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About Cousarmy0001

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    <p> Pirates </p>

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  1. @kurigan has some pretty great brick built hulls as well. I don't know that he's still active, but if you search for his posts you'll see some really great examples there. There's an older method that does use the hull plates, developed by @Captain Green Hair that still gives you the curved hull and tumblehome, just not below the waterline. There are some variations on that as well that can be found throughout the forum. He has a full tutorial that you can check out, here:
  2. You're being WAY too hard on yourself with your first effort. We all started somewhere, my first ship (when I wasn't a child) never even made it past LDD. You've got a lot of great ideas in this one. The stove is great, the expansive hold (plus enough removable deck to actually be able to access it) is awesome. You've got some great detail on the bow as well. Your bell and your wheel also look terrific. I would make three suggestions: 1- more contrast on the colors. Maybe make the upper hull a different color than the deck? I'd consider planking the whole deck, like you've started to do in front of the bed in the captain's quarters. 2- lids on all of the gun ports, preferably a color different from the stripe. Maybe red, because it's redcoat, but honestly whatever looks best to you. Just because it's redcoat doesn't mean the port lids have to be red too (I've got two bluecoat ships with red or green lids, with a yellow and an orange planned, depending on if my next child is a boy or girl). 3- more furniture/detail on the captain's cabin. A lot of people have done chequerboard patterns on their floors, that usually look pretty great, isn't that hard to do, and makes the cabins look pretty good.
  3. Digging the new color pallette! Black yellow and red seems like a redo of the new Black Seas Barracuda. The new colors make it look more like your own ship. It's a great design with lots of little touches that I think are great (ie the skylight), the new colors really make it your own. Plus, bluecoats rule.
  4. No less excellent :-) Well done to you both!
  5. Me: OOO! Sebeus has a post! This is going to be great! *30 seconds later* Me: I am not disappointed.
  6. Excellent use of available space :-)
  7. On all of mine I've made the cabin ceilings removable, it's usually not all THAT big of a deal, but with your drop down sides it may not be entirely necessary. Incidentaly, mine don't have drop down sides, and I think that's a pretty cool feature you've made. What is behind the sideways ladder in the lower compartment? Is that some sort of fireplace/stove? Alternately, if you really want to make the ceiling removable, it may be worth it to make the entire captain's cabin removable, a la the 2011 Armada Flagship. You'd probably just need to add a couple of plates in the right places, and it should come right off- though as I'm looking closer the stern gallery might throw some wrenches in that. If you work it right, though, that could probably be used to hold the cabin in place so you don't need any studs to keep it from sliding off.
  8. I'm personally not a huge fan of transom sterns. I know they existed then (the term itself stems from the 13th century), but for some reason they always seem a bit off to me on Lego ships. This said, I've got nothing else but praise for you on this. It's proportioned well (the forecastle does a lot to balance out the size of the captain's cabin), it's got a lot of clever features, it's well decorated, and I really dig the color pattern. Is there any chance we could get a few more pictures of the cabin interior? EDIT: The more I look at this, the more I like it! I really dig the removable main deck, and the panels that open to reveal the cabin and crew quarters. Nicely done!
  9. Don't ask me why, but I read that as the "Tasty Rudder Pub". I suppose it would be kind of salty...
  10. If your brick built mast is made from 3062s (round 1x1s) then you might want to try a trick I learned from the great Kurigan. If you run a thin wooden dowel through the hole in the center, you gain a great deal of stability. 87087s can be placed on the dowel as well to add an attachment point for spars. I hope that helps, and I'm looking forward to the finished product :-)
  11. Sorry for the slow response, I haven't exactly been active lately. I say keep it slanted. I also say can we have more pictures? I'm very interested in the hull, and specifically the pieces making the bow.
  12. I still play this game from time to time. Sid Meier has made some truly classic games in his day. Seeing this all with Lego is just a chef's kiss :-) Very very well done, sir.
  13. Were I an author I would be extremely flattered to learn someone liked my work this much.
  14. I love the waves that you've made there. I've never seen them look so good before.
  15. That is a really unique design! I love it!
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