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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by 2GodBDGlory

  1. Very cool! It's fun to see someone building a studfull car these days! I also have always been interested in that wheel/tire combination, so I'm happy to see it here!
  2. Very cool, @rm8! I'm not opposed to printing rims myself, so something like that could be a good option
  3. Heh heh, I already ordered them, and there's no mention of foam being included. I'll have to see if it is included after all or not, but if not I can probably 3D print some flexible inserts with TPU that would do the trick
  4. I like the sound of that multi-mode system for the gearbox, to allow you to have modes for realistic gearbox operation, but also good performance! Looking forward to the next update! This is one of my favourite threads I've seen on here in a while! A really creative, interesting model, slowly being revealed with great presentation!
  5. True, I'm sure I could do it that way, but that would also require figuring out what all the numbers on tires being sold meant, etc. Possible, but more work than I was hoping to do! Thanks guys, that's what I'm looking for! An easily searchable category that people have confirmed works. Also, they look very reasonably priced, which I'm happy about! These are the ones I'm looking at: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006132968034.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.11.5263L39eL39e2N&algo_pvid=938a4c05-5792-474c-a249-975388a8571f&algo_exp_id=938a4c05-5792-474c-a249-975388a8571f-5&pdp_npi=4%40dis!CAD!25.01!7.50!!!130.19!39.06!%402101c5c317212580106966273e6761!12000035911665921!sea!CA!2554165145!&curPageLogUid=6zMbwIOpIveL&utparam-url=scene%3Asearch|query_from%3A $7.50 CAD for a set of four 67mm diameter tires with a nice off-road tread!
  6. Sorry to bump this thread, but I'm wondering about recommendations for RC tires to fit on this rim (The one for 62mm truck tires): I dug through the thread for a while, but it's a long thread, and in my look all I really found for these tires was these ones developed with RM8: https://store.rc4wd.com/RC4WD-Rock-Crusher-MT-Brick-Edition-12-Scale-Tires27_p_6911.html They're definitely nice, but probably on the expensive side, and I'd be happy with something lower quality from AliExpress. I'm pretty sure there's other good options out there, so if someone could help me to know what criteria I should use for in searching on there, I'd appreciate it! Thanks
  7. Yep! Though I think he was saying it's being shown working in reverse in the video, being manually driven from the rear axle instead of from the engine
  8. I'm probably not going to take the time to find the spot in the video (Sorry!), but that behaviour does sound consistent with a central differential lock. With it unlocked, the tendency would probably be for the rear axle to just run the engine extra fast, while with it locked, the front wheels would have to go along with it
  9. Very nice! I'm happy to see a model of this cool real-life car, and this is done extremely well! Lots of detail with System parts, but also good, solid Technic functionality. Great presentation, too! I'd agree that the roof looks a little low, but I can understand if raising it a stud made it look too far off the other way
  10. Are you sure he's right about that? I thought it was confirmed that the three levers were DNR, Hi/Lo, and central diff lock?
  11. I don't have the parts in hand, but I'm going to say no. It would likely fit onto that one, but there isn't the little spring-loaded tab in the middle, so it wouldn't click into the ridges at all
  12. Yeah, that would be awkward, I guess you could try to take advantage of that to maintain an odd width of the total vehicle despite an even width at the differential, but it would require lots of asymmetrical building
  13. Ooh, thanks for putting that together! I'll have to take a look
  14. Indeed! That's wild articulation
  15. That's a pretty cool, compact design! The even width is somewhat annoying, but even if you add a spacer on one side, 7 wide isn't bad!
  16. That looks reasonable! I think it's slightly more complicated than that, since we have two 24T gears on a single driving ring, and one of them appears to be geared to a 12T on the left, while the other is geared to a 12T on the right, but it does look like a nice setup to get lots of speeds in space-efficiently
  17. So, after watching that review, I'm intrigued to see that instead of a DNR selector, there's what they're calling a Electric-Neutral-Hybrid selector, with a simulated electric motor that spins in either Electric or Hybrid, but with the V8 only running in Hybrid. This means that there's no reverse gear either here or in the transmission, which seems like a shame, but I know some real-life hybrid supercars have left out a physical reverse gear to save weight, and just relied on reversing their electric motor for going backwards. I'm trying to research that about the P1, but can anyone else confirm if that's the case or not? The doors here are definitely impressive! I've tried designing a 1:8 MOC of one of these in the past, and making the doors open realistically is a real challenge
  18. Huh, that difference is interesting! I had been expecting the two types to be used together in this set to fill in gaps in each other, but apparently that's not the case. That's likely a good guess about the intended uses of the two being for different sizes of gearbox. It looks like this one has no real theoretical difference between it and the old orange wave selector, with both engaging at 90 degree intervals. The primary difference, I guess, is that a setup with the new part would have a built-in neutral between every two speeds, allowing you to make an 8-speed by aligning different drums at 45 degree angles. Come to think of it, that's probably what they're doing here. I'd guess there's two four-speeds in parallel, geared slightly differently, and with shift drums offset 45 degrees via the new knob wheel, so the active gear flips back and forth between the left and right gearboxes. It's not exactly how a real dual-clutch transmission works, since there'd have to be clutches for that, but it seems like a pretty decent approximation of it! *I first typed this up in the General Part Discussion thread, then cut it to over here since it made more sense to me. In doing so, I noticed that review videos were up, so maybe my speculations have already been proved or disproved in there!
  19. That does look like a lot of fun! I am pretty sure those electronics wouldn't be allowed under the contest rules, but either way I hope you finish the model!
  20. I look forward to figuring out how all the gearing down there works! Looks like the 3L driving rings will continue alongside the 2L ones into the future
  21. Since about this post, I haven't seen much discussion of the new windshield frame parts. They look oddly specialized, but do have the potential for a very strong, yet good-looking, roof. I was curious about this guess that there'd need to be left and right versions, though, and after playing around a little in stud.io, I'm pretty confident that flipping one end to end would cause the angle to flip, allowing it to be done with just one mold
  22. That would be nice, but I'm doubtful that it would be durable enough with the pins being as small as they'd need to be for that. It is a shame that it can't mesh with double-bevel gears, though! I think meshing one with a 36T gear would be a legitimately useful combination, and we don't have a spur version of that for it to work with. 28Ts too, but that'd be a pretty weird spacing.
  23. This might be my favorite of these 1:8 cars so far! The color really fits well, and the contrast with the black parts works really well, I think. It's not perfect, and it's expensive as always, but I do appreciate that it's depicting a car I've actually heard of, after the last two ones being very niche special-editions. Mainly, though, I'm excited about new parts! Those wheels look really good for all-around use, and I definitely prefer them to the Ferrari's. The new panels will surely find uses, but I'm not really in the 1:8 super MOCing game anymore, so I don't especially care. However, I'm quite curious to see whether the orange shift drums are different from the teal ones, and if so, how. There's definitely limitations to what you can do with just the teal ones, so I'm hopeful that it's complementary to them and not just a recolor. The new suspension arms are very cool! They're not super visible, but it's nice to see that they're putting some effort into making key mechanical parts look realistic, and I do expect them to have some significant utility for MOCs. Of course, what I'm really excited about is that 12T clutch gear! It's a rare day when TLG makes a new size of clutch gear, and each time it opens up huge potential to revolutionize gearbox design, making a gearbox-designer-type like me really excited! I've been into Technic long enough to remember trying to build 7+R transmissions without wave selectors or any clutch gears other than 16T ones, so to be able to build gearboxes today with two different systems of rotary shifters and four sizes of clutch gear is pretty wild! I can't wait to get my hands on some of these 12T gears, though until then I can just dust off the custom one I made years ago. I wonder if they'll ever make clutch versions of 8T or 28T gears. It would be cool, but I would understand it if they concluded that the system is now complete. Now if we can just get a 32T gear someday!
  24. Like a lot of the ones I see on the road, unfortunately. Low profile tires don't belong on rugged SUVs, but G-wagen owners seem to disagree with me! Well, probably not quite as low profile as the Daytona rims, but still... It is interesting that those tires could theoretically fit the Lego model, though! I'd be curious to see what it looks like, though I certainly wouldn't want to keep one that way long-term. I do expect to see lots of mods with 94mm truck tires, though!
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