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FABUpunk! Mafia II–Day Five, It Was a Mistake
Emmett Ware replied to Hinckley's topic in LEGO Mafia and Role-Play Games
A ship full of talking animals and whatever those little things are! I knew I shouldn't have gotten into the captain's rum... *hopes over the side* Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh -
And then Peter switched to Andrew despite claiming I was the better vote, just to save himself knowing (hoping? not sure) he would get in one more kill and then try to twist it all around today. With friends like that... Seriously though, for as poorly as things went for us, most of the biggest damage done was by ourselves and the sheer amount of distracting arguing early on. I can't say with absolute certainty since we still don't know all the internal details, but if I had been scum, I think I could have led them to a win long before it got this far.
Was that never clarified? I didn't track Fred because I was 100% convinced that Andrew was scum. I knew from the day I was invited to the town block that it would have a scum in it, they always do, especially given who formed the thing and their uselessness. As for tracking, I didn't track Vincent, that was the trick to keep Andrew from killing me. I tracked Andrew and was blocked. He had to block me once I made it clear I wasn't following his plan, I had so few potential targets that he couldn't risk me seeing him not target you, or you kill Aiden. I did track Vincent last night, though, just to be sure he hadn't played us all. He hadn't. I wish I had tracked you but I really needed to be certain about Vincent or I would have spent the day worrying. I know it isn't me and unless Vincent is some kind of ninja, it isn't him. Game over.
Fair enough. I did mention my own strongarm theory yesterday when we should have killed Peter. I also said that I was expecting Peter to be blocked which was why I tracked you, and I'm glad I did. I think I'd still be having some nagging thoughts otherwise, and I like that not being the case. The biggest failure of the whole game, right there. Scum getting inside info the whole time.
That possibility was why I wanted to lynch Peter yesterday, but everyone thought it was better to take out Andrew first. Including Peter. Shocking! Honestly though, I didn't even consider it for the potential to frame me up, I just live my life in 2013 mafia land, apparently, where I knew all kinds of useful stuff that is no longer relevant. Getting old sucks. As for lynching you, I feel like that was a huge scum failure and one where they had so many good opportunities, especially in the early game when you were resisting revealing your role. Maybe they didn't know why it was a good idea specifically, but they knew you had some weird role and that would have been enough reason for me if I had been scum. Never leave a threat alive, and you should have looked like one to them, just as much as you looked like one to us. As things went further along and you claimed neutral, it would have been so easy to do a kill and make it look like you. Add a suggestion for me to track you again, which I would report as not targeting anyone, since you wouldn't have, and I'd have been the lynch the next day. I would say that not night killing me was a failure, but I tend to credit Robin and some lucky blocks with stopping that. Do you remember our torture discussion? I specifically quoted Fred telling me that he was going to block Peter. And I'm the one that doesn't read... I'm adding this to my post by replying again because there is something wrong with the board software/editor and it is driving me mad. I can't enter, I can't move the cursor arrows, it's just a mess. *shakes fist at board software* Damn kids, get off my lawn! And now look at the gap and I still can't enter. I think I know part of the reason my memories are so messed up. I'm basing a lot of this game on Prohibition Mafia, a previous Bob game where I was the 13yr old mafia boss and we royally fucked the town. Clean sweep plus conversion, as I recall. Not having anyone die might be making me misremember how scum killers work. Well, and Baritones 2, but that's your fault. Defecator... I even managed to use that against them.
Gloat all you want about Andrew, but you could have fucking listened to me and be gloating about Peter instead, then Andrew today. But no! Let's not lynch the killer, let's lynch the obvious scum blocker instead, what could possibly go wrong? "But the wiki says it passes on forever" ... You know what, fuck the wiki. There is no proof of that. We knew who the killer was and let him survive into the night. Ridiculous! Fine, whatever, we have today to finish this. Given that I expected Peter to be blocked and therefore unable to do anything, I tracked Vincent again. Went right back to the beginning of this whole ordeal. Figured it could have all been some elaborate rouse and him all along. He targeted nobody. So there we go, our end result will be decided by whether or not he can really win with the town or scum, and which one he chooses. Assuming he doesn't have to be a sole survivor and just kills us both. I can't second guess everything, I can only win with the town, which means I have to make my last educated vote ... Vote: Peter Lyon
Man, that last firing squad... I usually only kill people with my cooking. Sausages, anyone?
I-van to believe I remember that. The host was an asshole who tried desperately to reveal that last scum and got madder and madder as the town failed to take his frequent and obvious hints. I hear the scum lost their kill to a coin flip, too. It was hilarious. I bet he's a lot better now, though. That is honestly a horrible standard. Not only does it never reward the town for doing their job well, but it slaps them in the face by invalidating previous investigative results. Has EB Mafia really become that anti-town? Reading back, I think we're both getting old and cranky.
One day I should participate in an EB mafia school. For science! Honestly though, if the phrase "exactly how EB mafia works" is accurate now, mafia isn't being done right. It should never be possible to simply look up the wiki and absolutely say how things will work. At that point, it's lost all meaning.
I blame EB staff, falling down on the job! It's the damn notifications. It says 2, I go up 2 posts. Oh yeah, it says 2 because I wasn't quoted. Fucking staff. I plan to make a very useful suggestion for future games, at least the anonymous ones. Every name follows a pattern where the initials are the same for that person and no one else. Examples: Albert Asshole. John Jerkface. Steve Shithead. William Wanker. Simple! These example might not be directly recommended, but you get the idea. This whole Justin Joshua Jean Leon Lyon thing is bullshit. examples. Dammit.
How exactly will it "give us a shot"? Sounds more like either trying to trick people into splitting the vote at the last minute, or thinking it will sell the town blocker on the idea that they don't need to block you. But no one would be stupid enough to follow your vote, would they? Sonofa... Five minutes after someone you agree is scum changes their vote to save themselves, you follow? Without Fred's assurance he'll block Peter, and without even being sure he'll be around to make the switch in vote? That's pretty damn suspicious. Think about why they are trying to delay their own death, maybe they have one strongarm kill of their own and know they can't be blocked tonight. It's entirely possible with the way the roles have been in this game. I know you win either way if you're really neutral, but don't throw this away now... Do you honestly think our host would stack the game so heavily in favour of the scum as to let them pass on the kill forever? It could easily be a case of some assigned roles, like the scum blocker, and some basic goons who can be assigned or inherit roles, like killer. There is no reason to assume that they'll get another night kill if we lynch the killer. There is no way mafia has changed so much in the time I've been gone as to invalidate this, I played too many games with this exact setup. And then you make sense again, but still leave your vote where it is. God, I hate you mafia. Wait, nevermind some of that, I missed Fred's post. Did I mention I hate mafia? Sigh. It still doesn't make as much sense this way, but fine, I agreed to this. Unvote: Peter Lyon Vote: Andrew Laurent At least you said something this stupid to make me feel better about the switch. How exactly would letting a neutral decide the town actions make you look less scummy? All it did was give you someone to blame.
But remember, this was theoretically, at least as you all led me to believe, role madness, so for a while we thought everyone had a role and then it was only Alex who didn't. I don't get any information except "targeted" which would be useless for the scum in this game, at least I don't see how it helps. It barely helps town. I'll give you that. I have been a little stubborn, mostly from frustration. Night after night I've tracked morons doing nothing obvious and had I gone with Andrew's plan (which he is now pawning off on you), it would have been my first seemingly meaningful result, and somehow that feels wrong, like a setup. It makes sense, given the situation, that hasn't changed, but your point does make it a little more confusing. Thought really, even Fred admitting to targeting Aiden might have been enough to get him killed, since we had the same situation previously with whoever it was who targeted Jean. I don't remember and I'm not looking, but I know that alone was fairly damning and he ended up lynched. Throw me tracking Fred to Aiden and would we even be discussing this now, or would he already be lynched? I still think so, and I think that would have been a mistake. * Non game note here: I can't really look at the charts, I wasn't kidding, they blind me. I am legitimately going blind IRL and it just isn't worth it * Back to matters. Fred: If you absolutely promise to block Peter tonight, and sincerely think Andrew is the better choice for today, I'll switch. I don't think it's as smart, but I am convinced that they are the remaining scum, so that's a compromise I can accept. I really believe Andrew is a blocker, so lynching the killer makes more sense, but I can cooperate if it makes everyone more comfortable. Cute. Finck. And hell no, no more spreadshits. I'll switch if Fred promises to prevent another death tonight by blocking Peter. I still don't see how that is the better plan, but I'd rather have a town in agreement than not.
I scanned for my name, but it appeared far too often. I will address two things that stuck out. 1. Switching is idiotic. Andrew almost certainly is a blocker, scummy as it is. The fact that he didn't use it to block Peter, but me instead, and Aiden was killed, means Peter should be the target for today, with Fred blocking Andrew tonight. 2. I've established that I'm the tracker day after day, sometimes giving results first, sometimes just confirming them, but in every way I possibly can. To this day, outside the blockers, no one can even vaguely confirm their roles. Obviously no one can prove alignment, so that's a whole different issue, but I do find the idea of a scum tracker far-fetched at best. The charts are blinding to me, so good luck there. I will add, the other reason to kill Aiden and not me was the difficulty they would have had lynching him, given his ability to come back. He needed to be a night kill. Fred has followed the instructions from Andrew like a puppy. Andrew wants to blame his plan on Vincent, but if he thinks Vincent is scummy, why has he been following them? That's the most transparently scummy plan possible. Kill the only source of information we have and trust that both blockers will do what you say when it's clear that one of them is scum and the other one just follows directions from him, like last night, which resulted in the killer being free to kill Aiden. Given that blocking me framed Fred, I'll still guarantee it was Andrew who did the block. Also consider this, Andrew claims he didn't trust my switch to tracking Vincent, so he had to block me to make sure I didn't track you. There weren't many possibilities left. Who would you kill tonight? Would you even have to if you got me lynched? There can't be many of us left in the town. Your desperation is obvious. You must be so close to winning, and yet, so far.
Your plan was to kill Aiden while Fred was blocking him. If I had tracked Fred, as you wanted, I would have seen Fred target him and run here to declare him the killer. You would have gotten the kill on Aiden and a quick lynch on Fred and it would all be over, if we're guessing the numbers right. That's why you didn't kill me, you tried to use me. And you'd have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for those pesky kids and their tuba. *Fwomma fwomma fwom, fwom fwom fwom, fwom fwom fwom fwom fwom fwomma*
I woke up 5 minutes before I posted and my notifications only indicated the one from Bob giving me my results. No refreshing or anxiously waiting, I actually thought I was going to be dead, and when I read unsuccessful, I momentarily wondered if I had died and Bob forgot to write it, so I came to the day topic to check and all the pieces fell in place. So here is what it comes down to. I know I'm not scum, so any theory including that is wrong. I know that someone blocked me from tracking and only 2 people have claimed that ability. That would make no sense for Fred to do, since he thought I was tracking Vincent and doing so would make both of them look guilty. The only way this is wrong is if Fred is a genius and master manipulator. If that's the case, I will be both surprised and impressed. I would also be annoyed that the town block had a scum in it, either you or him, but I've suspected that from the beginning anyway. So let's spend a moment in an alternate timeline where you arrive first. What would you have said that would be different?