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  1. Yalta started following my custom parts
  2. Hi, Designed using solidworks and printed on an Ender 5 with a few mods. The inner part is printed 0.2mm smaller than the section it goes into and it slides smoothly. Together it's a 10 hour print. I hope to get another set printed today and then put a motor on them both.
  3. hi, it is for a crane outrigger, it is a longer version of part 18940 as it is too short in my opinion. I have not yet build the rest of the crane I intend to use it on.
  4. Hi, over the last few weeks I have been working on a few 3d printed parts, I am only sharing these ideas with others incase anyone is interested, I do not like adding non origional parts to my builds but from what I can see over recent years everytime the manufacturer needs a new connector or part they simply create it. At least this is what I tell myself to make this seem ok. photo retracted extended it interlocks well with both pins and axles and therefore liftarms and gears work aswell. this took come careful measuring. it measures 15.6cm retracted and 27cm fully extended. i created a mount for a pneumatic cylinder that also hides the colour meaning that it will match in with a model the colour that you print it. instead of just yellow. I also made a actuator mount but currently haven't not figured out a way to transmit the drive to an actuator over that changing distance as it is greater than a 16l axle would allow and a 32l would be too long for the width of a vehicle. I intend this to be of similar scale to the 42082 RT crane.
  5. thanks, i have searched but apparently missed this.
  6. Hi all, been reading eurobricks for a long time. It is a great source of information and new ideas. I have recently built set 42082, the mobile all terain crane. I have some queries and comments I would like to share. I think that the outriggers do not match this type of crane, they are also quite weak as they use small LAs, has anyone modified them? the chasis appears to be quite flexible where the axles meet the section with the turntable mounted. has anyone managed to reinforce this? finally the clutch gear for lifting the hook slips far too easily, has anyone managed to re engineer the gearing to reduce this happening? I have achieved this to some extent but it is not neat and I have had to move the battery box back (although this does help it be a more effective counterweight) Although this may appear to be negative it is not, I think the crane is great and a major improvement on my previous set 8460. I would welcome any photos or info from anyone who has built this set and managed to improve it at all. Thanks in advance.
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