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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I had the same problem (also left it alone for too long) and disconnecting and reconnecting didn't help either. In the end I bought a new battery from buwizz (they sell it on their website for quite a reasonable price) now it works again
  2. Thats my plan for now: And (sorry offtopic) ARE WE GETTING 94.3 TRACTOR TIRES?! that would give some proper motivation to dust of this WIP MoC :)
  3. Another option that I'm currently considering for this problem (4WD / 4 wheel steering tractor) is to keep the hubs at 13L but use the defender rims. That gets you to the same width, and allows for a better pivot point. the black rim can be cleaned up by a disc or big sprocket representing wheel weights. Or you can mount duals ;)
  4. Thanks for all the feedback. I just updated the instructions and inventory slightly, to include the missing gears and axle for the bed tipping. Also I placed a note at step 3 to have a good look at the wire routing before proceeding to hopefully prevent any others from having to disassemble half the chassis! :)
  5. This is just brilliant. And from the video it seems to work very well! Nice job
  6. Does anyone have more details on the Sweeper MOC in the opening shot? I'm especially interested in the pickup mechanism for the 1x1 round bricks
  7. Thank you this is very helpful! I won't promise yet to make updates to the instruction, but this helps me tremendously with the next MOC :) I don't know about the battery drain - I have normal single use batteries in the model (still the first set), and have been driving it for hours when my nephews are here :) And indeed the access to the batterybox access is problematic with the tipping bed (and the mirror is in the way) But like I said I haven't had to change batteries yet About the 4L axles - I went through all my stock of the the thin liftarms and 4L axles the find the ones that stay put And please share some photos! Awesome, thanks for the pictures! Enjoy the model :)
  8. Wow, now I'm really curious! Tried to build a quick mockup today and its definitely not working perfectly yet . The first version was an absolute mess, then I sped up the reel and slowed down the conveyer, that was already much better, then I changed the conveyor from only treads (bricks just rolled back down) to 1 link 1 tread (worked much better) to 2 links 1 tread (current situation). But this is nowhere near reliable enough, both in pickups (as you can see they shoot all over the place) and sometimes one brick gets stuck and rips the chain links... Next I will try 3 or 4 links 1 tread but I don't have enough links so I ordered some, or maybe I will order some of these and try those: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=92713#T=C&C=11
  9. Really curious about the mechanism you will use to pick up the 1x1 round bricks, I've been pondering on how to build a functioning pickup header for a combine for some time, the only examples I could find were picking up paper or other lightweight / flexible things. I have some ideas but haven't started something yet... Awesome model so far, looking forward to the further progress, and also curious about the tractor and trailer!
  10. Any feedback that others can learn from as well would be much appreciated in the forum :)
  11. I'm proud te present the free instruction of this model, which can be downloaded from Rebrickable: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-113848/Arjo/rc-morooka-tracked-dumper/#details I'd be honored if you decide to build it and look forward to any feedback on the design or the instructions :)
  12. That works amazingly well! Do you have just a string at the bottom or also one at the top? Edit: @vascolp my page wasn't refreshed, so I didn't see your comment - but great question! :)
  13. Thanks! It does have some bump steer, but mostly because the hubs are not stiff enough / play in the system. I think the rear suspension is fine but the front should be softer :) As in, I really like the suspension from the Defender set, where the model really sinks a bit into the suspension when you put it on the ground. It does that in the rear but not in the front. Yes that is a really good point. Do you think it would be nicer with some tiles on the sides? (I dont have them currently in the right color to try it, or maybe I could take some from the Defender...)
  14. Thanks! I look forward to some pictures! Pffff... nice idea but that price... Maybe I could work out how to somehow attach these: https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=2998#T=S&O={"iconly":0} Mwah, that was mainly my inexperience and not using a proper blueprint (only pictures). There is still at least half a stud on each side of clearance between the motors and the wheels, even if you take the 'bending' of the wheels into account
  15. After I got a couple of requests, I have made instructions for the tractor! You can find them on rebrickable: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-97159/Arjo/rc-new-holland-tractor-with-front-loader/ It is my first set of instructions so any feedback is appreciated :)
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