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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by Klie

  1. In Lego's defense, there is not really much to call the Tantive IV Escape Pod, without being too literal. The Geonosian Cannon, on the other hand, is a pathetic name. It is actually called a LR1K Sonic Cannon, so even a "Geonosian Sonic Cannon" would be a much better name, in my opinion.
  2. Hey, Mirandir, now would you like to disclose whom your source(s) is, now that the cat is out of the bag (for non english readers - now that all secrets are revealed)? Be as non descriptive as you want - Lego Employee, CEO, etc., or if you would not like to, just say so, it's totally understandable, no one doubts you any more.
  3. I'll be posting this updated list up every time we get an update. (All prices in US dollars) -#### Endor Battle Pack $11.99 - 2 Rebels, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Scout Trooper -#### Clone Wars Battle Pack $11.99 - 2 Commando Droids, 1 ARC Trooper, 1 ARF Trooper -9492 TIE Fighter $49.99 - Death Star Trooper, TIE Pilot, Imperial Officer, and R5-J2 -9493 X-Wing $59.99 - Luke, R2-D2, Porkins, and R5-D8 -9494 Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor $39.99 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, new Nute Gunray,Mustafar Droid, and a Security Battle Droid -3x#### Collectibles - one minifig each, two "episode 1-ish," one episode 4. Remaining sets - 2 OT, 1 CW with Commander Gree Remaining Price Brackets - $20, $25, $30 Thanks for reading!
  4. Same here, but we haven't had them since 2005(not including hyperdrive ring one, and that was 3? years ago), and that is the most likely to not have clones.
  5. I think it could be a Jedi Starfighter Collection/Battle over Coruscant, look at 7256 (Jedi Starfighter w/ Vulture Droid) $20, lose the vulture droid and add in a starfighter, $40, accounting for the inflation. IMO most likely it is a Starfighter.
  6. Good point. You mean 4 minifigures, right? At least with the extra 100(?) pieces, they could create a much better model, I'm just hoping that it doesn't look TOO awkward next to 6212. Sorry I got a little mean in that above post though, kinda late here, need some sle.... <snores>
  7. But is anything of that in the realm of reality of which TLC would create? No.
  8. We had one from the Sail Barge 6210 from 2006, according to rumors, we will not be receiving one in the Winter wave.
  9. Oops! My fault just wasn't really thinking of that at the moment. In response to the X-Wing details - for $10(US) more and less one minfig - it had better be astounding. Unfortunately, all I can think of them changing is the cockpit to the front. SNOT perhaps? or <oh no> motorized? So, a quick summary so people don't have to constantly search back. (All prices in US dollars) -#### Endor Battle Pack $11.99 - 2 Rebels, 1 Stormtrooper, 1 Scout Trooper -#### Clone Wars Battle Pack $11.99 - 2 Commando Droids, 1 ARC Trooper, 1 ARF Trooper -9492 TIE Fighter $49.99 - Death Star Trooper, TIE Pilot, Imperial Officer, and R5-J2 -9493 X-Wing $59.99 - Luke, R2-D2, Porkins, and R5-D8 -9494 Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Interceptor $39.99 - Anakin Skywalker, Obi Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, new Nute Gunray,Mustafar Droid, and a Security Battle Droid -3x#### Collectibles - one minifig each, two "episode 1-ish," one episode 4. Remaining sets - 2 OT, 1 CW with Commander Gree Remaining Price Brackets - $20, $25, $30 Thanks for reading!
  10. I'm starting to believe Mirandir - Episode 1 will be released at about the same time next year's summer wave will get to shelves it would be somewhat foolish of them to release all of the episode 1 sets now or the winter wave, when most people may have not even heard of the 3D re-re-releases, much less children. This "new" concept sounds very intriguing though. If they only have one minifigure like what Mirandir has said I believe that they will be like what they were at the beginning of Lego Star Wars in 1999 - a small ship (Cloud Car, Landspeeder, T-16, etc. ) and a minifigure related to that vehicle the very standard "Impulse Sets." And if Episode 4 sets are going to be a majority of the sets, then my thoughts are that they are the ISD, TIE fighter (obviously lol), X-Wing, Y-Wing, B-Wing, and no A-Wing - specifically because it was included in the Home One. Thanks for reading!
  11. Above are the pictures (hopefully - I'm new here) of the tie fighter and minifigures - courtesy of JediInsider. If the pictures do not work, here is a link to the website containing them : http://www.jediinsider.com/index.php?catid=8&itemid=13657 Edit: Oops! Sorry - hadn't realized they were already posted - Yikes!
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