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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Just received my Cantina, looks fantastic, but I am very disappointed in how damaged my Yoda's lightsaber was. Only 1 packing bubble that was deflated.
  2. Yikes, some people have put up listings for Yoda's Lightsaber and both are just shy of $200.
  3. When I see the rumor list for each Star Wars wave there are always sets that I think, "why you they choose that" or "that's awful". 2014 is the earliest rumor list I remember reading and I don't think there has been a rumor list where I was disappointed in every single set that was listed. Every set on the 2021 list imo is extremely under whelming and disappointing. I guess Star Wars being on the "best selling themes" consistently means we don't get the best the lego designers have to offer.
  4. @Renown Do you know if it is Exclusive when buying Mis Eisley, or will it be a GWP for all lego star wars ( like spending $99)?
  5. Are we certain the Bespin Duel set is completely gone? My work managed to get a few more cases. They fulfilled that but not any of the 501st
  6. The Razor Crest is no longer listed on lego atm.
  7. No, local toy store I work for.
  8. Just picked up the Bespin Duel set, and my gosh the does the box look so much better in person. Oddly enough the box feels like it has a lot of empty space.
  9. I would love some bad batch and season 7 clone wars sets as much as the next guy, but I think people are reaching with that helmet. There are tons of different color molds for helmets and other things. Particularly in the the Star Wars theme, they have blue, red, gold, green, and many colors of the standard blaster as well as the Vader helmets in different colors.
  10. Yeah, either way I'm just happy they didn't go the route they took with the Vader busts from last year.
  11. We don't have them out on shelves now, but a letter said that we "could". Shipping takes for ever, so even if we do get the shipped, the earliest we would have them out is a week before.
  12. I don't think that is the case. This set is listed for all authorized vendors in the United States. Through my work, (local toy store) we were able to purchase a case (4), and are able to put them out on August 1st (Yes I know that is weird, but all the new Star Wars sets are allowed to be sold, but they weren't even available to ship from the warhorse till August). This could all be a mistake, but my work has never been able to purchase "store exclusives", but I know for a fact that this is a set we can carry for the retail price of $40.
  13. But the "thinner" box usually is not for $30 sets. The most recent account of the thiner box was the clone scout walker, and before that only the clone wars combat speeder. Anyways, it was a smart move for the thinner box.
  14. When retailers buy lego to sell in their stores, they are required to buy, buy the case. Usually 2-3 aside from battle packs and smaller sets. As for $30 sets, they are usually 3 to a case, so a store would get around 6 at a time. It seems that just the 501st battle is now 4 in a case, compared to 3.
  15. Looks like lego realizes that the 501st battle is gonna sell like hot cakes to they added another set per case (4). Well done Lego.
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