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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by 2GodBDGlory

  1. What is this program? I haven't heard that name anywhere
  2. Very cool! I definitely think it's recognizable, and I appreciate that you were able to fit in the full I-6 engine!
  3. Looks good! I'd agree, bodywork is really where models tend to bog down, but yours does seem to be looking good so far! I like how you're not afraid to use System parts in it.
  4. Cool design! That does look well-optimized, and allowing for kingpin inclination is very beneficial. If you're wanting to make it printable, I think the only major issue would be printing the towball on the top, but I imagine that could be fixed relatively easily by changing it to an axlehole and then supergluing in an axle-towball part with the axle sanded down as much as it needs to be to clear the CV joint
  5. I like it! The fender flares look really nice, and pop-up headlights are always nice! I also appreciate the inclusion of an RC transmission--too many models don't worry about those!
  6. Very nicely done, and well presented! It feels like it has everything you could ask for in a dump truck, with lots of detail and functions. RC pneumatics are always cool, and I really like that servo valve control solution! Very compact and elegant. One question, though: Why did you use an old-style differential on the front axle? It looks like you had to go to a lot of effort to keep the same gearing despite using it?
  7. Looks like an upcoming Botanical polybag will be including two of the Daytona differential ring gears! Those should match up nicely with all the surplus pinion gears from the 42168 John Deere Forage Harvester, to make the whole assembly cheaper to acquire
  8. Oh, I see now! That's cool
  9. That's cool to see! I remember this model clearly from my many hours spent with Sariel's Incredible Lego Technic. Looks like it's been well updated with modern parts!
  10. Yeah, those new parts aren't cheap! I got myself a set of those driving rings and 24T clutches off AliExpress to save money. I will say my driving rings feel pretty loose, but then I don't have any Lego ones to compare them to, so I don't know if it's normal or not.
  11. Huh, I'm seeing it at only $150 off, but either way, that's a bigger discount than you'd usually expect to see outside of Europe! https://www.costco.ca/lego-liebherr-crawler-crane-lr-13000---42146.product.4000194869.html
  12. Looks good! I'd agree that I prefer the longer design too, at least if you can find space for it. You said something about "old" driving rings, though--just to clarify, you won't be able to use the old 2L one with this gearbox, since it doesn't mesh with any of the post-2015 clutch gears. You'll need the new 2L ones from the Yamaha set Yeah, it is a real bummer that there's no clutch interface in that 28T gear. They were able to fit it into a half-stud space on the other end of the differential, so why couldn't they have added one on the gear side as well? Sigh
  13. Ok, yeah! I've heard lots of good things about those A1's, but I'm too cheap, and maybe a bit too committed to more DIY-friendly printers to go for one just yet! So, the heavily modified old Ender 3 gets to keep on working! I haven't actually ever gotten it to successfully print with a nozzle smaller than 0.4, though. I wonder if there's settings I ought to look at for that sometime
  14. Cool stuff! I take it those plastic gears are commercially available? Not having enough resolution to print something like that was always my mental barrier to trying to design anything like this (Well, I guess more to print replacement parts for Lego planetary hubs) Also, lots of other cool stuff on your Makerworld! I'll have to print some of it!
  15. These models do have such interesting engineering! What did you use to build it? Are there instructions or a 3D model for it, or was it reverse-engineering?
  16. Looks like a fun model! Very big, and I do like some good DBG!
  17. Looks very nice! Are you using some kind of consumer USB extender in there for easier charging?
  18. Another option that might have slightly less stress on those gears would be to build it such that the axlehole on the gear only goes to pinholes on the steering beam. Normally, that would make the gear do nothing, but if you left that 2L beam on the top, it would fit between two of the teeth and fix the gear to the arm. It would just then have the advantage that the beam isn't forcing the gear to rotate a half-tooth away from where the axle fits it. Nice work, though!
  19. I like the gearbox complexity! Looks like you're putting some real effort into it. I also like the torsen diff! It's something that seems to be thrown around as a concept a lot, but rarely ever put into a model. That design is about as practical as it gets, though! I haven't seen the one with a turntable on each side, and it could be made skinnier by replacing one of them with a connector, but maybe the extra strength is worth it
  20. I'm not sure I understand the thinking there. If you directly replaced a shock with a linear actuator, wouldn't you lose all suspension? Wouldn't the actuator take all the weight of the car, and prevent the shock from ever compressing? Or are you talking about something else
  21. Fun model! The straight-8 and steering linkage are both pretty cool!
  22. That is an interesting thought, though. It would be neat to have a fancy stand the car can sit on, with, say, motorized rollers that sit under the wheels, so you could flip a switch on the side of the frame and drive the car's wheels that way, for easy gearbox demonstration
  23. Thanks for setting up another great contest! Lots of great entries in there, and the winners definitely deserve it!
  24. Ooh, very nice! It's always fun to see models of people's personal cars, and that looks like it would have been a fun one to have!
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