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Everything posted by thekoRngear

  1. That excitement is so cool. But I am a bit amazed (or amused) by the fact that my 42128's Pneumatic functions work definitely faster in this hot summer here than they used to in the Winter. Specially the rear tow bar. If I pump it raises or lowers like a bullet is triggered. When I built it in Winter the functions were not this snappy rather a bit on the sluggish side. Are Pneumatics functions weather related? I feel it so weird that I did not bring it to the dedicated thread. Can the Waste Handler make some (if not the same) sort of excitement! I'll see...
  2. I built it. The gearbox the drivetrain are praiseworthy. The functional steering wheel is probably the best I have seen so far. He also fixed the front seats' headrests falling-off in the original Defender. But that's that. Could not keep it more than a week. The gearbox started to becoming more and more noisier. The linkage of the gearbox to engine was made unnecessarilly complex. Its suspension system was wrong. The rear end should definitely have live axle, not independent one as told by some of the users in the comments section of MOC. Its sturdiness was also weak in the rear, specially in between front and rear seats. I personally think if you are to MOC this one out better go for the most popular ones there on RB. The more the MOC is accurate and functionally pleasing the more that MOC gets love. The Stadium Truck the Helicoptre The Willy's Jeep the Jeep Bruiser Conversion (the best one IMHO) the Forklift are among the most popular ones.
  3. Yupe. That MK remote control performs better than the Cada's new one. Cada still has room for improvements I think
  4. I've been talking about this marvelous feature since towards the end of last year. That opening and closing mechanism is an eye pleaser and when I first saw it immediately Technic came to my mind BTW @allanp the 8070 had RCing of the functions and it was....I dunno....maybe one of the less exciting super cars from Lego. Yes, I am not against RCing a super car. It is just that a mechanical UCS car from its first official image/short vid on IG to its leaked box (which many people immediately dismissed as a hoax ) to disappointment in the different shades of green to eventual resorting to JB70 (and other cool fellas) to make it an actually usable one creates more warmth McPherson strut sounds definitely cool. But such function which is implemented first by the community and is hoped to be introduced by Lego with improvement is actually something will take some time for (mostly) all the right reasons I think. So, I will go with refining the many functions specially the paddle shifters of the gearbox etc. Sigh this is 2022 and not a great set at the level of the 8110 Unimog (2011, PF functions) has yet to be released. IIRC the 2010's decade already had a great start by this time of that decade.
  5. Agreed. Blue seats always looked cool!
  6. I am 100% open to embrace if that ever officially happens. Grohl recently made a KITT MOC outta the Dom's Charger. Looks and feels cool
  7. It most probably seems so. Btw the 42142 is still not released yet. Is the 42127 the continuation/successor to the 42111 or is Lego committed to make FnF cars that started with the Dom's Charger? If it is the first case then the 42142 could be another potential proper Technic set. I think the 42142 will also release at some point this year.
  8. Bit of a bummer since I am excited for the latter than the former. But it's always fun to walk around in the supercar rumour park
  9. Indeed. BTW I am confused as to which one is supposed to be delayed- the super car (42143) or the construction one (42146)? Or (the best) both is coming out in H2 🤔
  10. One is never enough for the Land Rover 42110 set. There are couple of building traps when you are going thru the building process: you might end up having the rear suspension lower than the front ones meaning you messed something up while building that part you might end up mistaking the position of the perpendicular axle-pin connector at step #65 causing the entire drivetrain to stall after it is built you might end up misplacing the front and rear differential's position you might not have aligned the u-joints properly All these issues are covered in Racingbrick's excellent ultimate repair guide video. Done? Okay, after you build it you may or may not find the gearbox is cracking at 3rd and 4th speed on Driving Hi/Lo and eventually cracking on Reverse Lo and ultimately cracking all over the speeds. That is unfortunately the phenomena (or issue) with the 42110 set. This is the only real problem of this set which some builders were lucky enough to not encounter when they first built it. But it is pure luck and majority faces the issue despite being highly attentive and meticulous. The reason is simply described by Celeri. The drivetrain can be a very fun one (and addictive) to build but, it is overly complicated and so is the gearbox. The 20t double bevel tan gears don't behave properly with the normal gears. They are always prone to friction and for this particular drivetrain's complexity it becomes a friction haven. But that should not be a factor at all when considering buying this beauty. There are at least half a dozen quality MOCs out there. I settled with the Jeep Bruiser Conversion and it is damn good. Also, you can simply remove the front and rear gearboxes and install a 2 speed gearbox in the middle. You can even make it RC. My point is to enjoy the set that over complicated gearbox should not be a factor. More importantly let it not be a factor towards you. Buy it, build it. Modify it. You can keep the gearbox intact, play with it in neutral mode (as you've said you want to work it barely). Or you can replace it as I've said. You can make literally tons of quality mods and additions to the details and also functions of the set. I think building the set and then modifying and adding stuffs are what make this one so popular and loveable. Plus, MOCs are there. I know people who ended up buying at least half a dozen of the set.
  11. When racingbrick does it he does it better. At the end of the video he talked something about age rating of Lego which is thought provoking. And yes, during the operations (of the main model) it seems a bit wobbly, but that's a minor meh from me. Lego seems to almost have pushed the boundaries with their little technic sets this year (I meant officially).
  12. Whoa! Thanks for the info. Is this applied for all the legendary sets' (that race truck that pneumatic truck that supercars that shuttle space) instructions as well? Many second hand legendary sets sometimes don't come with physical/printed books. Downloading and then printing them woulda been cool.
  13. Regarding Grohl's creations there is an interesting thing going on if anyone visits this Brickset page For example, the Flexari's prototype was designed by Grohl as noted: Created only the first prototype of this car. Then, for 2022 polybag lil fella there is this note too: Built the first concept prototype for this model. Looks like Grohl lends his helping hands towards other popular models Edit: this page was not as informative as this is right now few maybe couple a months ago. It's really good to see such contribution anyways. For example, the 42129 Zetros's trivia section.
  14. Yes, you expressed your experience with wisdom. It is a routine once in a month checkup and Bruno's magic cannot stop me from playing it beyond that time stamp. It just is truly amazing how car this big and heavy can go around and then quickly turn. The review from Sariel demonstrates it very well (who also genuinely expresses his wonders regarding this beautiful beast). So, if Lego can make the designers do the videos of their newly introduced sets (like Markus and Reindl did for 42042) then I expect Cada do the same, in the future hopefully. I hope it'd start with Bruno Jenson doing an exclusive video on this incredible creation.
  15. Although C61042 vets here are going through exciting ideas and executions as a meagre/petty C61042w owner (for a year and 2 months now) I am going to share some observations. It is more like a followup to what Ive said here: - turns out, after installing the new batterybox the hiccup after 2 and a half minutes or so is gone. - also gone is the slow down of speed which would happen if the car is steered while driving backward. Howevr, the slow down still occurs if I steer the car beforehand and then start driving it specially in 1st or 2nd gear. - the gearbox! Oh boy! It just works as good as day 1! No eventual increase in noise in any gear. Ive also checked the bottom and found (naturally) slight dust on the gears! But it just works fine! Since more than one year gone I can disassemble and clean it up a bit, but lazy me I'll probably do that in the beginning of next year hopefully. The set resides inside a glass bound shelf. Btw: Ive committed some sins probably. During playtime the front area around wheel fenders got bashed against sofas. No parts fell off. Despite Bruno's (recommended) straight 5 minutes playtime I end up playing with it for 10/11 minutes! No accident so no call for my 42128 Tow Truck or my 8280 Fire Engine Truck was needed Now I will dive back into the ultimate pleasure of witnessing the vets revolutionizing it with 2 buggy motors and more sustainable gearbox solutions.
  16. The steering wheel seems a bit too low compared to the dashboard position. Love the meow beside the truck!
  17. Thanks @Ngoc Nguyen for discovering the thread after it is buried deep in the sea The biggest takeaway from the video for me is this part. Oh they are so shine-y! And the correct target age group is mentioned by @1gor here: Honestly I think those who will buy this are actually smarter than this kit. It has nice parts pack, people who are familiar with or are fans of John Deere can go for it, and, people who can make it much better. This set's modifications thread is a clear evidence of it (while the main thread is almost dead). Anyways, another awesome video from Racingbrick
  18. Thanks, that 1L of friction will create resistance (or simply cannot rotate freely) in the axle shaft as the 3L connector will rotate it within the gearbox. Look at the pic below I guess you understand what I meant: Luckily the part you mentioned is also released with no friction most recently which will be massively helpful I guess. Yupe. I actually tried this out. It seems fine. The clutch gears seems moving freely and the entire shaft is spinning inside the structure just like it does with cross axles.
  19. Guys, as you see in the pic- usually in such part of a gearbox, a 3L Brown Axle with stop is used within which a 16t Clutch gear goes and the cross axle then connects the 3L connector with a clutch barrel put on. My question is- can I replace the 3L brown Axle with a 3L axle-pin with no friction? My concern is that clutched frictionless part of the axle-pin might face some resistance when moved specially with higher gears which the cross-axle will not (but it tends to push out slightly out of the snap-hole of the LBG axle-pin perpendicular connector and hence this question).
  20. Thanks a lot Guys! Always appreciated. All points duly noted.
  21. I guess to give more bouncy feeling. TBH, the front of my Defender used to sag a li-tt-le bit after a few weeks or so. I did not bother making them harder by adding half bushes inside each of the soft shock absorbers. I have seen people use hard springs on the front instead of those soft ones and also 3 on each side for the rear axle.
  22. Guys, I've ordered my lost childhood treasures- the 6663 (my first Lego when I was 9, this one has the packs sealed, new), the 8225, and the 8838- all from Ebay UK. Hoping to get them in my country in a month or two. I have some questions regarding the 8838 which I think can be asked in the general parts discussions thread and I guess anyone who had those earlier (or even now) can help me or give insight on these questions: From my childhood memories I had horrible experience with the 8838's half-bushes in particular, they broke easily. The 14 tooth bevel gears (#4143) were also broken. - can the 14 tooth bevel gears be replaced by present day 12 tooth tan bevel gear (#6289) for the shock cycle? - I have the present day #85543 15 mm white rubber band as spares, can I replace the cycle's #71509 13mm black rubber bands with them? - the shock cycle has 34 half-bushes in total, can someone tell me which places are the most vulnerable ones where replacing the old half-bushes with newer ones actually is recommended? The 8225 did not give such pains iirc. It was one little cool set to play with. Another interesting thing is has anyone seen or remember this part? It comes with the shock cycle. I think it is (at least these days) one of very rare parts.
  23. Besides, @kbalage video thumbnail almost made me believe he actually had left Lego for Playmobil 😂
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