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Eurobricks Dukes
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Everything posted by 2GodBDGlory

  1. Wow, a Panhard rod to keep the subframe from moving! That's some wild engineering!
  2. When are we expecting voting to finish/results to be released? Thanks!
  3. I've looked into that, but there's surprisingly few wheels that actually clear the shock absorber in that setup, and it doesn't give any kingpin inclination. It is an interesting idea, though!
  4. Well, reflashing a different SD card seems to have solved the problem, so I guess I just bumped an ancient thread for no particular reason. Sorry!
  5. This looks like it might be the correct topic to talk about this issue in... I'm working on a project using a Mindstorms EV3 running EV3dev with Python coding. I had written my code and gotten everything working the way I wanted, and had successful tests, but then the rechargeable AA batteries I was using in it died. I'd been wanting to have it powered from the wall eventually, so while I was charging them, I rigged up a basic battery eliminator sort of thing, with the positive and negative contacts wired to the contacts of a USB-chargeable 9V battery, which I then plugged in via USB. After doing this, it booted up just fine, but a couple other issues became apparent. When I went to the File Browser on the brick and tried to select my program as before, nothing would happen, except that a new file under it would appear with the name main.py.err.log, and the same thing would happen for any program loaded on to the brick. Second, when I plugged it back into my computer over USB and tried re-connecting to VSCode, it would start the process, and then fail, giving me me an "Exit code 127" message. After that I wondered if I just didn't have enough amperage, so I plugged it in to a 9V transformer, with the same symptoms of powering on but not working. I then put AA batteries back in, and it still didn't work right! I also tried removing the EV3Dev SD card, rebooting, powering down, reinserting it, and rebooting again, but nothing changed. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here? It's a core part of a larger project that I've been working hard at for a good while, and that I had pretty much just got working, so I'd be really disappointed if I couldn't get it working again! Any help would be appreciated! [EDIT] My next step will probably be restoring the stock firmware and seeing if I can get programs to run on it. If that works, perhaps I could just rewrite my code in whatever the standard is for EV3 and go with that? Or maybe I need to try reflashing the EV3dev SD card
  6. Ah, too bad. It's a cool, mad-sciency kind of failure, though!
  7. The detailed engine bay looks nice! You should be able to change the title of the topic by editing the first post in it
  8. That is a cool model! Style and performance is always a good combination, and it's cool to see Geekservos being used in something that isn't just about performance
  9. I've got good memories of that set! It was the second Technic set I bought, because of how good of a parts pack it was! It does sound challenging to build interesting alternates from, though
  10. That is a pretty neat product! I do have a hard time believing that the tracks on the snow groomer would be rotating with that level of friction under them, though!
  11. Yeah, you'll definitely want to add some longitudinal beams to the rear part of the chassis to keep the axles from sliding apart. It is looking pretty cool, though! The double tires look great, though I'm unsure how practical that would be in the real world with the angle the axles are on. You don't need justification like that for Lego, though!
  12. Ooh, that sounds annoying! As an Android user, I can often just download apk. files to install apps not in the store, but I'm not sure if that method works with Apple or not
  13. If they are using large quantities of PU motors in there, I wonder how they actually coupled them together electrically, what with non-stackable plugs and all!
  14. Wow, very nice! Looks great, and has fun performance! I'm really glad you managed to fit the full V12 in there! It really looks beefy, and honestly kind of classic now that mini engines are so normal
  15. That's super fun! Cool to see such a realistic engine in a at least somewhat to-scale model, and the driver adds so much character
  16. Wow, impressive! Not only does it have size, but it has some interesting mechanics with the chain
  17. Yeah, I've built off 1:64 models before, and it does work surprisingly well! I think that's the ideal combination, in my opinion. Less sidewall might be preferable, but these have reasonable width and nice offset
  18. Interesting suspension and drivetrain setup with the differential!
  19. We're not expecting any more sets for 2024, are we? I'm hoping to start work on the 2024 addition to my Technic "visual dictionary" (See signature) soon, and it'd be annoying if something else came out unexpectedly!
  20. And the M motor, right? I didn't think it could be
  21. Very nice work! I think those wheels fit here better than on the other alternates we've seen recently, and you really got the grille and headlights down well!
  22. That looks like a lot of fun! High power and low weight is always a great combination
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