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Everything posted by thekoRngear

  1. I just have read the spec of this set from Lego website. It says, Could it be possible that the new molds of Engine blocks are designed specifically for the MGU-H gearbox? However, it does not sound cost effective for me. One Engine (system) fits for all is the typical philosophy. Would be better if someone explains the mgu-H gearbox and engine setup in sorta/kinda layman's terms here.
  2. Looks defo better from this side. I wonder they still used the old blocks for engine (studded ones) in contrast to the F1 car's newly molded ones. Maybe development frames were different for these two.
  3. I am pumped up by the box art of 42202 Ducati and the more detailed 42207 F1 car. But then again, it's TLG's Technic theme. God, the year 2024 has more than one month left to its life yet all the H2 sets are not well-discussed or managed to draw pages after pages talks that we, the mid-benchers used to see for years. Not that these sets are that bad; but they are* quickly forgotten for all the right reasons. The elements discovered in the F1 car reflects people still hope for Technic theme's stock experience to get better. Let's see.
  4. If I am not mistaken it is the same designer who designed the 42126 2WD Ford Raptor. Hope it turns out well
  5. The Yamaha never sucked. It was an improvement over the BMW one. The gearbox was the evidence. The new one does not even bring any concrete information so that someone in their normal senses can start criticizing constructively YET. I am sorry this kind of post just continues to have been making EB look worse for the past few years. You have rants go open a reddit thread. If you have substanciated rants open up about it here. TLG has both side of their coin but this kind of blatant speculations/thoughts/views just destroy the wellness of this Forum.
  6. Yippee! He heard us! Thnx JB and Astayanax 🫡🔥🫡
  7. I have a (bad) feeling that from 42202-42207 there will be at least 3 cars a motorbike and the other one...let's see.
  8. I smell 2024 lineup review I dig in. It's definitely not one of the worst years in terms of Technic (but was dangerously close to being). And, the Space theme although at first looks exciting but as Maboo-the-bear said soon turns out boring. The 42176 is a disappointment but its building techniques are really interesting and so is its parts package. The Yacht and Looner Rover are pure display queens but at least they are not poorly designed. Lots of efforts are gone into them. The F1 is a forgettable queen. Them three are infact easy-to-be-forgotten. The 42172 is what it is whether we hate it or like it. From what I have seen its gearbox works pretty damn good. The 42177 is a pretty good parts package along with potential MOC/alternate model sourcing. I see it as a box full of parts that (hopefully) continue to let amazing MOCs born. I will not put 42173 aka the Jesco in the rest of the car lineup disappointment. It definitely stands out in terms of functionality, Technicalities and also quite good in terms of parts packaging. My 2nd favourite is the 42167 Garbage truck. For its size it plays and feels so well. The 42175 just won my heart. It is my most favorite Technic set of 2024 and IMHO one of the best sets for the said year (or even for the recent years).
  9. Man! First the Unimog (42177 MOC) and now the Snow Plow (from 42175)! You are on a roll! Two of the finest MOCs from 2024. We are grateful; the Unimog is my favorite MOC [so far] from G500 PL and, the Volvo VHD Snow Plow looks very dense for its compact size and given parts. Both the MOCs do incredibly better job when it comes to functions ❤️‍🔥 Keep at it
  10. Boy, you nailed that door opening and closing! So smooth and perfect! Kinda sorta resembles the 42115 Lambo Sian. Brilliant! 👏
  11. I was puzzling how could a steering wheel be titled but then I started to realize it is about a tilted steering wheel, right? Keep going on, JB70
  12. You stand out than the most! I saw it on FB and immeditely liked it. IMHO it already has entered in my most fave MOCs of 2024 list.
  13. Apparently with electronics this thing can carry/haul Technic Beasts like Cat Liebherr 9800 and such. It seems it is kinda/sorta the Car Transporter's spiritual successor 😄 https://www.facebook.com/share/p/byDznfqhpCEPo6gb/?mibextid=oFDknk (Gotta be a group member to watch rhe videos)
  14. Hafta agree with that. While I don't want to upset Urbal too, it seems the stock build has been designed for that purpose.
  15. I gotta say after the C61042W and 42115 Sian (I own both) this is the first 1/8 scale in years that I liked. This guy seems to be a TLG fan; not a CADA over-enthusiast and he said, “nice.” The model seems very sturdier. After watching several P1 reviews I feel better 😊 Also, the plaque looks cool. IMHO they should have made unique tyres/wheels for this beauty. It feels they just stole my C61042w ones and put them in, but not a big deal. Good job CADA 🫡
  16. Missed the depiction then. All its functions seem to work pretty much the way they should. The Excavator itself does not have rubbers so no good/practical traction on the surface. But that's a minor gripe I think.
  17. Ha, but it's a bit strange. I typed HTTPS outta curiosity just to see what happens but Chrome then comes up with a typical Your Connection Is Not Private warning.
  18. This set continues to win my heart. There is a YT video review from All the Bricks Together with a nice demonstration of the functions. Apparently, the excavator can also be used as a crane.
  19. It is running fine for me though it gave me a little goosebump when I saw this thread! That website still remains as useful as it was ever.
  20. I say why not? If you are a MOC enthusiast/deep into modifications you can buy this set, fix all the loose parts of the body structure, maybe slimming down the rear solid axle and all other things that you wanna change. I actually forgot to mention a point that Sariel said in his video review: Yes, it has too many flimsy body region/parts compared to Defender [FACT] but it does not mean someone who is into modifications should not buy it. Even, the [arguably] best non18+ function-oriented set of this decade [so far], that is the 42145 H175 has bends, flimsiness, and wobbliness and rooms for improvement. So, you can buy it.
  21. Another review from letsbuild is out. Think Racingbrick is not that far away. Initially I was not too optimistic about the set but after seeing it from various reviews I have to say its functions are surprisingly good. Another well done non 18+ set for H2 2024.
  22. NOPE. That is an over-statement. I do not agree with that and I am not even further argue with you because it is a fact. The following post to my previous post reflects that. Funnily enough, I can recall those days when many people INITIALLY defended 42110’s transmission that it worked flawlessly for them only to realize it does not for most of US. Personally I think 42110’s bodywork was done with most care, with resources available back then. Sorry, your “MOCing perspective” does not reflect the fact.
  23. Finally! I think he spoke truth about the wobbliness of the bodywork. That one thing is really stopping/confusing me from buying it. Ofcourse it will remain a great source of parts and also a hub for mods from EB and various other Lego community but, for us, who seats in the middle, it's a bit confusing. Maybe that wobbliness and flimsiness is not a deal for many but the amount of work that I had to put to make my 2-wheeler Ford Raptor sturdier I just don't wanna do that. Defender was mostly free of this (body structure rigidity) where modding community would (mostly) happily design/modify other important stuffs. It's also addressed here Howevr, I will see if people come up with smart and brilliant solutions, then my decision might change!
  24. Thanks. And I figured out that you maybe did not like the LBG tone in the shock absorbers settings therefore replacing the coils 👍
  25. Yupe. Strange. Lego do not use different coils in same coloured absorbers unless the coils provide same level of hardness.
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