Everything posted by chris6507
Wizarding World 2025 - Rumors & Discussion
They did have the Moaning Myrtle in the Dark Bluish Gray and White from the 2022 advent calendar. I think that one is perfect. Light grey might be a bit too light, I think.
[OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Retiring SOON!
While this set looks amazing, there's no instructions for it yet are there? I couldn't bear the idea of stopping and starting a video through a several hour build.
[OFFICIAL] Pirate Quartermaster - Collectible Minifigure Series 27
I find the proportions are the things that feels off to me! With short legs and huge hair, it feels like there's 30% minifigure below the waist and 70% above. Just makes if look really oddly proportioned. Don't think it would look as bad if it didn't have such a "tall" hairpiece.
[OFFICIAL] 10320 Eldorado Fortress - Retiring SOON!
Hey all, just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on what the best MOC is that I can build with two copies of Eldorado. And yes, i'm and Emmet, so I need to follow instructions. Lol. I've been looking at eldorado extension 1 and 2 by howell4bricks on rebrickable and wondering if anyone has an opinion on which one they think is better or if there's any other alternatives that people can suggest? Cheers!
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I suppose if the set is just Bag End without any further Hobbiton, they could do something similiar to the UCS Millennium Falcon and Collectors Edition Hogwarts Express and have both sets of minifigures you'd expect from both Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. Realistically to have it be both, all you would really need is The Hobbit figures and the an Old Bilbo and Frodo to turn it from a one movie set to an either or set. Personally I already have all the dwarfs, so i'm not too invested either way. But seems like the easiest route for LEGO to take to cover all bases at a relatively low additional cost. I just hope it's a beautiful looking set. I still haven't got Barad-Dur as I can't justify paying full price for that set without a bloody good GWP coming with it! Find GWP's a bit lacking in excitement this year, especially at Christmas.
Latest impact of other themes on historic themes
How do shops have these 2 months early? It's insane! Probably wint be in Aus for 3 months! Hope i can get just 5. Im not greedy! :-D
Latest impact of other themes on historic themes
Thanks, I wasn't sure, but I have seen people do it before, so thought it must be okay. Thanks for clarifying.
Latest impact of other themes on historic themes
I just used searched for images on google. Found it on eggo_my_lego_stl Instagram page. Second line down. Hope that's okay to share.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I was going to say the same thing. I was undecided about whether I was going to get it as i'm a bit over building great halls as this is the 3rd i've bought. But really hoping like you that this is a minifigure scale version of the microscale set. Either way, this is the last time i'm starting again. I really, really enjoyed the main build, but the dungeon rooms is where it felt cheap to me. I don't mind that the rooms pull out and open up, but hate how cheap they've gone on the walls. Whish the walls more than anything were fully fleshed out and made it really feel like a full room. On the whole though, it was really nice to be building more than just "boxes" which is all the last few years Hogwarts have felt like.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
It was available. It's just sold out already. I was on the fence about it, so I looked last night and it was definitely available round 1am when I looked and I looked again maybe 11am or so and it was still available, but when I checked again after lunch, it was gone. Part of me has FOMO, but I couldn't bring myself to spend $700 right now just to get the GWP just because it was Lord of the Rings, because to be honest, it's one of the worst GWP's i've ever seen! I'll admit though... if LEGO had just sprung for two stickers for eyes... I would have bought it last night.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
How did you find out that the great hall is the only one they're getting?
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Really struggling to know whether to pull the pin tonight or not. I'm excited to build Barad-Dur, but with the small minifigure selection (which is really only 8 if you have Rivendell), the lackluster GWP and the fact it's getting put away for my birthday which isn't til September. I'm wondering whether it's worth waiting for a better price or better GWP. But at the same time, even though I don't like the GWP it'll still be a Lord of the Rings set i'm missing. Anyhow, does anyone have any further analysis as to whether this is going to be completely exclusive to LEGO or whether other retailers are going to be selling this? Rivendell I could get for at least 20% less from other retailers, but not sure if this will be the same or not. In relation to this question, does anybody know when a new set is released how to tell whether it's going to be completely exclusive to LEGO such as sets like Lion Knights castle or whether it's going to be available at other retailers? There seems to be 3 types of release... LEGO exclusive, LEGO and specialist toy store exclusive and then the general release that all retailers have. I can never tell what it is until often several weeks after release.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Still remember seeing Return of the King for the first time as part of a movie marathon. Obviously not as long as the extended editions. But went in round 8pm and came out round 6am the next morning. Was a great experience. But still remember how excited I was being there throughout The Fellowship Of The Ring, Then having to hold my eyes open during The Two Towers and then absolutely buzzing and awake by Return Of The King. Really don't think there will ever be an experience like that again. Sorry, I know my comment is not LEGO related. Just previous comments making me reminisce. :-D
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
For the most part i've worked it out. You have to remove the 6x24 plate and split the gates onto 2 seperate 2x12 plates. You then need to also split 3x 1x8 tiles and 1x 2x2 tile. Then the gates just clip into the sides. The only problem with it is the rocks don't actually connect to anything and are nowhere near tall enough to not look stupid at the sides. Pretty sure they've been stretched in that picture as they don't come nearly that high as they are.
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I've just bricklinked the parts to double my Black Gate set ready to go with Barad-Dur. Just wondering if anyone has a link or maybe their own instructions they might be able to share for converting it into a large 2 gate version rather than the 4 door version that LEGO encourages in the manual. Would love it to look like the follwing, but i'm a bit of an Emmet and like following instructions. Terrible at MOCing. Lol.
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Has anyone else played LEGO Dimensions before? My wife and I have picked it up again after a 4 year break and the second level we played was one based in Metropolis with Sauron as the villain. It was quite funny as Sauron walks up all intimidating towards the civilians and as he gets closer to them all it turns out he is just regular minifigure size. Cracked me up after all the discussion on here about Saurons size. Also thought it was interesting whilst not exactly Canon that it shows Saurons throne inside Barad-Dur. So for those wondering what's inside Barad-Dur... It's a very tall empty cylindrical room with a throne in the middle!
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
- Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
I'm definitely not against them making smaller sets, and agree the original few waves of the Harry Potter reboot were great. I was originally buying everything and then it started not just repeating and getting more and more expensive but coming a bit too thick and too fast. For now i'm just going to enjoy the Lord of the Rings sets with one big beautiful build at a time and a breather for my wallet in between. :-) I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be quite this chill about it if I didn't have the old sets though. I'll admit that! It's not all about me after all! Given that the characters in Lord of the Rings don't exactly have a lot of costume changes if there was to be a CMF (Which I don't see happening), what do you all think would be in it given that it would have to appeal to a wider audience they probably wouldn't do super obscure characters?
Lord of the Rings Ongoing Discussion
All I know is that as someone who has been an avid Harry Potter theme collector who is feeling very, very burnt out by the theme this year (and it's constant repeats). I am loving the once a year huge Lord of the Rings sets. Finding since i've gotten into the larger D2C sets that I have very little interest in displaying smaller sets now. Even my old Helms Deep set feels too small and basic to want to build and display now. But maybe i'm just not that desperate for smaller sets because I have most of the old ones and have a near complete figure line up anyway. So glad I got my wife the Smaug set for Christmas when it came out after seeing the price of that guy now! Lol.
[OFFICIAL] Bricklink Designer Program - "Ominous Isle" - PRE-ORDERS END June 30
How do they make it too hard to get your hands of them? Only asking because I really like the Forestmen Hideout that's crowdfunding in October.
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