Everything posted by mr_saber
LEGO Exclusive 10221 - Super Star Destroyer
interesting.. i will be waiting for it too.... :)
- Star Wars sets anyone?
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
just got myself a AT AT and sith inflitrator... still considering whether to build them or not
Review: 7965 Millenium Falcon
thank you, still prefer the UCS version but this may turn out to be an alternative
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
was at a local brick store and saw the tantative iv going at a good price, pick it up straight away since they are almost out of stock everywhere
TLG survey - input please!
EB Event Billund 2012
hi guys, being a very new AFOL and to eurobricks, i would love to turn up. I like to know if i am coming with my wife, can i get the whole chalet for myself? If yes, how much does it cost? Or is there an alternative lodging suitable for couples? i am from singapore and hopefully the airfare isn't too expensive to denmark.
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
great.. thank you.. i know its all manual work.. i spend 2hr entering the qty of brick after parting-out... phew.. but its a worth it!
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
hi, i am also trying to go the BL route to get my falcon, but i am having difficulty understanding the process of BL.. and most importantly how to "choose" colors to cut cost.. do you mind sharing some more info on how to go about doing it?
LEGO Star Wars: The Padawan Menace TV Special
I wonder whether we will see this in actual set?
- LEGO Star Wars 2012 Pictures and Rumors
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
so i finally manage to part out the falcon and manually enter all the different qty needed for each parts... it took me 3 hours.. :( i tried to search by store based on part list and i like to know once i added a list of parts to a shopping cart will it remove it from my wanted list? this will definitely aide in finding the rest of parts from other sellers.. or is there a better way to work around this? thanks!
10179 UCS Falcon Pricing
actually i have been toying around the idea of getting all the parts from bricklink since buy a BNIB or used will cost almost twice the amount.. however i am having plenty of problem using bricklink, the interface seems to be too complicated.. :( can i confirm that all the parts are readily available?
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