Modding the Barracuda thread
I didn't even think of that, awesome work!
Modding the Barracuda thread
Completely cleared the hull for Cannons and everything to compliment them. I poked out the windows and put the cannons on tiles with stoppers to keep them in place. Had some good fun with this one.
[MOD] 2015’s Soldier’s Fort Modular
Incredible! Really clever use of the 2015 Imperial sets.
[MOC] De Lezo Imperial Trading Post
Thanks! I like to think they are so worrisome of Redbeard and the Barracuda that they joined forces for a moment.
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IronMarshal1805 started following [MOC] De Lezo Imperial Trading Post
[MOC] De Lezo Imperial Trading Post
Trading post based on LEGO Pirates. I have redcoats and bluecoats present at the same time since my Bluecoats haven't come in yet. The post itself, excuse the lighting. My room is waiting for new carpet and I don't have my desk and lamp to set things up on. An Officer on his way to inspect the garrison. On the left is an Indiaman dropping off his treasure in exchange for goods. The tower on the 2nd Island is armed with 1 gun and a soldier on watch. This soldier was relieved of duty from the 2nd Island, and makes his way across the pier. The main outpost's gun and storage for it's ammunition in the back. Top of the main tower, with one gun and a Redcoat operating the rather simple crane. To access the inside, the outpost is modular. The inside of the storage. Small area for soldiers to get rum and relax. Inside of the main quarters. A small arsenal, chest full of goodies, key and desk are located. Picture is a bit blurry. The 2nd outpost contains a few bunks. The outpost from the rear. What are they doing? Talking about home? Talking about their experiences fighting Redbeard, or each other? The girl they left behind or how awful the food is? You decide! An Imperial's worst nightmare, the Black Seas Barracuda! I used the base of the Pirates of Barracuda Bay set, otherwise everything else is original.
[MOC] "Tiny Trailblazers: Imperial Port" by Kev.the.Builder
That Jr. Imperial Soldier is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
[MOC] Spanish Fort Section, 1741.
The Torso prints come from Saber Scorpion's shop.
[MOC] Spanish Fort Section, 1741.
Once I get my desk back in here, I should get something more suitable.
[MOC] Spanish Fort Section, 1741.
Sorry for the lighting and odd flooring. My room's carpet is getting replaced soon. It of course comes apart! The Supply Magazine A Spanish officer heads out to inspect the men. Let me know what you think!
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