If lamp shines on sets for long time, will it cause yellowing
True. Typically with the action figures the legs and arms which are slightly flexible and made of some form of PVC are yellow whereas the torsos made of ABS are not found yellowed as often. I think the real trick, since degradation cannot be stopped but only slowed is to balance prevention with ability to display, enjoyment, etc. You might be right about normal household lighting but I think could also depend on how close it is. Personally I wouldn't risk using florescent or halogen bulbs as display lighting. Maybe but that is only one particular type of degradation. It's possible you end up trading one for another. Which is worse? IDK.
If lamp shines on sets for long time, will it cause yellowing
When I stored my action figures for a number of years between moving out of my parent's house and into my own I kept them in acid free archival plastic baggies ( cannot remember where I got them) and used a hole punch to punch holes in the bottom for air flow. The real valuable and old ones I wrapped in acid free tissue paper before putting them in the baggies. They came out in the same condition they went in but YMMV. Kept in cardboard shoe boxes (not tapes shut for airflow) in climate controlled closet. FWIW it is worth most of this is conjecture on the action figure forums. While there is a lot of anecdotal evidence to back it up along with some science there have been no scientific studies to my knowledge. So nothing concrete to back up the potential (however unlikely) nonsense I'm spouting.
If lamp shines on sets for long time, will it cause yellowing
Sounds to me like a Goldilocks situation. You don't want overly dry but there appears to be evidence that high relative humidity can also cause issues. I guess the question is how much is necessary and how much is too much. I suspect your range is probably about right.
If lamp shines on sets for long time, will it cause yellowing Keep in mind I'm not a chemist but come from years of collecting vintage action figures and spending time on related forums. The topic comes up frequently because white figures often turn yellow. Even though they were MIB and kept in dark conditions. Plastic offgases and one theory is that high humidity keeps the "gases" from escaping from the figures contributing to degradation. The same way sealing in a plastic bag would. Also just because something is impermeable to moisturize/ doesn't appear to be affected by it doesn't mean moisture can't do damage. I.e. rust. Like I said not a chemist but there could be some chemical reaction that occurs. Define "very high temperature." Attics in my part of the U.S. can get to 120F+(50C+) during the summer and that can certainly degrade plastic (ask me how I know). I'm sure lesser temps could also degrade plastic. ( I only have anecdotal evidence that they can) Although, I think the better term would be accelerate degradation. Edit: to get the link to work you may need to copy past it directly into your browser
If lamp shines on sets for long time, will it cause yellowing
Fluorescent bulbs are the worst UV emitters. I wouldn't use them in any collection room with stuff sensitive to UV. Both LED and incandescent emit some UV. But as MAB said LEDs don't have the heat of incandescents. Honestly I wouldn't worry about it with LEDs. Is there a window in the room? Is it permanently blacked out? What about humidity levels? Temp levels in the house? The worst things for plastic are heat, humidity, and UV. I don't think the ABS Lego is made of has the same issues as the PVC used in some older action figures but those can become sticky in high humidity situations. My point is plastic is going to degrade over time. Some quicker than others depending on composition, storage conditions, etc. I don't think some additional UV from an LED is going to make any difference under normal display circumstances unless you are going for storage in perfect conditions. Edit: I believe halogens also emit significant UV and heat so I'd steer clear.
Lego purchase limits reset
Lego has the power quite easily. They own the rights to their product. They can require just about anything of a retailer. It would be in whatever contract between Lego and the retailer. It wouldn't surprise me if they did require the retailers keep to limits. It is also possible the limits I ran into were solely Amazons and yes, I don't see them sharing purchase data with other if for no other reason than its proprietary. I could probably buy from S@H without issues but until they having something else I want in stock I don't want to pay the additional shipping. Fortunately I may have a rare chance to hit up a Lego store in a few weeks. Nearest one is 6 hours round trip from me.
Lego purchase limits reset
True, but I guess it is like when Target, Walmart, and the international equivalents distribute Lego. So by allowing Amazon to be a distributor that removes some of the competition aspect. It seems strict enforcement of purchase limits is part of the distribution agreement.
Looking for minecraft like block game.
How about a Lego texture pack for Minecraft? Not used it but played a lot of mindcraft and it's sounds like you just want Minecraft that looks like you are building with Lego. Not sure you'll find better than that.
Lego purchase limits reset
Shipped from and sold by Amazon so don't know about address but if you visit the Lego Store on Amazon it looks official. Their red and white logo ( I know they are very serious about that logo) and everything. Can post a link if that's allowed. Almost certainly official. Plus I can't imagine a third party seller enforcing a limit that strictly.
Lego purchase limits reset
Apparently they are. I was able to get the master builder series cantina there as well even though it's out of stock on S@H. No VIP points though. I suspect they have done the math and decided it's to their benefit to compete against their own site. I agree. Completely understand the reasoning behind the limits but some things could have higher limits. Worse comes to worse I may have opportunity to hit up a Lego store in a few weeks or can have a relative order it for me on their account.
Lego purchase limits reset
Sorry for the double post but thought I'd provide an update for posterity. When I tried to order one more I could add it to my cart but it was automatically removed when trying to check out. About a week since purchase delivery was a couple days ago. It's clearly being tracked. I could still purchase from others sellers if I wanted to. I'm not going to try from S@H right now because it's more expensive and no free shipping.
Lego purchase limits reset
I asked because it's the official Lego store on Amazon. It wouldn't surprise me if they had a way of monitor it. I guess worse comes to worse it will just get cancelled.
Lego purchase limits reset
Anyone know if/when the Lego purchase limit resets and if they keep track of purchases between the Amazon store and S@H? I purchased the limit of 3 of the classic gray 48x48 stud base plates and need a 4th for a MOC. Maybe one more purchase of one won't cause a cancellation of the order?
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Picked up the Forge set. Set is not bad, really but the main reason I picked it up was for the Armorer and I didn't have a Din Djarin figure yet.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Personally I'd love to see more use of the alien heads, many of which are not cheap on bricklink. Even if those heads don't relate to specific characters. I know the chances of that are almost nil. AFOL (like me) could use them for MOCs and stuff and kids could use them to play out various scenes in the SW universe. They could have market stalls with accompanying accessories.
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