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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Thats legit the set of my dreams. So show accurate too. I'll be sure to vote for it!
  2. So, now that we know its minidolls, I'm going to predict Thing will be part 5059. The new hand prosthetic that came in the friends hospital this year.
  3. Who was the source for this rumor that both bright and buffalo are "girls" themes? Like I've been seeing it repeated here, but I haven't seen a source for it yet.
  4. While I would have liked it to be a different netflix show, (Seriously, Lego has their prior partnership with them, it would be nice to get more collabs with popular shows) I think Buffalo is Wednesday. Quite a few Wednesday and Addams family projects have hit 10k on ideas, the Brickheadz would prob be wednesday and her roommate. And I could see the argument for the show being aimed at girls.
  5. Is it bad that I really like the look of this set? I know some people are irritated at the hole from green goblin, but I just sort of like it cause it seems like a reference to the raimi films. This is the kind of superhero sets I think we have needed. Just sort of set pieces for fighting. Still holding out that they make some sort of warehouse fight for DC or Marvel. Mad they cancelled the City one, cause that would've been great for a setpiece.
  6. Dissapointed that the townhouse and restaurant both seem to be literal facades, both being literal walls that are two studs deep. I am excited about the criminals' hideout, as it looks like something that could be repurposed in a city, and is something that looks different than what we usually get.
  7. Did anyone else notice Mr Hooper's shop is literally a 1 brick wide facade? It looks like maybe there's a wall on the side facing the tables, but from the viewing side, its completely open.
  8. Globe and guitars won, Sonic mania is under further review.
  9. The names for all of the sets were revealed, I for one am excited to see what toad's treasure hunt is.
  10. Although I am hoping that a lot of projects get approved from this batch, I think only 5 max will be approved. (I acknowledge 3 from a while ago was large, but this is a batch of 26).
  11. So, there is that music moc contest, that is happening right now on ideas. One of the submissions that made it to a finalist, turned out to be plagiarized. (It was a sony walkman).
  12. I am not sure if this is the right place to post this, but how do you all feel about the controversy that is happening over the new LEGO ideas contest?
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