Wizarding World 2023 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm planning to buy Grimmauld place 12, it's an lego exclusive set in my country so I can't find it cheaper. It's an set that's also on my "planing to buy" list. I want to get gringotts and the big Hogwarts express one day to! I'm not a big fan of the castle, I only want golden Dumbledore..
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
4 Harry and 2 mini Harry in the same set? Jises. I like the adult Harry though. I'm really disappointed about the minifigs, it's only Harry & Ginnys kids and the conductor that is the new charactars.. It's an amazing set but it's over priced. I've all the other D2C set from HP but Idk If I think it's worth to buy the set. I hope it dosen't ends up to be an lego exclusive set and comes to retailers at some point. Than it's possible to find it for a better price. The platform could be modded a bit and that could be fun, otherwise it's only a display set for me.
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
I'm disappointed of this AC.. I wish we got one new charactar at least, instead of Myrtle it could be Rowena Rawenclaw or something... I'm not into these micro buildings either. I suspected we would get more of them for each year but I'd hope that HP wouldn't go all in SW steps with only nano buildings like they did (except for the couch with Slughorn).. I like that they included the nano figs of the dementors though. I really want some more leaks of the D2C set! I'm really courios how it would look!
Crookshanks started following Harry Potter custom builds and moc's and Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Wizarding World 2022 - Rumors & Discussion
Hello, I've been lurking here on and off. My own guessing on the D2C is: - Hogwarts in minifig scale and the current microfig scale Hogwarts would probably retiring next year. They did the same with great hall. I think many fans would appreciate an good looking Hogwarts in minifig scale. Or - Gringotts with the Ironbelly and maybe some shops. I hope Rita Skeeter would come with it. My hope is also to get Lupin as an werewolf, not only as an minifig with a head of an werewolf. I hope we get some creatures next year. Also Sirius as an dog in the same set would be nice, in the haunted house or the whomping willow. I also hope we get an set with the second task with some merepeople and an set with the Durmstrang ship.
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
Agree, If the summer wave ending up with set in the new style then I don't think they return to the older design. I think lego gave us a lot of sought after figs and sets in a short time. They have pleased their HP fans a lot faster then their SW fans. I really like'd the books from the january wave and the design of it is lovely. I still hope the castle sections in the leaked image is'nt what lego going to release in the summer wave (expect for Fluffy and the Basilisk).
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
It feels like lego go 2 step back with the design of the castle sections. I don't get it why they're making a whole new structur for the castle. Is it a new designer for the HP theme now and not Bessa?
Harry Potter 2021 - Rumors & Discussion
I haven't follow all the HP as good like last year. So this maybe has been discussed earlier. I had seen the leaked pics yesterday and I'm so disappointed with the two castle sections.. Do you guys think it would look almost the same when they release the sets? I like the Hogsmede set. The bathroom also looks good, I hope they include new hairpieces for Crabbe and Goyle. I actually like the dog, the brick build body isn't perfect, but it easy to mod. I don't know what I think of the basilisk yet, I want to see the final product first. But the castle sections looks terrible imo The earlier castle sections has been among my favourites sets to build.. If the final products looks like these then it feels lego are going to kill the HP theme..
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I like the mosaic set more after I've seen these pics. The crest looks a lot better then the single ones. I want to get one set but I'm going to wait for a big discount. I would never buy four sets, for the same price I can get the DA and AT togheter. The design is to low to justify the price. Some of the other sets in the mosaic theme have a lot better quality in their designs then HP. I'm a lot more impressed of the design of the four book sets then the mosaic set.
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Ooooh I really love the sets! Is the front page printed? They are all lovley on their on way. I love Seamus new faceprint. I really like the new torsos for the herbology class, I can stop collecting Neville from cmf 1 for the torsos now haha.. McGonagall looks good to, but I don't a big fan of her faceprint. Flitwick looks awesome, I love that the beard even looks good on his neck, is it a new mold? The stickers looks good to. Even If I'm not a fan of stickers in general, I still can see some useful ones. Hard to tell witch one is my favourite, the Herbology class have the most useful pieces to me. The transfiguration class dont interesting me that much. Probably because it have both Hermione and Ron in it, haha. The swedish price suprised me as well.. 349 kr would be a better price for these set. Oh well, I'm going to pick them up anyways but not for the retail price.
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
I haven't seen the FB movies yet (one day I will) but I really appreciate the FB lego sets. I hope lego planing to do some more FB sets next year because they're very useful for the HP universum to, especially If they make more beasts. I don't think it would be more then 2 FB sets If they release any. HP seems to be much more succesful. I'd read that the monster book have been avaible in US in some places, I really want that the set comes to Europe soon!
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Agree! It could be Narcissa, random death eather (maybe something like the old Lucius), Tonks (colorful hair) and Harry (they would probably include him)
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Has anyone heard anything of the monster book? If it will come out for the rest of the world to?
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Not me either. I think it would be in production max another year.
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Lego have done weirder things before
Harry Potter 2020 - Rumors & Discussion
Same for me, Crabbe and Goyle are the only missing for me to. But Colin would be a great bonus to. I don't understand why they didn't put Crabbe or Goyle in the potions set. How can they still ignore such a iconic characters like them
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