I started collecting Lego at like, age 1, with my first set being a big red box, but really got into it when Deep Pan Pizza (now dead and gone) started giving away free Lego sets with every kids meal. Oh god so much Lego. So, so much from that. (Seriously, we must have gone like every two weeks for several years!) Right now my main interests are castle sets - I really want to get some old Fright Knights to go with the little sets I have of them, they're my favourite old range. I also have a large Harry Potter collection and have started buying City and Kingdoms sets. I've been to Legoland four times. Windsor - 1999, 2001, 2011 Billund - 2000, two days two nights in the Legoland hotel (oh god it was amazing) And uh... that's about me! Outside of Lego I am a web developer and computer games programmer (which is my degree, currently resitting some exams to get into Year 3).
Your dream Lego theme
I really want to see a Lego range based on Discworld. The trouble is Lego ranges generally don't stay around long enough for them to still be around in the time between Discworld tvfilms, I guess. Final Fantasy not so much. The sheer amount of plastic needed to sculpt the hair would cause oil reserves to disappear :p
Hobbyists making Lego Clones
I understand totally that this is predominantly a Lego forum and that this post will spark arguments, but I don't know who else to ask, heh. First off, me. I'm a huge Lego fan (somewhere between a K- and A-FOL?) so my intention would never be to hurt the Lego group. That said, I also am somewhat of a bad entrepreuner in that I have tons of ideas but never pull through with them. I am a fan of Warhammer 40k, but the prices and shit quality have made me plan my own papergame in my head. The only thing missing is the figures. I'd thought about doing it with Lego but then I couldn't do a nice printed rulebook with photos and such, and there wouldn't be my own figures to go along with the game. But then I happened upon a Click Brick set which was full of minifigs (about ten, I think, provided some much needed spare hands!) and the quality was stunning. Other than the word STAR on the studs I wouldn't have known they weren't Lego, honestly. I'm not trying to advertise Click Brick though; basically I thought about starting this game using Lego-like minifigs... Ok, Lego clones. My justification: - I understand Lego do not hold the rights to their parts right now. - Lego do not, nor have ever produced a tabletop role playing game to my knowledge. - Lego do not produce military figures or extensive use of guns and such. - Games Workshop (Warhammer) do not produce modular, posable, part-replacable figurines nor are they in the same scale as minifigs. I have been playing around with Digital Designer a bit, and had some ideas:~ WIZARDS OF BATTLE with a basic guntruck GREEN SOLDIERS OF SOME DESCRIPTION Now, there is a point to this thread, and I could have probably saved a lot of time just asking it in the first place! What I am wondering is if anyone has experience starting up a Lego clone. What I wish there was is a bulk brick buying service. Contact a creator and say I want 1,000 green helmets, 500 heads, 2450 guns, etc, and they ship it and bam, you have the resources to start making sets and such. I guess it's not going to be that simple. Click Brick must get their bricks from somewhere, and judging by the STAR logo on the studs I am guessing they don't have them made specifically for them. Hmm, I really don't know about these things. Basically I just wondered if anybody here, from a hobbyist perspective, has ever considered, or gone through with starting a Lego clone and can offer any suggestions or legalities and such. Hell, maybe Click Brick are in fact bootlegging, I really don't know. Considering they're on sale in big chain stores here (UK) I'd imagine that's not the case. Well, has anyone ever done this and what were the results?
Which way up do you put the hands on your minifigs?
Flat side up, as they've always come to me until recent sets. Weird, I only noticed the other day. I assume they always used to be flat side up anyway as that's how I've always positioned them.
Are lego prices really that bad today?
Don't go near Hamleys in Oxford Street, it gets far worse. I went in on a trip to London two weeks ago - minifigs in there are £3, compared to £1.99 just about everywhere else I've been able to find them. Work that out for every other Lego set in there and it's about the same ratio, everything's marked up ridiculously. That said I'm impressed with Lego prices these days - I just got back into it buying some of the new Kingdoms sets, and well, they seem value for money. (It seems if you want value you have to stay away from the licenses though, but that's just logic). Lego prices of old, well. They were still expensive, though the only thing I have to say is I always used to dream of having £50 to buy the biggest sets. Now that I can finally do that, I can't afford anything x.x the new sets I would have thought of before as fifty quid sets are now like, £110 for Hogwarts and such. But that's just nostalgia, everything is cheaper as a kid. Inflation etc.
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