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Morgan Marchand

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  1. Then those in the know of the details of who's claiming what and exactly what abilities they claim to have, start figuring out how to test the claims. Assign targets and see if all the results are as expected or if anyone is lying. Worst case - we can lynch to test their claims. If we really have a whole heap of blockers, we can afford to lose one or two. I'd rather not lose loyal soldiers and their abilities, but it'd be worse to have a pirate traitor infiltrate the leadership. Limit what everyone knows so that if any of the claims are lying scum, it limits what the scum learn. Defensive much? I was actually saying I was leaning town on you because I didn't think a scum would draw attention to themselves by not voting at all. And I did that analysis before I knew about why you weren't around part of the day.
  2. For the record, the only thing I copy and pasted was the list of voters. The formatting stuck for the rest of my post. The () around the list are from taking it from a bob post. Heck, if you wanna make something out of nothing.... I'm the first post on pages 3 and 4. Must mean something, right?
  3. First, thanks for the result. Always good to lynch a pirate traitor! Second, to help with future hunting, let's re-assess your thoughts on the day 2 vote. Here's the order again: (Liam Webb, Arthur Hargrave, Ethan Dunn, Elijah Hendry, Robert Walsh, Mitchell LaHore, Morgan Marchand, Zachary Mercier, Kendall Odell) Out of that, I don't know how many were the original town group that discussed ahead of time. I think though that kendall is scummy (as I've already explained). Zachary is town, since he hammered without even knowing he was (or he's a good liar...) Where I disagree with you is that Mitchell and I are scum due to our position. I don't think scum would have been position 6 and 7 in a vote when 8 are needed. I've seen people survive having 5 votes on them before (or the equivalent). It just takes a couple of those people changing. If we didn't have his death to prove otherwise, I'd be all over Robert as scummy, since based on sharing investigation results, I assume you (Elijah) are town. I think Ethan is too, and I'm assuming that Liam and Arthur were also in the pre-planning and therefore town. So that leaves maybe Mitchell as scum and everyone else but Kendall as town. Could we really have had an almost all-town lynch vote and the people who didn't get on the wagon be scummos? That means I'm currently most suspicious of Ben, Warren, and William (in addition to Kendall as already said repeatedly)
  4. Unvote: Kendall Vote: Louis Townsend for obvious reasons since we have a night result.
  5. Your "successful" result just means that you weren't blocked from guarding. It doesn't mean that you prevented a kill.
  6. Hehehe, yeah, that was me misunderstanding him yesterday. Like I said, lots of people and too many pronouns means it's easy to misunderstand.
  7. The 3rd vote out of some 25ish that were made. And you voted for 3 different people in the course of the day. That's how first days go - lots of votes, lots of random things thrown around, and then finally a bandwagon forms on someone and they get lynched. That's exactly how the scum treat it too - throw out a variety of votes (on other scum AND on town, acting like they don't know who is who) and then hide in all the chaos. If we got a rolecop result of bodyguard on someone, then I'd assume they're town and might not waste another investigation on them. Yes, bodyguard can be either. But a scum bodyguard doesn't make much sense - a night kill that they could protect against would have to come from a vigilante or serial killer. In either case, the bodyguard turns up dead and scum, so the shooter (vig or SK) knows whoever they REALLY targeted is ALSO scum and tries again the next night, or reveals it and the scum gets lynched. Even mafiawiki says so: "Bodyguard is usually Town. It makes little sense for there to be a Mafia Bodyguard, as they have no reason to target anyone except a scumpartner; and a Vigilante who finds that their kill resolved on a different scum than they expected can simply shoot their previous target again."
  8. You're correct - I mis-remembered it. Either way, it still proves my point of a scum voting for another on day 1. Usually it doesn't go anywhere, just like most day 1 votes don't go anywhere. That's WHY they do it! Hide in the crowd.
  9. Um, yes? Scum very much vote for each other on day 1. For a prime example, check out the last game (star trek) where mostlytechnic voted against his scum partner and ended up getting them lynched. THAT is unusual - it's very common though for scum to vote against each other in all the chaos to screw with the vote analysis later. And they need to have at least a tiny basis for the vote, so yeah, what you did is EXACTLY what scum partners would do. That can prove the claimed bodyguard has a role, but not WHAT that role is. Short of a failed kill attempt (or a rolecop, if we have one), there's no way to verify the claim. OR a successful kill attempt on someone he's guarding would prove he's lying... which is the risk liars take
  10. Paul was silent for over half of day 2 - his last post was on page 3, around 40 hours before the end of the day. (fyi - all you people that keep "@"ing people - that doesn't do much on these anonymous accounts. Unless someone is logged in with their game account, they won't see it, and they don't get email or other notifications either) You didn't feel it worthy of being voted for though until the lynch was already done. The backtrack thing is what super hard pings me. Would you really be concerned about someone scummily saving their scum partner by unvoting at the last minute? When you placed that vote there was about 20 minutes left in the day. Saving someone at the very last minute would be so epically scummy I can't see it happening. I think you were just trying to put additional justification for your vote flipping to get on the "we lynched a scummo!" bandwagon. For these reasons, I'll kick off day 3 with a Vote: Kendall Odell
  11. I looked again at the end of day 2. This still pings me hard - what about the vote speed made you so sure "we're on the right track"? Between behind-the-scenes planning of a town block (which is what kicked off the Paul voting burst), people being in different time zones, etc, it's hard to base much on that. I've seen it many times before. But if we look at that list of names... Two (william and Louis) never showed on day 2, so I'm ignoring them. Zach had voted for Warren but changed his vote to Paul. In fact, he hammered paul without realizing it. Bob had miscounted the votes, so Zach put vote #8 on paul while thinking it was vote #7. That actually makes me lean town on Zachary. I could see a scum hammering another scum, but not restarting the votes when it was nearing the of the day and scum could have potentially pulled off a no-lynch without being too terribly suspicious. Ben was here but never voted. What's up with that? I'm going all WIFOM on this, but I don't think that seems scummy. They like to throw votes around to mess up analysis, look helpful, and otherwise mislead us. Kendall put the un-needed vote #9 on Paul. That's not uncommon, and I'd rather have people vote and take a position than throw it away, so thanks for that. It still felt very flip-floppy though. You'd earlier (as pointed out by Arthur) been against the Paul lynch and then jumped on at the very tail end. *ping* Warren voted Ethan earlier and stayed with it.
  12. Correct - that's what I was saying. Normally low post count can indicate scum (trying to not be noticed) but NO posts indicates town (since that DOES draw attention). But if people are being replaced (due to scurvy, or whatever real-life reason), then I'm hesitant to read much into William/Louis' lack of posts yesterday.
  13. Correct, William never posted. I don't believe Louis did either. [I assume that one or both of them is who bob is trying to replace... so it may not be an indication of scumminess]
  14. Woo hoo! Glad we got a traitor. So, what did Paul do each day? Day 1, he threw out an early vote for Robert (known now to be town) and then changed to be in the middle of the wagon on Reginald (another town). Day 2, I don't think he ever voted.
  15. Do you not sleep? I have duties during the day, so I need to rest at night in order to do my very best job defending our fort. And what are those noises? Has Kendall infected you with make-annoying-noises-itis?
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